!http://github.com/jaymcgavren/rubyonacid/raw/master/generators.png! h1. Ruby On Acid A Ruby library for making trippy visuals. h1. Factories The factory is the core concept of Ruby On Acid. You create a factory of a particular type, and then anywhere in your code that you need a value within a certain range, you get it from the factory. For example, if you need x and y coordinates for drawing on a 800 x 600 window, you would tell a factory that you need a value for :x from 0 to 800, and a value for :y from 0 to 600. If you later wanted to change drawing patterns, you could simply swap out factories. h1. Roadmap * A factory that evaluates the last value for 2 keys and modifies a third based on them. (Example, change the size of rectangles based on their x and y coordinates. * Skip Factory: Add probability matrix [0.5, 0.9, 0.1...] that causes get_unit() to return true every time rand() is > given value. Also add mask value (0.1, 0.9), etc, that is added to random value to increase likelihood of returning true. h1. Copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Jay McGavren. See LICENSE for details.