# encoding: utf-8
module Github
# The Status API allows external services to mark commits with a success,
# failure, error, or pending state, which is then reflected in pull requests
# involving those commits.
class Repos::Statuses < API
].freeze # :nodoc:
REQUIRED_PARAMS = %w[ state ].freeze # :nodoc:
# List Statuses for a specific SHA
# = Examples
# github = Github.new
# github.repos.statuses.list 'user-name', 'repo-name', 'sha'
# github.repos.statuses.list 'user-name', 'repo-name', 'sha' { |status| ... }
def list(*args)
arguments(args, :required => [:user, :repo, :sha])
params = arguments.params
response = get_request("/repos/#{user}/#{repo}/statuses/#{sha}", params)
return response unless block_given?
response.each { |el| yield el }
alias :all :list
# Create a status
# = Inputs
# * :state - Required string - State of the status - can be one of
# pending, success, error, or failure.
# * :target_url - Optional string - Target url to associate with this
# status. This URL will be linked from the GitHub UI to allow users
# to easily see the ‘source’ of the Status.
# * :description - Optional string - Short description of the status
# = Examples
# github = Github.new
# github.repos.statuses.create 'user-name', 'repo-name', 'sha',
# "state" => "success",
# "target_url" => "http://ci.example.com/johndoe/my-repo/builds/sha",
# "description" => "Successful build #3 from origin/master"
def create(*args)
arguments(args, :required => [:user, :repo, :sha]) do
sift VALID_STATUS_PARAM_NAMES, :recursive => false
assert_required REQUIRED_PARAMS
params = arguments.params
post_request("/repos/#{user}/#{repo}/statuses/#{sha}", params)
end # Repos::Statuses
end # Github