class RodauthApp < Rodauth::Rails::App configure do # List of authentication features that are loaded. enable :create_account, :verify_account, :verify_account_grace_period, :login, :remember, :logout, :reset_password, :change_password, :change_password_notify, :change_login, :verify_login_change, :close_account # See the Rodauth documentation for the list of available config options: # # ==> General # Specify the controller used for view rendering and CSRF verification. rails_controller { RodauthController } # Store account status in a text column. account_status_column :status account_unverified_status_value "unverified" account_open_status_value "verified" account_closed_status_value "closed" # Store password hash in a column instead of a separate table. # account_password_hash_column :password_digest # Set password when creating account instead of when verifying. verify_account_set_password? false # Redirect back to originally requested location after authentication. # login_return_to_requested_location? true # two_factor_auth_return_to_requested_location? true # if using MFA # Autologin the user after they have reset their password. # reset_password_autologin? true # Delete the account record when the user has closed their account. # delete_account_on_close? true # Redirect to the app from login and registration pages if already logged in. # already_logged_in { redirect login_redirect } # ==> Emails # Uncomment the lines below once you've imported mailer views. # send_reset_password_email do # RodauthMailer.reset_password(email_to, reset_password_email_link).deliver_now # end # send_verify_account_email do # RodauthMailer.verify_account(email_to, verify_account_email_link).deliver_now # end # send_verify_login_change_email do |login| # RodauthMailer.verify_login_change(login, verify_login_change_old_login, verify_login_change_new_login, verify_login_change_email_link).deliver_now # end # send_password_changed_email do # RodauthMailer.password_changed(email_to).deliver_now # end # # send_email_auth_email do # # RodauthMailer.email_auth(email_to, email_auth_email_link).deliver_now # # end # # send_unlock_account_email do <% if Rodauth::MAJOR == 1 -%> # # @unlock_account_key_value = get_unlock_account_key <% end -%> # # RodauthMailer.unlock_account(email_to, unlock_account_email_link).deliver_now # # end # In the meantime you can tweak settings for emails created by Rodauth # email_subject_prefix "[MyApp] " # email_from "" # send_email(&:deliver_later) # reset_password_email_body { "Click here to reset your password: #{reset_password_email_link}" } # ==> Flash # Match flash keys with ones already used in the Rails app. # flash_notice_key :success # default is :notice # flash_error_key :error # default is :alert # Override default flash messages. # create_account_notice_flash "Your account has been created. Please verify your account by visiting the confirmation link sent to your email address." # require_login_error_flash "Login is required for accessing this page" # login_notice_flash nil # ==> Validation # Override default validation error messages. # no_matching_login_message "user with this email address doesn't exist" # already_an_account_with_this_login_message "user with this email address already exists" # password_too_short_message { "needs to have at least #{password_minimum_length} characters" } # login_does_not_meet_requirements_message { "invalid email#{", #{login_requirement_message}" if login_requirement_message}" } # Change minimum number of password characters required when creating an account. # password_minimum_length 8 # ==> Remember Feature # Remember all logged in users. after_login { remember_login } # Or only remember users that have ticked a "Remember Me" checkbox on login. # after_login { remember_login if param_or_nil("remember") } # Extend user's remember period when remembered via a cookie extend_remember_deadline? true # ==> Hooks # Validate custom fields in the create account form. # before_create_account do # throw_error_status(422, "name", "must be present") if param("name").empty? # end # Perform additional actions after the account is created. # after_create_account do # Profile.create!(account_id: account[:id], name: param("name")) # end # Do additional cleanup after the account is closed. # after_close_account do # Profile.find_by!(account_id: account[:id]).destroy # end # ==> Redirects # Redirect to home page after logout. logout_redirect "/" # Redirect to wherever login redirects to after account verification. verify_account_redirect { login_redirect } # Redirect to login page after password reset. reset_password_redirect { login_path } # ==> Deadlines # Change default deadlines for some actions. # verify_account_grace_period 3.days # reset_password_deadline_interval Hash[hours: 6] # verify_login_change_deadline_interval Hash[days: 2] # remember_deadline_interval Hash[days: 30] # ==> Extending # Define any additional methods you want for the Rodauth object. # auth_class_eval do # def my_send_email(name, *args) # AuthenticationMailer.public_send(name, *args).deliver_later # end # end # # Then use the new custom method in configuration blocks. # send_reset_password_email do # my_send_email(:reset_password, email_to, reset_password_email_link) # end end # ==> Multiple configurations # configure(:admin) do # enable :http_basic_auth # # prefix "/admin" # session_key :admin_id # end route do |r| rodauth.load_memory # autologin remembered users r.rodauth # route rodauth requests # ==> Authenticating Requests # Call `rodauth.require_authentication` for requests that you want to # require authentication for. Some examples: # # next if r.path.start_with?("/docs") # skip authentication for documentation pages # next if session[:admin] # skip authentication for admins # # # authenticate /dashboard/* and /account/* requests # if r.path.start_with?("/dashboard") || r.path.start_with?("/account") # rodauth.require_authentication # end # ==> Multiple configurations # r.on "admin" do # r.rodauth(:admin) # # unless rodauth(:admin).logged_in? # rodauth(:admin).require_http_basic_auth # end # end end end