# This file is part of Metasm, the Ruby assembly manipulation suite # Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Yoann GUILLOT # # Licence is LGPL, see LICENCE in the top-level directory module Metasm VERSION = 0x0001 # major major minor minor # superclass for all metasm exceptions class Exception < RuntimeError ; end # parse error class ParseError < Exception ; end # invalid exeformat signature class InvalidExeFormat < Exception ; end # cannot honor .offset specification, reloc fixup overflow class EncodeError < Exception ; end # holds context of a processor # endianness, current mode, opcode list... class CPU attr_accessor :valid_args, :valid_props, :fields_mask attr_accessor :endianness, :size attr_accessor :generate_PIC def opcode_list @opcode_list ||= init_opcode_list end def opcode_list=(l) @opcode_list = l end def initialize @fields_mask = {} @fields_shift= {} @valid_args = [] @valid_props = [:setip, :saveip, :stopexec] @generate_PIC = true end # returns a hash opcode_name => array of opcodes with this name def opcode_list_byname @opcode_list_byname ||= opcode_list.inject({}) { |h, o| (h[o.name] ||= []) << o ; h } end # sets up the C parser : standard macro definitions, type model (size of int etc) def tune_cparser(cp) case @size when 64; cp.lp64 when 32; cp.ilp32 when 16; cp.ilp16 end cp.endianness = @endianness cp.lexer.define_weak('_STDC', 1) # TODO gcc -dM -E - </dev/null tune_prepro(cp.lexer) end def tune_prepro(pp) # TODO pp.define('BIGENDIAN') end # return a new AsmPreprocessor def new_asmprepro(str='', exe=nil) pp = AsmPreprocessor.new(str, exe) tune_prepro(pp) exe.tune_prepro(pp) if exe pp end # returns a new & tuned C::Parser def new_cparser C::Parser.new(self) end # returns a new C::Compiler def new_ccompiler(parser, exe=ExeFormat.new) exe.cpu = self if not exe.instance_variable_get("@cpu") C::Compiler.new(parser, exe) end def shortname self.class.name.sub(/.*::/, '').downcase end end # generic CPU, with no instructions, just size/endianness class UnknownCPU < CPU def initialize(size, endianness) super() @size, @endianness = size, endianness end end # a cpu instruction 'formal' description class Opcode # the name of the instruction attr_accessor :name # formal description of arguments (array of cpu-specific symbols) attr_accessor :args # binary encoding of the opcode (integer for risc, array of bytes for cisc) attr_accessor :bin # list of bit fields in the binary encoding # hash position => field # position is bit shift for risc, [byte index, bit shift] for risc # field is cpu-specific attr_accessor :fields # hash of opcode generic properties/restrictions (mostly property => true/false) attr_accessor :props # binary mask for decoding attr_accessor :bin_mask def initialize(name, bin=nil) @name = name @bin = bin @args = [] @fields = {} @props = {} end def basename @name.sub(/\..*/, '') end end # defines an attribute self.backtrace (array of filename/lineno) # and a method backtrace_str which dumps this array to a human-readable form module Backtrace # array [file, lineno, file, lineno] # if file 'A' does #include 'B' you'll get ['A', linenoA, 'B', linenoB] attr_accessor :backtrace # builds a readable string from self.backtrace def backtrace_str Backtrace.backtrace_str(@backtrace) end # builds a readable backtrace string from an array of [file, lineno, file, lineno, ..] def self.backtrace_str(ary) return '' if not ary i = ary.length bt = '' while i > 0 bt << ",\n\tincluded from " if ary[i] i -= 2 bt << "#{ary[i].inspect} line #{ary[i+1]}" end bt end def exception(msg='syntax error') ParseError.new "at #{backtrace_str}: #{msg}" end end # an instruction: opcode name + arguments class Instruction # arguments (cpu-specific objects) attr_accessor :args # hash of prefixes (unused in simple cpus) attr_accessor :prefix # name of the associated opcode attr_accessor :opname # reference to the cpu which issued this instruction (used for rendering) attr_accessor :cpu include Backtrace def initialize(cpu, opname=nil, args=[], pfx=nil, backtrace=nil) @cpu = cpu @opname = opname @args = args @prefix = pfx if pfx @backtrace = backtrace end # duplicates the argument list and prefix hash def dup Instruction.new(@cpu, (@opname.dup if opname), @args.dup, (@prefix.dup if prefix), (@backtrace.dup if backtrace)) end end # all kind of data description (including repeated/uninitialized) class Data # maps data type to Expression parameters (signedness/bit size) INT_TYPE = {'db' => :a8, 'dw' => :a16, 'dd' => :a32, 'dq' => :a64} # an Expression, an Array of Data, a String, or :uninitialized attr_accessor :data # the data type, from INT_TYPE (TODO store directly Expression parameters ?) attr_accessor :type # the repetition count of the data parameter (dup constructs) attr_accessor :count include Backtrace def initialize(type, data, count=1, backtrace=nil) @data, @type, @count, @backtrace = data, type, count, backtrace end end # a name for a location class Label attr_accessor :name include Backtrace def initialize(name, backtrace=nil) @name, @backtrace = name, backtrace end end # alignment directive class Align # the size to align to attr_accessor :val # the Data used to pad attr_accessor :fillwith include Backtrace def initialize(val, fillwith=nil, backtrace=nil) @val, @fillwith, @backtrace = val, fillwith, backtrace end end # padding directive class Padding # Data used to pad attr_accessor :fillwith include Backtrace def initialize(fillwith=nil, backtrace=nil) @fillwith, @backtrace = fillwith, backtrace end end # offset directive # can be used to fix padding length or to assert some code/data compiled length class Offset # the assembler will arrange to make this pseudo-instruction # be at this offset from beginning of current section attr_accessor :val include Backtrace def initialize(val, backtrace=nil) @val, @backtrace = val, backtrace end end # the superclass of all real executable formats # main methods: # self.decode(str) => decodes the file format (imports/relocs/etc), no asm disassembly # parse(source) => parses assembler source, fills self.source # assemble => assembles self.source in binary sections/segments/whatever # encode => builds imports/relocs tables, put all this together, links everything in self.encoded class ExeFormat # array of Data/Instruction/Align/Padding/Offset/Label, populated in parse attr_accessor :cursource # contains the binary version of the compiled program (EncodedData) attr_accessor :encoded # hash of labels generated by new_label attr_accessor :unique_labels_cache # initializes self.cpu, creates an empty self.encoded def initialize(cpu=nil) @cpu = cpu @encoded = EncodedData.new @unique_labels_cache = {} end attr_writer :cpu # custom reader def cpu @cpu ||= cpu_from_headers end # return the label name corresponding to the specified offset of the encodeddata, creates it if necessary def label_at(edata, offset, base = '') if not l = edata.inv_export[offset] edata.add_export(l = new_label(base), offset) end l end # creates a new label, that is guaranteed to never be returned again as long as this object (ExeFormat) exists def new_label(base = '') base = base.dup.tr('^a-zA-Z0-9_', '_') # use %x instead of to_s(16) for negative values base = (base << '_uuid' << ('%08x' % base.object_id)).freeze if base.empty? or @unique_labels_cache[base] @unique_labels_cache[base] = true base end # share self.unique_labels_cache with other, checks for conflicts, returns self def share_namespace(other) return self if other.unique_labels_cache.equal? @unique_labels_cache raise "share_ns #{(other.unique_labels_cache.keys & @unique_labels_cache.keys).inspect}" if !(other.unique_labels_cache.keys & @unique_labels_cache.keys).empty? @unique_labels_cache.update other.unique_labels_cache other.unique_labels_cache = @unique_labels_cache self end end # superclass for classes similar to Expression # must define #bind, #reduce_rec, #match_rec, #externals class ExpressionType def +(o) Expression[self, :+, o].reduce end def -(o) Expression[self, :-, o].reduce end end # handle immediate values, and arbitrary arithmetic/logic expression involving variables # boolean values are treated as in C : true is 1, false is 0 # TODO replace #type with #size => bits + #type => [:signed/:unsigned/:any/:floating] # TODO handle floats class Expression < ExpressionType INT_SIZE = {} INT_MIN = {} INT_MAX = {} [8, 16, 32, 64].each { |sz| INT_SIZE["i#{sz}".to_sym] = INT_SIZE["u#{sz}".to_sym] = INT_SIZE["a#{sz}".to_sym] = sz INT_MIN["a#{sz}".to_sym] = INT_MIN["i#{sz}".to_sym] = -(1 << (sz-1)) # -0x8000 INT_MIN["u#{sz}".to_sym] = 0 INT_MAX["i#{sz}".to_sym] = (1 << (sz-1)) - 1 # 0x7fff INT_MAX["a#{sz}".to_sym] = INT_MAX["u#{sz}".to_sym] = (1 << sz) - 1 # 0xffff } # alternative constructor # in operands order, and allows nesting using sub-arrays # ex: Expression[[:-, 42], :*, [1, :+, [4, :*, 7]]] # with a single argument, return it if already an Expression, else construct a new one (using unary +/-) def self.[](l, op=nil, r=nil) if not r # need to shift args if not op raise ArgumentError, 'invalid Expression[nil]' if not l return l if l.kind_of? Expression if l.kind_of? ::Numeric and l < 0 r = -l op = :'-' else r = l op = :'+' end else r = op op = l end l = nil else l = self[*l] if l.kind_of? ::Array end r = self[*r] if r.kind_of? ::Array new(op, r, l) end # checks if a given Expression/Integer is in the type range # returns true if it is, false if it overflows, and nil if cannot be determined (eg unresolved variable) def self.in_range?(val, type) val = val.reduce if val.kind_of? self return unless val.kind_of? ::Numeric if INT_MIN[type] val == val.to_i and val >= INT_MIN[type] and val <= INT_MAX[type] end end # casts an unsigned value to a two-complement signed if the sign bit is set def self.make_signed(val, bitlength) if val.kind_of? Integer val = val - (1 << bitlength) if val >> (bitlength - 1) == 1 end val end # the operator (symbol) attr_accessor :op # the lefthandside expression (nil for unary expressions) attr_accessor :lexpr # the righthandside expression attr_accessor :rexpr # basic constructor # XXX funny args order, you should use +Expression[]+ instead def initialize(op, rexpr, lexpr) raise ArgumentError, "Expression: invalid arg order: #{[lexpr, op, rexpr].inspect}" if not op.kind_of? ::Symbol @op, @lexpr, @rexpr = op, lexpr, rexpr end # recursive check of equity using #== # will not match 1+2 and 2+1 def ==(o) # shortcircuit recursion o.object_id == object_id or (o.kind_of?(Expression) and @op == o.op and @lexpr == o.lexpr and @rexpr == o.rexpr) end # make it useable as Hash key (see +==+) def hash (@lexpr.hash + @op.hash + @rexpr.hash) & 0x7fff_ffff end alias eql? == # returns a new Expression with all variables found in the binding replaced with their value # does not check the binding's key class except for numeric # calls lexpr/rexpr #bind if they respond_to? it def bind(binding = {}) if binding[self] return binding[self].dup end l, r = @lexpr, @rexpr if l and binding[l] raise "internal error - bound #{l.inspect}" if l.kind_of? ::Numeric l = binding[l] elsif l.kind_of? ExpressionType l = l.bind(binding) end if r and binding[r] raise "internal error - bound #{r.inspect}" if r.kind_of? ::Numeric r = binding[r] elsif r.kind_of? ExpressionType r = r.bind(binding) end Expression[l, @op, r] end # bind in place (replace self.lexpr/self.rexpr with the binding value) # only recurse with Expressions (does not use respond_to?) def bind!(binding = {}) if @lexpr.kind_of?(Expression) @lexpr.bind!(binding) elsif @lexpr @lexpr = binding[@lexpr] || @lexpr end if @rexpr.kind_of?(Expression) @rexpr.bind!(binding) elsif @rexpr @rexpr = binding[@rexpr] || @rexpr end self end # reduce_lambda is a callback called after the standard reduction procedure for custom algorithms # the lambda may return a new expression or nil (to keep the old expr) # exemple: lambda { |e| e.lexpr if e.kind_of? Expression and e.op == :& and e.rexpr == 0xffff_ffff } # returns old lambda def self.reduce_lambda(&b) old = @@reduce_lambda @@reduce_lambda = b if block_given? old end def self.reduce_lambda=(p) @@reduce_lambda = p end @@reduce_lambda = nil # returns a simplified copy of self # can return an +Expression+ or a +Numeric+, may return self # see +reduce_rec+ for simplifications description # if given a block, it will temporarily overwrite the global @@reduce_lambda XXX THIS IS NOT THREADSAFE def reduce(&b) old_rp, @@reduce_lambda = @@reduce_lambda, b if b case e = reduce_rec when Expression, Numeric; e else Expression[e] end ensure @@reduce_lambda = old_rp if b end # resolves logic operations (true || false, etc) # computes numeric operations (1 + 3) # expands substractions to addition of the opposite # reduces double-oppositions (-(-1) => 1) # reduces addition of 0 and unary + # canonicalize additions: put variables in the lhs, descend addition tree in the rhs => (a + (b + (c + 12))) # make formal reduction if finds somewhere in addition tree (a) and (-a) def reduce_rec l = @lexpr.kind_of?(ExpressionType) ? @lexpr.reduce_rec : @lexpr r = @rexpr.kind_of?(ExpressionType) ? @rexpr.reduce_rec : @rexpr if @@reduce_lambda l = @@reduce_lambda[l] || l if not @lexpr.kind_of? Expression r = @@reduce_lambda[r] || r if not @rexpr.kind_of? Expression end v = if r.kind_of?(::Numeric) and (l == nil or l.kind_of?(::Numeric)) # calculate numerics if [:'&&', :'||', :'>', :'<', :'>=', :'<=', :'==', :'!='].include?(@op) # bool expr raise 'internal error' if not l case @op when :'&&'; (l != 0) && (r != 0) when :'||'; (l != 0) || (r != 0) when :'>' ; l > r when :'>='; l >= r when :'<' ; l < r when :'<='; l <= r when :'=='; l == r when :'!='; l != r end ? 1 : 0 elsif not l case @op when :'!'; (r == 0) ? 1 : 0 when :+; r when :-; -r when :~; ~r end else # use ruby evaluator l.send(@op, r) end elsif @op == :'&&' if l == 0 # shortcircuit eval 0 elsif l == 1 Expression[r, :'!=', 0].reduce_rec elsif r == 0 0 # XXX l could be a special ExprType with sideeffects ? end elsif @op == :'||' if l.kind_of? ::Numeric and l != 0 # shortcircuit eval 1 elsif l == 0 Expression[r, :'!=', 0].reduce_rec elsif r == 0 Expression[l, :'!=', 0].reduce_rec end elsif @op == :>> or @op == :<< if l == 0; 0 elsif r == 0; l elsif l.kind_of? Expression and l.op == @op Expression[l.lexpr, @op, [l.rexpr, :+, r]].reduce_rec # XXX (a >> 1) << 1 != a (lose low bit) # XXX (a << 1) >> 1 != a (with real cpus, lose high bit) # (a | b) << i elsif r.kind_of? Integer and l.kind_of? Expression and [:&, :|, :^].include? l.op Expression[[l.lexpr, @op, r], l.op, [l.rexpr, @op, r]].reduce_rec end elsif @op == :'!' if r.kind_of? Expression and op = {:'==' => :'!=', :'!=' => :'==', :< => :>=, :> => :<=, :<= => :>, :>= => :<}[r.op] Expression[r.lexpr, op, r.rexpr].reduce_rec end elsif @op == :== if l == r; 1 elsif r == 0 and l.kind_of? Expression and op = {:'==' => :'!=', :'!=' => :'==', :< => :>=, :> => :<=, :<= => :>, :>= => :<}[l.op] Expression[l.lexpr, op, l.rexpr].reduce_rec elsif r == 1 and l.kind_of? Expression and op = {:'==' => :'!=', :'!=' => :'==', :< => :>=, :> => :<=, :<= => :>, :>= => :<}[l.op] l elsif r == 0 and l.kind_of? Expression and l.op == :+ if l.rexpr.kind_of? Expression and l.rexpr.op == :- and not l.rexpr.lexpr Expression[l.lexpr, @op, l.rexpr.rexpr].reduce_rec elsif l.rexpr.kind_of? ::Integer Expression[l.lexpr, @op, -l.rexpr].reduce_rec end end elsif @op == :'!=' if l == r; 0 end elsif @op == :^ if l == :unknown or r == :unknown; :unknown elsif l == 0; r elsif r == 0; l elsif l == r; 0 elsif r == 1 and l.kind_of? Expression and [:'==', :'!=', :<, :>, :<=, :>=].include? l.op Expression[nil, :'!', l].reduce_rec elsif l.kind_of?(::Numeric) if r.kind_of? Expression and r.op == :^ # 1^(x^y) => x^(y^1) Expression[r.lexpr, :^, [r.rexpr, :^, l]].reduce_rec else # 1^a => a^1 Expression[r, :^, l].reduce_rec end elsif l.kind_of? Expression and l.op == :^ # (a^b)^c => a^(b^c) Expression[l.lexpr, :^, [l.rexpr, :^, r]].reduce_rec elsif r.kind_of? Expression and r.op == :^ if r.rexpr == l # a^(a^b) => b r.lexpr elsif r.lexpr == l # a^(b^a) => b r.rexpr else # a^(b^(c^(a^d))) => b^(a^(c^(a^d))) # XXX ugly.. tr = r found = false while not found and tr.kind_of?(Expression) and tr.op == :^ found = true if tr.lexpr == l or tr.rexpr == l tr = tr.rexpr end if found Expression[r.lexpr, :^, [l, :^, r.rexpr]].reduce_rec end end elsif l.kind_of?(Expression) and l.op == :& and l.rexpr.kind_of?(::Integer) and (l.rexpr & (l.rexpr+1)) == 0 if r.kind_of?(::Integer) and r & l.rexpr == r # (a&0xfff)^12 => (a^12)&0xfff Expression[[l.lexpr, :^, r], :&, l.rexpr].reduce_rec elsif r.kind_of?(Expression) and r.op == :& and r.rexpr.kind_of?(::Integer) and r.rexpr == l.rexpr # (a&0xfff)^(b&0xfff) => (a^b)&0xfff Expression[[l.lexpr, :^, r.lexpr], :&, l.rexpr].reduce_rec end end elsif @op == :& if l == 0 or r == 0; 0 elsif r == 1 and l.kind_of?(Expression) and [:'==', :'!=', :<, :>, :<=, :>=].include?(l.op) l elsif l == r; l elsif l.kind_of?(Integer); Expression[r, @op, l].reduce_rec elsif l.kind_of?(Expression) and l.op == @op; Expression[l.lexpr, @op, [l.rexpr, @op, r]].reduce_rec elsif l.kind_of?(Expression) and [:|, :^].include?(l.op) and r.kind_of?(Integer) and (l.op == :| or (r & (r+1)) != 0) # (a ^| b) & i => (a&i ^| b&i) Expression[[l.lexpr, :&, r], l.op, [l.rexpr, :&, r]].reduce_rec elsif r.kind_of?(::Integer) and l.kind_of?(Expression) and (r & (r+1)) == 0 # foo & 0xffff reduce_rec_mod2(l, r) end elsif @op == :| if l == 0; r elsif r == 0; l elsif l == -1 or r == -1; -1 elsif l == r; l elsif l.kind_of? Integer; Expression[r, @op, l].reduce_rec elsif l.kind_of? Expression and l.op == @op; Expression[l.lexpr, @op, [l.rexpr, @op, r]].reduce_rec end elsif @op == :* if l == 0 or r == 0; 0 elsif l == 1; r elsif r == 1; l elsif r.kind_of? Integer; Expression[r, @op, l].reduce_rec elsif r.kind_of? Expression and r.op == @op; Expression[[l, @op, r.lexpr], @op, r.rexpr].reduce_rec elsif l.kind_of? Integer and r.kind_of? Expression and r.op == :* and r.lexpr.kind_of? Integer; Expression[l*r.lexpr, :*, r.rexpr].reduce_rec # XXX need & regsize.. elsif l.kind_of? Integer and r.kind_of? Expression and r.op == :+ and r.rexpr.kind_of? Integer; Expression[[l, :*, r.lexpr], :+, l*r.rexpr].reduce_rec end elsif @op == :/ if r == 0 elsif r.kind_of? Integer and l.kind_of? Expression and l.op == :+ and l.rexpr.kind_of? Integer and l.rexpr % r == 0 Expression[[l.lexpr, :/, r], :+, l.rexpr/r].reduce_rec elsif r.kind_of? Integer and l.kind_of? Expression and l.op == :* and l.lexpr % r == 0 Expression[l.lexpr/r, :*, l.rexpr].reduce_rec end elsif @op == :- if l == :unknown or r == :unknown; :unknown elsif not l and r.kind_of? Expression and (r.op == :- or r.op == :+) if r.op == :- # no lexpr (reduced) # -(-x) => x r.rexpr else # :+ and lexpr (r is reduced) # -(a+b) => (-a)+(-b) Expression[[:-, r.lexpr], :+, [:-, r.rexpr]].reduce_rec end elsif l.kind_of? Expression and l.op == :+ and l.lexpr == r # shortcircuit for a common occurence [citation needed] # (a+b)-a l.rexpr elsif l # a-b => a+(-b) Expression[l, :+, [:-, r]].reduce_rec end elsif @op == :+ if l == :unknown or r == :unknown; :unknown elsif not l; r # +x => x elsif r == 0; l # x+0 => x elsif l.kind_of?(::Numeric) if r.kind_of? Expression and r.op == :+ # 1+(x+y) => x+(y+1) Expression[r.lexpr, :+, [r.rexpr, :+, l]].reduce_rec else # 1+a => a+1 Expression[r, :+, l].reduce_rec end # (a+b)+foo => a+(b+foo) elsif l.kind_of? Expression and l.op == @op; Expression[l.lexpr, @op, [l.rexpr, @op, r]].reduce_rec elsif l.kind_of? Expression and r.kind_of? Expression and l.op == :% and r.op == :% and l.rexpr.kind_of?(::Integer) and l.rexpr == r.rexpr Expression[[l.lexpr, :+, r.lexpr], :%, l.rexpr].reduce_rec else reduce_rec_add(l, r) end end ret = case v when nil # no dup if no new value (r == :unknown or l == :unknown) ? :unknown : ((r == @rexpr and l == @lexpr) ? self : Expression[l, @op, r]) when Expression (v.lexpr == :unknown or v.rexpr == :unknown) ? :unknown : v else v end if @@reduce_lambda and ret.kind_of? ExpressionType and newret = @@reduce_lambda[ret] and newret != ret if newret.kind_of? ExpressionType ret = newret.reduce_rec else ret = newret end end ret end # a+(b+(c+(-a))) => b+c+0 # a+((-a)+(b+c)) => 0+b+c def reduce_rec_add(l, r) if l.kind_of? Expression and l.op == :- and not l.lexpr neg_l = l.rexpr else neg_l = Expression[:-, l] end # recursive search & replace -lexpr by 0 simplifier = lambda { |cur| if neg_l == cur # -l found 0 elsif cur.kind_of? Expression and cur.op == :+ # recurse if newl = simplifier[cur.lexpr] Expression[newl, cur.op, cur.rexpr].reduce_rec elsif newr = simplifier[cur.rexpr] Expression[cur.lexpr, cur.op, newr].reduce_rec end end } simplifier[r] end # expr & 0xffff def reduce_rec_mod2(e, mask) case e.op when :+, :^ if e.lexpr.kind_of?(Expression) and e.lexpr.op == :& and e.lexpr.rexpr.kind_of?(::Integer) and e.lexpr.rexpr & mask == mask # ((a&m) + b) & m => (a+b) & m Expression[[e.lexpr.lexpr, e.op, e.rexpr], :&, mask].reduce_rec elsif e.rexpr.kind_of?(Expression) and e.rexpr.op == :& and e.rexpr.rexpr.kind_of?(::Integer) and e.rexpr.rexpr & mask == mask # (a + (b&m)) & m => (a+b) & m Expression[[e.lexpr, e.op, e.rexpr.lexpr], :&, mask].reduce_rec else Expression[e, :&, mask] end when :| # rol/ror composition reduce_rec_composerol e, mask else Expression[e, :&, mask] end end # a check to see if an Expr is the composition of two rotations (rol eax, 4 ; rol eax, 6 => rol eax, 10) # this is a bit too ugly to stay in the main reduce_rec body. def reduce_rec_composerol(e, mask) m = Expression[['var', :sh_op, 'amt'], :|, ['var', :inv_sh_op, 'inv_amt']] if vars = e.match(m, 'var', :sh_op, 'amt', :inv_sh_op, 'inv_amt') and vars[:sh_op] == {:>> => :<<, :<< => :>>}[vars[:inv_sh_op]] and ((vars['amt'].kind_of?(::Integer) and vars['inv_amt'].kind_of?(::Integer) and ampl = vars['amt'] + vars['inv_amt']) or (vars['amt'].kind_of? Expression and vars['amt'].op == :% and vars['amt'].rexpr.kind_of? ::Integer and vars['inv_amt'].kind_of? Expression and vars['inv_amt'].op == :% and vars['amt'].rexpr == vars['inv_amt'].rexpr and ampl = vars['amt'].rexpr)) and mask == (1<<ampl)-1 and vars['var'].kind_of? Expression and # it's a rotation vars['var'].op == :& and vars['var'].rexpr == mask and ivars = vars['var'].lexpr.match(m, 'var', :sh_op, 'amt', :inv_sh_op, 'inv_amt') and ivars[:sh_op] == {:>> => :<<, :<< => :>>}[ivars[:inv_sh_op]] and ((ivars['amt'].kind_of?(::Integer) and ivars['inv_amt'].kind_of?(::Integer) and ampl = ivars['amt'] + ivars['inv_amt']) or (ivars['amt'].kind_of? Expression and ivars['amt'].op == :% and ivars['amt'].rexpr.kind_of? ::Integer and ivars['inv_amt'].kind_of? Expression and ivars['inv_amt'].op == :% and ivars['amt'].rexpr == ivars['inv_amt'].rexpr and ampl = ivars['amt'].rexpr)) if ivars[:sh_op] != vars[:sh_op] # ensure the rotations are the same orientation ivars[:sh_op], ivars[:inv_sh_op] = ivars[:inv_sh_op], ivars[:sh_op] ivars['amt'], ivars['inv_amt'] = ivars['inv_amt'], ivars['amt'] end amt = Expression[[vars['amt'], :+, ivars['amt']], :%, ampl] invamt = Expression[[vars['inv_amt'], :+, ivars['inv_amt']], :%, ampl] Expression[[[[ivars['var'], :&, mask], vars[:sh_op], amt], :|, [[ivars['var'], :&, mask], vars[:inv_sh_op], invamt]], :&, mask].reduce_rec else Expression[e, :&, mask] end end # a pattern-matching method # Expression[42, :+, 28].match(Expression['any', :+, 28], 'any') => {'any' => 42} # Expression[42, :+, 28].match(Expression['any', :+, 'any'], 'any') => false # Expression[42, :+, 42].match(Expression['any', :+, 'any'], 'any') => {'any' => 42} # vars can match anything except nil def match(target, *vars) match_rec(target, vars.inject({}) { |h, v| h.update v => nil }) end def match_rec(target, vars) return false if not target.kind_of? Expression [target.lexpr, target.op, target.rexpr].zip([@lexpr, @op, @rexpr]) { |targ, exp| if targ and vars[targ] return false if exp != vars[targ] elsif targ and vars.has_key? targ return false if not vars[targ] = exp elsif targ.kind_of? ExpressionType return false if not exp.kind_of? ExpressionType or not exp.match_rec(targ, vars) else return false if targ != exp end } vars end # returns the array of non-numeric members of the expression # if a variables appears 3 times, it will be present 3 times in the returned array def externals [@rexpr, @lexpr].inject([]) { |a, e| case e when ExpressionType; a.concat e.externals when nil, ::Numeric; a else a << e end } end # returns the externals that appears in the expression, does not walk through other ExpressionType def expr_externals [@rexpr, @lexpr].inject([]) { |a, e| case e when Expression; a.concat e.expr_externals when nil, ::Numeric, ExpressionType; a else a << e end } end def inspect "Expression[#{@lexpr.inspect.sub(/^Expression/, '') + ', ' if @lexpr}#{@op.inspect + ', ' if @lexpr or @op != :+}#{@rexpr.inspect.sub(/^Expression/, '')}]" end Unknown = self[:unknown] end # an EncodedData relocation, specifies a value to patch in class Relocation # the relocation value (an Expression) attr_accessor :target # the relocation expression type attr_accessor :type # the endianness of the relocation attr_accessor :endianness include Backtrace def initialize(target, type, endianness, backtrace = nil) raise ArgumentError, "bad args #{[target, type, endianness].inspect}" if not target.kind_of? Expression or not type.kind_of? ::Symbol or not endianness.kind_of? ::Symbol @target, @type, @endianness, @backtrace = target, type, endianness, backtrace end # fixup the encodeddata with value (reloc starts at off) def fixup(edata, off, value) str = Expression.encode_imm(value, @type, @endianness, @backtrace) edata.fill off edata.data[off, str.length] = str end # size of the relocation field, in bytes def length Expression::INT_SIZE[@type]/8 end end # a String-like, with export/relocation informations added class EncodedData # string with raw data attr_accessor :data # hash, key = offset within data, value = +Relocation+ attr_accessor :reloc # hash, key = export name, value = offset within data - use add_export to update attr_accessor :export # hash, key = offset, value = 1st export name attr_accessor :inv_export # virtual size of data (all 0 by default, see +fill+) attr_accessor :virtsize # arbitrary pointer, often used when decoding immediates # may be initialized with an export value attr_reader :ptr # custom writer def ptr=(p) @ptr = @export[p] || p end # opts' keys in :reloc, :export, :virtsize, defaults to empty/empty/data.length def initialize(data = '', opts={}) @data = data @reloc = opts[:reloc] || {} @export = opts[:export] || {} @inv_export = @export.invert @virtsize = opts[:virtsize] || @data.length @ptr = 0 end def add_export(label, off=@ptr, set_inv=false) @export[label] = off if set_inv or not @inv_export[off] @inv_export[off] = label end end def del_export(label, off=@ptr) @export.delete label if e = @export.index(off) @inv_export[off] = e else @inv_export.delete off end end # returns the size of raw data, that is [data.length, last relocation end].max def rawsize [@data.length, *@reloc.map { |off, rel| off + rel.length } ].max end # String-like alias length virtsize # String-like alias size virtsize def empty? @virtsize == 0 end def eos? ptr.to_i >= @virtsize end # returns a copy of itself, with reloc/export duped (but not deep) def dup self.class.new @data.dup, :reloc => @reloc.dup, :export => @export.dup, :virtsize => @virtsize end # resolve relocations: # calculate each reloc target using Expression#bind(binding) # if numeric, replace the raw data with the encoding of this value (+fill+s preceding data if needed) and remove the reloc # if replace_target is true, the reloc target is replaced with its bound counterpart def fixup_choice(binding, replace_target) @reloc.keys.each { |off| val = @reloc[off].target.bind(binding).reduce if val.kind_of? Integer reloc = @reloc[off] reloc.fixup(self, off, val) @reloc.delete(off) # delete only if not overflowed elsif replace_target @reloc[off].target = val end } end # +fixup_choice+ binding, false def fixup(binding) fixup_choice(binding, false) end # +fixup_choice+ binding, true def fixup!(binding) fixup_choice(binding, true) end # returns a default binding suitable for use in +fixup+ # every export is expressed as base + offset # base defaults to the first export name + its offset def binding(base = nil) if not base key = @export.index(@export.values.min) return {} if not key base = (@export[key] == 0 ? key : Expression[key, :-, @export[key]]) end @export.inject({}) { |binding, (n, o)| binding.update n => Expression.new(:+, o, base) } end # returns an array of variables that needs to be defined for a complete #fixup # ie the list of externals for all relocations def reloc_externals @reloc.values.map { |r| r.target.externals }.flatten.uniq - @export.keys end # returns the offset where the relocation for target t is to be applied def offset_of_reloc(t) t = Expression[t] @reloc.keys.find { |off| @reloc[off].target == t } end # fill virtual space by repeating pattern (String) up to len # expand self if len is larger than self.virtsize def fill(len = @virtsize, pattern = [0].pack('C')) @virtsize = len if len > @virtsize @data = @data.to_str.ljust(len, pattern) if len > @data.length end # rounds up virtsize to next multiple of len def align(len, pattern=nil) @virtsize = EncodedData.align_size(@virtsize, len) fill(@virtsize, pattern) if pattern end # returns the value val rounded up to next multiple of len def self.align_size(val, len) return val if len == 0 ((val + len - 1) / len).to_i * len end # concatenation of another +EncodedData+ (or nil/Fixnum/anything supporting String#<<) def << other case other when nil when ::Fixnum fill @data = @data.to_str if not @data.kind_of? String @data << other @virtsize += 1 when EncodedData fill if not other.data.empty? other.reloc.each { |k, v| @reloc[k + @virtsize] = v } if not other.reloc.empty? if not other.export.empty? other.export.each { |k, v| if @export[k] and @export[k] != v + @virtsize cf = (other.export.keys & @export.keys).find_all { |k_| other.export[k_] != @export[k_] - @virtsize } raise "edata merge: label conflict #{cf.inspect}" end @export[k] = v + @virtsize } other.inv_export.each { |k, v| @inv_export[@virtsize + k] = v } end if @data.empty?; @data = other.data.dup elsif not @data.kind_of?(String); @data = @data.to_str << other.data else @data << other.data end @virtsize += other.virtsize else fill if @data.empty?; @data = other.dup elsif not @data.kind_of?(String); @data = @data.to_str << other else @data << other end @virtsize += other.length end self end # equivalent to dup << other, filters out Integers & nil def + other raise ArgumentError if not other or other.kind_of?(Integer) dup << other end # slice def [](from, len=nil) if not len and from.kind_of? Range b = from.begin e = from.end b = @export[b] if @export[b] e = @export[e] if @export[e] b = b + @virtsize if b < 0 e = e + @virtsize if e < 0 len = e - b len += 1 if not from.exclude_end? from = b end from = @export[from] if @export[from] from = from + @virtsize if from < 0 return if from > @virtsize or from < 0 return @data[from] if not len len = @virtsize - from if from+len > @virtsize ret = EncodedData.new @data[from, len] ret.virtsize = len @reloc.each { |o, r| ret.reloc[o - from] = r if o >= from and o + r.length <= from+len } @export.each { |e_, o| ret.export[e_] = o - from if o >= from and o <= from+len # XXX include end ? } @inv_export.each { |o, e_| ret.inv_export[o-from] = e_ if o >= from and o <= from+len } ret end # slice replacement, supports size change (shifts following relocs/exports) # discards old exports/relocs from the overwritten space def []=(from, len, val=nil) if not val val = len len = nil end if not len and from.kind_of? ::Range b = from.begin e = from.end b = @export[b] if @export[b] e = @export[e] if @export[e] b = b + @virtsize if b < 0 e = e + @virtsize if e < 0 len = e - b len += 1 if not from.exclude_end? from = b end from = @export[from] || from raise "invalid offset #{from}" if not from.kind_of? ::Integer from = from + @virtsize if from < 0 if not len val = val.chr if val.kind_of? ::Integer len = val.length end raise "invalid slice length #{len}" if not len.kind_of? ::Integer or len < 0 if from >= @virtsize len = 0 elsif from+len > @virtsize len = @virtsize-from end val = EncodedData.new << val # remove overwritten metadata @export.delete_if { |name, off| off > from and off < from + len } @reloc.delete_if { |off, rel| off - rel.length > from and off < from + len } # shrink/grow if val.length != len diff = val.length - len @export.keys.each { |name| @export[name] = @export[name] + diff if @export[name] > from } @inv_export.keys.each { |off| @inv_export[off+diff] = @inv_export.delete(off) if off > from } @reloc.keys.each { |off| @reloc[off + diff] = @reloc.delete(off) if off > from } if @virtsize >= from+len @virtsize += diff end end @virtsize = from + val.length if @virtsize < from + val.length if from + len < @data.length # patch real data val.fill @data[from, len] = val.data elsif not val.data.empty? # patch end of real data @data << ([0].pack('C')*(from-@data.length)) if @data.length < from @data[from..-1] = val.data else # patch end of real data with fully virtual @data = @data[0, from] end val.export.each { |name, off| @export[name] = from + off } val.inv_export.each { |off, name| @inv_export[from+off] = name } val.reloc.each { |off, rel| @reloc[from + off] = rel } end # replace a portion of self # from/to may be Integers (offsets) or labels (from self.export) # content is a String or an EncodedData, which will be inserted in the specified location (padded if necessary) # raise if the string does not fit in. def patch(from, to, content) from = @export[from] || from raise "invalid offset specification #{from}" if not from.kind_of? Integer to = @export[to] || to raise "invalid offset specification #{to}" if not to.kind_of? Integer raise EncodeError, 'cannot patch data: new content too long' if to - from < content.length self[from, content.length] = content end # returns a list of offsets where /pat/ can be found inside @data # scan is done per chunk of chunksz bytes, with a margin for chunk-overlapping patterns # yields each offset found, and only include it in the result if the block returns !false def pattern_scan(pat, chunksz=nil, margin=nil) chunksz ||= 4*1024*1024 # scan 4MB at a time margin ||= 65536 # add this much bytes at each chunk to find /pat/ over chunk boundaries pat = Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(pat)) if pat.kind_of? ::String found = [] chunkoff = 0 while chunkoff < @data.length chunk = @data[chunkoff, chunksz+margin].to_str off = 0 while match_off = (chunk[off..-1] =~ pat) break if off+match_off >= chunksz # match fully in margin match_addr = chunkoff + off + match_off found << match_addr if not block_given? or yield(match_addr) off += match_off + 1 # XXX +1 or +lastmatch.length ? # 'aaaabc'.pattern_scan(/a*bc/) will match 5 times here end chunkoff += chunksz end found end end end