module Gluttonberg class Member < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = "gb_members" attr_accessible :first_name , :last_name , :email , :password , :password_confirmation , :bio , :image , :image_delete , :term_and_conditions, :group_ids has_and_belongs_to_many :groups, :class_name => "Group" , :join_table => "gb_groups_members" has_attached_file :image, :styles => { :profile => ["600x600"], :thumb => ["142x95#"] , :thumb_for_backend => ["100x75#"]} validates_format_of :password, :with => /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?!.*[^\w\S\s]).{6,}$/ , :if => :require_password?, :message => "must be a minimum of 6 characters in length, contain at least 1 letter and at least 1 number" validates_presence_of :first_name , :email attr_accessor :return_url , :term_and_conditions attr_accessor :image_delete clean_html [:bio] acts_as_authentic do |c| c.session_class = MemberSession c.login_field = "email" end def full_name self.first_name = "" if self.first_name.blank? self.last_name = "" if self.last_name.blank? self.first_name + " " + self.last_name end def deliver_password_reset_instructions!(current_localization_slug = "") reset_perishable_token! MemberNotifier.password_reset_instructions(,current_localization_slug).deliver end def groups_name(join_str=", ") unless groups.blank?{|g|}.join(join_str) else "" end end def can_login? !respond_to?(:can_login) || self.can_login == true end def self.enable_members if Rails.configuration.enable_members == true || Rails.configuration.enable_members.kind_of?(Hash) true else false end end def self.does_email_verification_required if Rails.configuration.enable_members == true true elsif Rails.configuration.enable_members.kind_of? Hash if Rails.configuration.enable_members.has_key?(:email_verification) Rails.configuration.enable_members[:email_verification] else true end else false end end def self.generateRandomString(length=10) chars = ("A".."Z").to_a + ("0".."9").to_a numbers = ("0".."9").to_a similar_chars = %w{ i I 1 0 O o 5 S s } chars.delete_if {|x| similar_chars.include? x} numbers.delete_if {|x| similar_chars.include? x} newpass = "" 1.upto(length-1) { |i| newpass << chars[rand(chars.size-1)] } 1.upto(1) { |i| newpass << numbers[rand(numbers.size-1)] } newpass end def does_member_have_access_to_the_page?( page) self.have_group?(page.groups) end def have_group?(groups) if groups.find_all{|g| self.group_ids.include?( }.blank? false else true end end ############################### # takes complete path to csv file. # and returns successfull_users , failed_users and updated_users arrays that contains user objects # if user exist with given email then update its information # otherwise create a new user for it # returns [successfull_users , failed_users , updated_users , ] # if csv format is incorrect then it will return a string "CSV file format is invalid" def self.importCSV(file_path , invite , group_ids ) begin if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" require 'csv' csv_table = else csv_table = end rescue => e return "Please provide a valid CSV file with correct column names." end first_name_column_num = self.find_column_position(csv_table , Rails.configuration.member_csv_metadata[:first_name] ) last_name_column_num = self.find_column_position(csv_table , Rails.configuration.member_csv_metadata[:last_name] ) email_column_num = self.find_column_position(csv_table , Rails.configuration.member_csv_metadata[:email] ) groups_column_num = self.find_column_position(csv_table , Rails.configuration.member_csv_metadata[:groups] ) other_columns = {} Rails.configuration.member_csv_metadata.each do |key , val| if ![:first_name, :last_name , :email, :groups].include?(key) other_columns[key] = self.find_column_position(csv_table , val ) end end successfull_users = [] failed_users = [] updated_users = [] if first_name_column_num && last_name_column_num && email_column_num csv_table.each_with_index do |row , index | if index > 0 # ignore first row because its meta data row #user information hash user_info = { :first_name => row[first_name_column_num] , :last_name => row[last_name_column_num] , :email => row[email_column_num], :group_ids => [] } other_columns.each do |key , val| if !val.blank? && val >= 0 if row[val].blank? || !user_info[key].kind_of?(String) user_info[key] = row[val] else user_info[key] = row[val].force_encoding("UTF-8") end end end #attach user to an industry if its valid unless groups_column_num.blank? || row[groups_column_num].blank? group_names = row[groups_column_num].split(";") temp_group_ids = [] group_names.each do |group_name| group = Group.find(:first,:conditions=>{:name => group_name.strip}) temp_group_ids << unless group.blank? end user_info[:group_ids] = temp_group_ids end unless group_ids.blank? if user_info[:group_ids].blank? user_info[:group_ids] = group_ids else user_info[:group_ids] << group_ids end end user = self.find(:first , :conditions => { :email => row[email_column_num] } ) if user.blank? # generate random password temp_password = self.generateRandomString password_hash = { :password => temp_password , :password_confirmation => temp_password } # make user object user = #if its valid then save it send an email and also add it to successfull_users array if user.valid? if invite == "1" # we will regenerate password and send it member MemberNotifier.delay.welcome(user) end successfull_users << user else # if failed then add it to failed list failed_users << user end else if !self.contains_user?(user , successfull_users) and !self.contains_user?(user , updated_users) if user.update_attributes(user_info) updated_users << user else failed_users << user end end end end # if csv row index > 0 end #loop else return "Please provide a valid CSV file with correct column names" end #if [successfull_users , failed_users , updated_users ] end def self.contains_user?(user , list) list.each do |record| return true if == || == end false end # csv_table is two dimentional array # col_name is a string. # if structure is proper and column name found it returns column index from 0 to n-1 # otherwise nil def self.find_column_position(csv_table , col_name) if csv_table.instance_of?(Array) && csv_table.count > 0 && csv_table.first.count > 0 csv_table.first.each_with_index do |table_col , index| return index if table_col.to_s.upcase == col_name.to_s.upcase end nil else nil end end ############################# #export to a csv def self.exportCSV all_records = self.all csv_class = nil if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" require 'csv' csv_class = CSV else csv_class = FasterCSV end other_columns = {} csv_string = csv_class.generate do |csv| header_row = ["DATABASE ID",Rails.configuration.member_csv_metadata[:first_name],Rails.configuration.member_csv_metadata[:last_name], Rails.configuration.member_csv_metadata[:email], Rails.configuration.member_csv_metadata[:groups]] index = 0 Rails.configuration.member_csv_metadata.each do |key , val| if ![:first_name, :last_name , :email , :groups].include?(key) other_columns[key] = index + 5 header_row << val index += 1 end end csv << header_row all_records.each do |record| data_row = [, record.first_name, record.last_name , , record.groups_name("; ")] other_columns.each do |key , val| if !val.blank? && val >= 0 data_row[val] = record.send(key) end end csv << data_row end end csv_string end end end