# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/outputs/base" require "logstash/namespace" require "logstash/plugin_mixins/aws_config" # This output lets you aggregate and send metric data to AWS CloudWatch # # ==== Summary: # This plugin is intended to be used on a logstash indexer agent (but that # is not the only way, see below.) In the intended scenario, one cloudwatch # output plugin is configured, on the logstash indexer node, with just AWS API # credentials, and possibly a region and/or a namespace. The output looks # for fields present in events, and when it finds them, it uses them to # calculate aggregate statistics. If the `metricname` option is set in this # output, then any events which pass through it will be aggregated & sent to # CloudWatch, but that is not recommended. The intended use is to NOT set the # metricname option here, and instead to add a `CW_metricname` field (and other # fields) to only the events you want sent to CloudWatch. # # When events pass through this output they are queued for background # aggregation and sending, which happens every minute by default. The # queue has a maximum size, and when it is full aggregated statistics will be # sent to CloudWatch ahead of schedule. Whenever this happens a warning # message is written to logstash's log. If you see this you should increase # the `queue_size` configuration option to avoid the extra API calls. The queue # is emptied every time we send data to CloudWatch. # # Note: when logstash is stopped the queue is destroyed before it can be processed. # This is a known limitation of logstash and will hopefully be addressed in a # future version. # # ==== Details: # There are two ways to configure this plugin, and they can be used in # combination: event fields & per-output defaults # # Event Field configuration... # You add fields to your events in inputs & filters and this output reads # those fields to aggregate events. The names of the fields read are # configurable via the `field_*` options. # # Per-output defaults... # You set universal defaults in this output plugin's configuration, and # if an event does not have a field for that option then the default is # used. # # Notice, the event fields take precedence over the per-output defaults. # # At a minimum events must have a "metric name" to be sent to CloudWatch. # This can be achieved either by providing a default here OR by adding a # `CW_metricname` field. By default, if no other configuration is provided # besides a metric name, then events will be counted (Unit: Count, Value: 1) # by their metric name (either a default or from their `CW_metricname` field) # # Other fields which can be added to events to modify the behavior of this # plugin are, `CW_namespace`, `CW_unit`, `CW_value`, and # `CW_dimensions`. All of these field names are configurable in # this output. You can also set per-output defaults for any of them. # See below for details. # # Read more about http://aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/[AWS CloudWatch], # and the specific of API endpoint this output uses, # http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/APIReference/API_PutMetricData.html[PutMetricData] class LogStash::Outputs::CloudWatch < LogStash::Outputs::Base include LogStash::PluginMixins::AwsConfig::V2 config_name "cloudwatch" # Constants # aggregate_key members DIMENSIONS = "dimensions" TIMESTAMP = "timestamp" METRIC = "metric" COUNT = "count" UNIT = "unit" SUM = "sum" MIN = "min" MAX = "max" # Units COUNT_UNIT = "Count" NONE = "None" # How often to send data to CloudWatch # This does not affect the event timestamps, events will always have their # actual timestamp (to-the-minute) sent to CloudWatch. # # We only call the API if there is data to send. # # See the Rufus Scheduler docs for an https://github.com/jmettraux/rufus-scheduler#the-time-strings-understood-by-rufus-scheduler[explanation of allowed values] config :timeframe, :validate => :string, :default => "1m" # How many events to queue before forcing a call to the CloudWatch API ahead of `timeframe` schedule # Set this to the number of events-per-timeframe you will be sending to CloudWatch to avoid extra API calls config :queue_size, :validate => :number, :default => 10000 # How many data points can be given in one call to the CloudWatch API config :batch_size, :validate => :number, :default => 20 # The default namespace to use for events which do not have a `CW_namespace` field config :namespace, :validate => :string, :default => "Logstash" # The name of the field used to set a different namespace per event # Note: Only one namespace can be sent to CloudWatch per API call # so setting different namespaces will increase the number of API calls # and those cost money. config :field_namespace, :validate => :string, :default => "CW_namespace" # The default metric name to use for events which do not have a `CW_metricname` field. # Beware: If this is provided then all events which pass through this output will be aggregated and # sent to CloudWatch, so use this carefully. Furthermore, when providing this option, you # will probably want to also restrict events from passing through this output using event # type, tag, and field matching config :metricname, :validate => :string # The name of the field used to set the metric name on an event # The author of this plugin recommends adding this field to events in inputs & # filters rather than using the per-output default setting so that one output # plugin on your logstash indexer can serve all events (which of course had # fields set on your logstash shippers.) config :field_metricname, :validate => :string, :default => "CW_metricname" VALID_UNITS = ["Seconds", "Microseconds", "Milliseconds", "Bytes", "Kilobytes", "Megabytes", "Gigabytes", "Terabytes", "Bits", "Kilobits", "Megabits", "Gigabits", "Terabits", "Percent", COUNT_UNIT, "Bytes/Second", "Kilobytes/Second", "Megabytes/Second", "Gigabytes/Second", "Terabytes/Second", "Bits/Second", "Kilobits/Second", "Megabits/Second", "Gigabits/Second", "Terabits/Second", "Count/Second", NONE] # The default unit to use for events which do not have a `CW_unit` field # If you set this option you should probably set the "value" option along with it config :unit, :validate => VALID_UNITS, :default => COUNT_UNIT # The name of the field used to set the unit on an event metric config :field_unit, :validate => :string, :default => "CW_unit" # The default value to use for events which do not have a `CW_value` field # If provided, this must be a string which can be converted to a float, for example... # "1", "2.34", ".5", and "0.67" # If you set this option you should probably set the `unit` option along with it config :value, :validate => :string, :default => "1" # The name of the field used to set the value (float) on an event metric config :field_value, :validate => :string, :default => "CW_value" # The default dimensions [ name, value, ... ] to use for events which do not have a `CW_dimensions` field config :dimensions, :validate => :hash # The name of the field used to set the dimensions on an event metric # The field named here, if present in an event, must have an array of # one or more key & value pairs, for example... # `add_field => [ "CW_dimensions", "Environment", "CW_dimensions", "prod" ]` # or, equivalently... # `add_field => [ "CW_dimensions", "Environment" ]` # `add_field => [ "CW_dimensions", "prod" ]` config :field_dimensions, :validate => :string, :default => "CW_dimensions" public def register require "thread" require "rufus/scheduler" require "aws-sdk" @cw = Aws::CloudWatch::Client.new(aws_options_hash) @event_queue = SizedQueue.new(@queue_size) @scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.new @job = @scheduler.every @timeframe do @logger.debug("Scheduler Activated") publish(aggregate({})) end end # def register public def receive(event) return unless (event.get(@field_metricname) || @metricname) if (@event_queue.length >= @event_queue.max) @job.trigger @logger.warn("Posted to AWS CloudWatch ahead of schedule. If you see this often, consider increasing the cloudwatch queue_size option.") end @logger.debug("Queueing event", :event => event) @event_queue << event end # def receive private def publish(aggregates) aggregates.each do |namespace, data| @logger.debug("Namespace, data: ", :namespace => namespace, :data => data) metric_data = [] data.each do |aggregate_key, stats| new_data = { :metric_name => aggregate_key[METRIC], :timestamp => aggregate_key[TIMESTAMP], :unit => aggregate_key[UNIT], :statistic_values => { :sample_count => stats[COUNT], :sum => stats[SUM], :minimum => stats[MIN], :maximum => stats[MAX], } } dims = aggregate_key[DIMENSIONS] if (dims.is_a?(Array) && dims.length > 0 && (dims.length % 2) == 0) new_data[:dimensions] = Array.new i = 0 while (i < dims.length) new_data[:dimensions] << {:name => dims[i], :value => dims[i+1]} i += 2 end end metric_data << new_data end # data.each metric_data.each_slice(@batch_size) do |batch| begin @cw.put_metric_data( :namespace => namespace, :metric_data => batch ) @logger.debug("Sent data to AWS CloudWatch OK", :namespace => namespace, :metric_data => batch) rescue Exception => e @logger.warn("Failed to send to AWS CloudWatch", :exception => e, :namespace => namespace, :metric_data => batch) break end end end # aggregates.each return aggregates end# def publish private def aggregate(aggregates) @logger.debug("QUEUE SIZE ", :queuesize => @event_queue.size) while !@event_queue.empty? do begin count(aggregates, @event_queue.pop(true)) rescue Exception => e @logger.warn("Exception! Breaking count loop", :exception => e) break end end return aggregates end # def aggregate private def count(aggregates, event) # If the event doesn't declare a namespace, use the default fnamespace = field(event, @field_namespace) namespace = (fnamespace ? fnamespace : event.sprintf(@namespace)) funit = field(event, @field_unit) unit = (funit ? funit : event.sprintf(@unit)) fvalue = field(event, @field_value) value = (fvalue ? fvalue : event.sprintf(@value)) # We may get to this point with valid Units but missing value. Send zeros. val = (!value) ? 0.0 : value.to_f # Event provides exactly one (but not both) of value or unit if ( (fvalue == nil) ^ (funit == nil) ) @logger.warn("Likely config error: event has one of #{@field_value} or #{@field_unit} fields but not both.", :event => event) end # If Unit is still not set or is invalid warn about misconfiguration & use NONE if (!VALID_UNITS.include?(unit)) unit = NONE @logger.warn("Likely config error: invalid or missing Units (#{unit.to_s}), using '#{NONE}' instead", :event => event) end if (!aggregates[namespace]) aggregates[namespace] = {} end dims = event.get(@field_dimensions) if (dims) # event provides dimensions # validate the structure if (!dims.is_a?(Array) || dims.length == 0 || (dims.length % 2) != 0) @logger.warn("Likely config error: CloudWatch dimensions field (#{dims.to_s}) found which is not a positive- & even-length array. Ignoring it.", :event => event) dims = nil end # Best case, we get here and exit the conditional because dims... # - is an array # - with positive length # - and an even number of elements elsif (@dimensions.is_a?(Hash)) # event did not provide dimensions, but the output has been configured with a default dims = @dimensions.flatten.map{|d| event.sprintf(d)} # into the kind of array described just above else dims = nil end fmetric = field(event, @field_metricname) aggregate_key = { METRIC => (fmetric ? fmetric : event.sprintf(@metricname)), DIMENSIONS => dims, UNIT => unit, TIMESTAMP => event.sprintf("%{+YYYY-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:00Z}") } if (!aggregates[namespace][aggregate_key]) aggregates[namespace][aggregate_key] = {} end if (!aggregates[namespace][aggregate_key][MAX] || val > aggregates[namespace][aggregate_key][MAX]) aggregates[namespace][aggregate_key][MAX] = val end if (!aggregates[namespace][aggregate_key][MIN] || val < aggregates[namespace][aggregate_key][MIN]) aggregates[namespace][aggregate_key][MIN] = val end if (!aggregates[namespace][aggregate_key][COUNT]) aggregates[namespace][aggregate_key][COUNT] = 1 else aggregates[namespace][aggregate_key][COUNT] += 1 end if (!aggregates[namespace][aggregate_key][SUM]) aggregates[namespace][aggregate_key][SUM] = val else aggregates[namespace][aggregate_key][SUM] += val end end # def count private def field(event, fieldname) if !event.get(fieldname) return nil else if event.get(fieldname).is_a?(Array) return event.get(fieldname).first else return event.get(fieldname) end end end # def field end # class LogStash::Outputs::CloudWatch