### # wxRuby3 wxWidgets interface extractor # Copyright (c) M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands ### module WXRuby3 module Extractor class SuperDef def self.[](name, *supers, mod: nil) self.new(name, *supers, mod: mod) end def self.create_super_def(spec) case spec when SuperDef spec when ::Hash name, mod = spec.first SuperDef[name, mod: mod] else SuperDef[spec.to_s] end end def self.build_inheritance_chain(*supers) return SuperDef[nil] if supers.empty? base = create_super_def(supers.shift) base.add_super(build_inheritance_chain(*supers)) unless supers.empty? base end def self.build_hierarchy(*supers) supers.inject({}) do |h, p| sd = create_super_def(p) h[sd.name] = sd h end end def initialize(name, *supers, mod: nil) @name = name @module = mod @supers = SuperDef.build_hierarchy(*supers) end attr_reader :name, :supers def module @module ? @module : @name end def add_super(spr, *supers, mod: nil) if SuperDef === spr @supers[spr.name] = spr else @supers[spr.to_s] = SuperDef.new(spr.to_s, *supers, mod: mod) end end def get_super(name) @supers[name] end def to_s "{#{name}#{@module ? "@#{@module}" : ''} < #{@supers.values.join(', ')}}" end def inspect to_s end end # The information about a class that is needed to generate wrappers for it. class ClassDef < BaseDef include Util::StringUtil NAME_TAG = 'compoundname' IGNORED_BASES = ['wxTrackable'] def initialize(element = nil, kind = 'class', **kwargs) super() @kind = kind @protection = 'public' @template_params = [] # class is a template @bases = [] # base class names @sub_classes = [] # sub classes @hierarchy = {} @includes = [] # .h file for this class @abstract = false # is it an abstract base class? @no_def_ctor = false # do not generate a default constructor @innerclasses = [] @is_inner = false # Is this a nested class? @klass = nil # if so, then this is the outer class @event = false # if so, is wxEvent derived class @event_list = false # if so, class has emitted events specified @event_types = [] @param_mappings = [] @crossref_table = {} update_attributes(**kwargs) extract(element) if element end attr_accessor :kind, :protection, :template_params, :bases, :sub_classes, :hierarchy, :includes, :abstract, :no_def_ctor, :innerclasses, :is_inner, :klass, :event, :event_list, :event_types, :crossref_table def is_template? !template_params.empty? end def get_hierarchy(element) this = nil index = {} # collect graph = element.at_xpath('inheritancegraph') if graph graph.xpath('node'). each do |node| node_name = node.at_xpath('label').text unless IGNORED_BASES.include?(node_name) node_supers = node.xpath('childnode').collect { |cn| cn['refid'] } sd = SuperDef[node_name] index[node['id']] = [sd, node_supers] this = sd if @name == node_name end end # resolve index.each_value do |(sd, ns)| ns.each { |sid| sd.add_super(index[sid].first) if index.has_key?(sid) } end end this ? this.supers : {} end def find_base(bases, name) return bases[name] if bases.has_key?(name) bases.each_value do |base| if (base = find_base(base.supers, name)) return base end end nil end private :find_base def is_derived_from?(classname) !!find_base(@hierarchy, classname) end def add_crossrefs(element) element.xpath('listofallmembers/member').each do |node| crossref_table[node['refid']] = { scope: node.at_xpath('scope').text, name: node.at_xpath('name').text } end end private :add_crossrefs def extract(element) super check_deprecated # @node_bases = find_hierarchy(element, {}, [], false) @hierarchy = get_hierarchy(element) element.xpath('basecompoundref').each { |node| @bases << node.text } element.xpath('derivedcompoundref').each { |node| @sub_classes << node.text } element.xpath('includes').each { |node| @includes << node.text } element.xpath('templateparamlist/param').each do |node| if node.at_xpath('declname') txt = node.at_xpath('declname').text else txt = node.at_xpath('type').text txt.sub!('class ', '') txt.sub!('typename ', '') end @template_params << txt end if is_derived_from?('wxEvent') @event = true if /Event macros(\s+for\s+events\s+emitted\s+by\s+this\s+class)?:/ =~ detailed_doc.text detailed_doc.xpath('.//listitem').each do |li| if li.text =~ /(EVT_\w+)\W*\((.*)\)/ evt_handler = $1 args = $2.split(',').collect {|a| a.strip } # skip event macros with event type argument unless args.any? { |a| a == 'event' } # determine evt_type handled evt_type = if li.text =~ /(Process\s+a|Respond\s+to)\s+wx(\w+)\s+/ $2 else evt_handler end # record event handler (macro) name, event type handled and the number of event id arguments evt_arity = args.inject(0) {|c, a| c += 1 if a.start_with?('id'); c } @event_types << [evt_handler, evt_type, evt_arity] end end end end else evt_heading = detailed_doc.xpath('.//heading').find {|h| h.text == 'Events emitted by this class'} if evt_heading @event_list = true evt_paras = evt_heading.xpath('parent::para').first.xpath('following-sibling::para') if (evt_paras.size>1 && (evt_paras[0].text.start_with?('The following event handler macros redirect') || evt_paras[0].text.start_with?('Event macros for events emitted by this class:'))) evt_klass = if (evt_ref = evt_paras[0].at('./ref')) evt_ref.text else nil end evt_paras[1].xpath('.//listitem').each do |li| if li.text =~ /(EVT_\w+)\((.*)\)/ evt_handler = $1 args = $2.split(',').collect {|a| a.strip } # skip event macros with event type argument unless args.any? { |a| a == 'event' } # determine evt_type handled evt_type = if li.text =~ /Process\s+a\s+wx(\w+)\s+/ $1 else evt_handler end # record event handler (macro) name, event type handled and the number of event id arguments evt_arity = args.inject(0) {|c, a| c += 1 if a.start_with?('id'); c } @event_types << [evt_handler, evt_type, evt_arity, evt_klass] end end end end end end element.xpath('innerclass').each do |node| unless node['prot'] == 'private' ref = node['refid'] fname = File.join(Extractor.xml_dir, ref + '.xml') root = File.open(fname) { |f| Nokogiri::XML(f).root } innerclass = root.elements.first kind = innerclass['kind'] unless %w[class struct].include?(kind) raise ExtractorError.new("Invalid innerclass kind [#{kind}]") end item = ClassDef.new(innerclass, kind, gendoc: self.gendoc) item.protection = node['prot'] item.is_inner = true item.klass = self # This makes a reference cycle but it's okay item.ignore if item.protection == 'protected' # ignore by default @innerclasses << item end end # TODO: Is it possible for there to be memberdef's w/o a sectiondef? member = nil element.xpath('sectiondef/memberdef').each do |node| # skip any private items unless node['prot'] == 'private' case _kind = node['kind'] when 'function' Extractor.extracting_msg(_kind, node) member = MethodDef.new(node, self.name, klass: self, gendoc: self.gendoc) #@abstract = true if m.is_pure_virtual unless member.check_for_overload(self.items) self.items << member end when 'variable' Extractor.extracting_msg(_kind, node) member = MemberVarDef.new(node, gendoc: self.gendoc) self.items << member when 'enum' Extractor.extracting_msg(_kind, node) member = EnumDef.new(node, scope: self.name, gendoc: self.gendoc) self.items << member when 'typedef' Extractor.extracting_msg(_kind, node) member = TypedefDef.new(node, gendoc: self.gendoc) self.items << member when 'friend' # noop else raise ExtractorError.new('Unknown memberdef kind: %s' % _kind) end # ignore protected members by default member.ignore if member.protection == 'protected' end end add_crossrefs(element) if self.gendoc # make abstract unless the class has at least 1 public ctor ctor = self.items.find {|m| MethodDef === m && m.is_ctor } unless ctor && (ctor.protection == 'public' || ctor.overloads.any? {|ovl| ovl.protection == 'public' }) @abstract = true end end def regards_protected_members? self.items.any? {|item| !item.ignored && item.protection == 'protected' } end def add_param_mapping(from, to) @param_mappings << FunctionDef::ParamMapping.new(from, to) end def find_param_mapping(paramdefs) @param_mappings.detect { |pm| pm.matches?(paramdefs) } end def methods ::Enumerator.new { |y| items.each {|i| y << i if MethodDef === i }} end def aliases methods.select do |mtd| # exclude ctor/dtor and static and methods rc = false unless mtd.is_ctor || mtd.is_dtor || mtd.is_static mtd_ovls = mtd.all.select { |ovl| !ovl.ignored } # only consider non-ignored # only consider methods without overloads or where all overloads have either # not been renamed or have all been renamed identically # (SWIG %rename does not work well with %alias in these cases so leave those # for WxRubyStyleAccessors to handle at runtime) last_nm = nil rc = !mtd_ovls.empty? && (mtd_ovls.size==1 || mtd_ovls.all? { |ovl| !ovl.rb_name } || mtd_ovls.inject(::Set.new) { |set, ovl| set << ovl.rb_name }.size==1) if rc mtd = mtd_ovls.first mtd_name = mtd.rb_name || mtd.name unless (rc = (/\A(Is|Has|Can)[A-Z]/ =~ mtd_name)) unless (rc = (/\A(is|has|can)_\w+\Z/ =~ mtd_name)) if /\A(Get[A-Z]|get_\w)/ =~ mtd_name # since getters have no decoration ('=' or '?') a C++ method with the same # name could exist already; check this and exclude if so alias_name = mtd_name.sub(/\A(Get|get_)/, '') rc = !methods.any? { |m| !m.ignored && rb_method_name(alias_name) == m.rb_decl_name } elsif /\A(Set[A-Z]|set_\w)/ =~ mtd_name # only consider setter aliases (xxx=) in case at least one method overload # accepts only a single argument rc = mtd_ovls.any? { |ovl| ovl.parameter_count>0 && ovl.required_param_count<2 } end end end if rc # check there is not a static method with the same name; SWIG alias handling chokes on that rc = !methods.any? { |m| !m.ignored && m.is_static && m.name == mtd_name} end end end rc end.collect do |mtd| mtd = mtd.all.select { |ovl| !ovl.ignored }.shift mtd_name = mtd.rb_name || mtd.name case mtd_name when /\A(Get|get_)/ [mtd.name, rb_method_name(mtd_name.sub(/\A(Get|get_)/, ''), keep_wx_prefix: true)] when /\A(Set|set_)/ [mtd.name, rb_method_name(mtd_name.sub(/\A(Set|set_)/, ''), keep_wx_prefix: true)+'='] when /\A(Is|is_)/ [mtd.name, rb_method_name(mtd_name.sub(/\A(Is|is_)/, ''), keep_wx_prefix: true)+'?'] else # when /\A(Has|Can|has_|can_)/ [mtd.name, rb_method_name(mtd_name)+'?'] end end.to_h end def all_methods ::Enumerator::Chain.new(*methods.collect {|m| m.all }) end def _find_items self.items + self.innerclasses end end # class ClassDef end # module Extractor end # module WXRuby3