#!/usr/bin/env ruby # wxRuby2 Sample Code. Copyright (c) 2004-2008 wxRuby development team # Adapted for wxRuby3 # Copyright (c) M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands ### require 'wx' class GfxInfo attr_accessor :font, :w, :h, :x, :y, :x_axis, :y_axis, :txt, :rotation def initialize @font = nil @w = 0 @h = 0 @x = 0 @y = 0 @x_axis = 0 @y_axis = 0 @txt = "" @rotation = 0 end def move(max_x,max_y,max_sp) @x += @x_axis @y += @y_axis if @x <= 0 @x_axis = rand(max_sp) @x = 0 elsif (@x+@w) >= max_x @x_axis = (rand(max_sp)*-1) @x = max_x - @w end if @y <= 0 @y_axis = rand(max_sp) @y = 0 elsif (@y+@h) >= max_y @y_axis = (rand(max_sp)*-1) @y = max_y - @h end end def rotate(run) @rotation += run if @rotation > 360 @rotation = 0 end end def draw(gdc) gdc.set_font(font) gdc.draw_text(txt,x,y,rotation) end def [](symbol) self.__send__(symbol,*[]) end def []=(symbol,val) self.__send__((symbol.to_s + "=").to_sym,*[val]) end end class GraphicsWindow < Wx::Window # Create Needed Brushes and Pens RED_BRUSH = Wx::Brush.new GREEN_BRUSH = Wx::Brush.new BLUE_BRUSH = Wx::Brush.new RED_PEN = Wx::Pen.new GREEN_PEN = Wx::Pen.new BLUE_PEN = Wx::Pen.new # Instance Methods to keep track of toggle for corner, rect, and counter for frames per second attr_accessor :corner, :rect, :fps def initialize(parent) super(parent) # Create the font we'll use to create our pre-defined fonts for the painting @font = Wx::Font.new(32, Wx::FONTFAMILY_TELETYPE, Wx::FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, Wx::FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL) # Setup the actual data to be stored in Brushes and Pens RED_BRUSH.set_colour(Wx::RED) RED_PEN.set_colour(Wx::RED) GREEN_BRUSH.set_colour(Wx::GREEN) GREEN_PEN.set_colour(Wx::GREEN) BLUE_BRUSH.set_colour(Wx::BLUE) BLUE_PEN.set_colour(Wx::BLUE) # Create our Animation Timer @timer = Wx::Timer.new(self,1000) @fps = 0 # Set it to run every 25 milliseconds, you can set this value higher, to get # higher frame rates, however, it may cause non-responsiveness of normal # gui controls. @timer.start(25) # Setup the event Handler to do the drawing on this window. evt_paint :on_paint evt_timer 1000, :animate end def create_resources(gdc) # Create our Resource Class for holding the Text to be displayed @rtxt = GfxInfo.new @gtxt = GfxInfo.new @btxt = GfxInfo.new # Store our fonts, and strings into the classes @rtxt[:font] = gdc.create_font(@font,Wx::RED); @rtxt[:txt] = "This is a red string" @gtxt[:font] = gdc.create_font(@font,Wx::GREEN); @gtxt[:txt] = "This is a green string" @btxt[:font] = gdc.create_font(@font,Wx::BLUE); @btxt[:txt] = "This is a blue string" # Create the GraphicsContext resources. For some reason, unable to utilize # GraphicsContext#create(wxWindow) to create these resources in initialize. @rbrush = gdc.create_brush(RED_BRUSH) @gbrush = gdc.create_brush(GREEN_BRUSH) @bbrush = gdc.create_brush(BLUE_BRUSH) @rpen = gdc.create_pen(RED_PEN) @gpen = gdc.create_pen(GREEN_PEN) @bpen = gdc.create_pen(BLUE_PEN) end def get_extents(gdc) # Since we need a GDC and the text to get the extents, we do this in a # separate method, though we should be able to do it with create_resources width,height,*garbage = gdc.get_text_extent(@rtxt[:txt]) @rtxt[:w] = width.to_i; @rtxt[:h] = height.to_i width,height,*garbage = gdc.get_text_extent(@gtxt[:txt]) @gtxt[:w] = width.to_i; @gtxt[:h] = height.to_i width,height,*garbage = gdc.get_text_extent(@btxt[:txt]) @btxt[:w] = width.to_i; @btxt[:h] = height.to_i end def setup_positions # Setup our initial positions for drawing. @rtxt[:x] = @rtxt[:y] = 0 size = self.get_client_size pos_x = (size.width / 2) #- (@gtxt[:w] / 2) pos_y = (size.height / 2) #- (@gtxt[:h] / 2) @gtxt[:x] = pos_x @gtxt[:y] = pos_y @btxt[:x] = (size.width - @btxt[:w]) @btxt[:y] = (size.height - @btxt[:h]) end def animate # This routine manily animates the Text, which is also is handled by the # GfxInfo class as well. Mainly in #rotate and #move. rect = self.get_client_size @rtxt.move(rect.width,rect.height,8) unless @rtxt.nil? @gtxt.rotate(-0.01) unless @gtxt.nil? @btxt.move(rect.width,rect.height,5) unless @btxt.nil? # We're now ready to draw our stuff to the window refresh end def on_paint # We do our drawing now rect = self.get_client_size Wx::GraphicsContext.draw_on(self) do |gdc| unless @rtxt create_resources(gdc) end unless @rtxt[:w] != 0 gdc.set_font(@rtxt[:font]) get_extents(gdc) setup_positions end @rtxt.draw(gdc) @gtxt.draw(gdc) @btxt.draw(gdc) # Draw our rectangles, if they are checked 15.times do pen = gdc.create_pen(Wx::Pen.new(Wx::Colour.new(rand(256),rand(256),rand(256),rand(256)))) if @corner.is_checked x = rand(rect.width) y = rand(rect.height) gdc.set_pen(pen) gdc.draw_rectangle(x,y,x,1) gdc.draw_rectangle(x,y,1,y) end if @rect.is_checked x = rand(rect.width) y = rand(rect.height) w = rand(rect.width) h = rand(rect.height) w + x > rect.width ? (w -= x; w -= rand(150)) : 0 h + y > rect.height ? (h -= y; h -= rand(150)) : 0 gdc.set_pen(pen) gdc.draw_rectangle(x,y,w,h) end end end @fps += 1 end end class GraphicsFrame < Wx::Frame def initialize super(nil, title: "Graphics Context example", size: [500,400]) @win = GraphicsWindow.new(self) create_status_bar(3) status_bar.set_status_text("Frames per sec: 0", 0) @win.rect = Wx::CheckBox.new(status_bar,:label=>"Draw Rectangles") @win.corner = Wx::CheckBox.new(status_bar,:label=>"Draw Corners") @fps_timer = Wx::Timer.every(1000) { fps_display } evt_size :on_size evt_close { |evt| @fps_timer.stop; evt.skip } centre end # Place the two control checkboxes within the StatusBar def on_size cli_rect = self.client_rect @win.size = [cli_rect.width, cli_rect.height] rect = status_bar.field_rect(1) @win.rect.move [ rect.x + 2, rect.y + 2] @win.rect.size = [ rect.width - 4, rect.height - 4 ] rect = status_bar.field_rect(2) @win.corner.move [ rect.x + 2, rect.y + 2] @win.corner.size = [ rect.width - 4, rect.height - 4 ] end def fps_display get_status_bar.set_status_text("Frames per sec: #{@win.fps}", 0) @win.fps = 0 end end module GraphicsSample include WxRuby::Sample if defined? WxRuby::Sample def self.describe { file: __FILE__, summary: 'wxRuby graphics drawing example.', description: 'wxRuby example demonstrating drawing text and geometrical shapes.' } end def self.activate frame = GraphicsFrame.new frame.show frame end if $0 == __FILE__ Wx::App.run { GraphicsSample.activate } end end