## Below are example of common git excludes.
## Please note that /cookbooks folder is ignored. This allows users to
## clone individual cookbooks into the /cookbook folder of the chef repo
## and work on them in parallel. This pattern also allows for chef-workstation
## pattern, where base repo also builds out a dynamic chef workstation.
## Examples of workstation cookbooks:
##    https://github.com/mwrock/chef_workstation
##    https://github.com/Nordstrom/chefdk_bootstrap

## Ignore Chef related files and secrets
<%- if policy_only -%>
<%- end -%>

## Ignore Chef-Zero files

# ## OS junk files
# [Tt]humbs.db
# *.DS_Store

# ## Example of the workstation pattern.
# !/cookbooks/chef_workstation/files/default/bundler/Gemfile
# !/cookbooks/chef_workstation/files/default/bundler/Gemfile.lock
# cookbooks/*
# !cookbooks/chef_workstation

# ##Chef
# .kitchen/
# .vagrant
# nodes
# metadata.json

# ##ruby
# *.gem
# Gemfile
# Gemfile.lock

# ## Rails Heroku and other bits to ignore
# *.log
# *.sqlite3
# db/*.sqlite3
# .bundle
# log/*
# tmp/*
# public/system/*

# ##nodejs
# node_modules

# # Nuget (exclude all exes except for the one in the global build folder)
# nuget.exe
# !build/nuget/nuget.exe
# *.nupkg
# # NuGet packages (based on default naming convention)
# [Bb]uild/[Pp]ackages/

# # Build System # common build output folders
# build-common/
# output/

# ## Probably not a good idea to be keeing VM inages in source control
# *.vhd
# *.vhdx

# ## Pester Test summary
# Test.xml

# ##Webstorm files
# *.idea
# .idea
# .idea/

# ##Mono (or something?) files
# *.pidb
# *.userprefs

# ## Visual Studio files
# *.docstates
# *.[Oo]bj
# *.dat
# *.crc
# *.dbmdl
# *.pdb
# *.user
# *.aps
# *.pch
# *.vspscc
# *.vssscc
# *_i.c
# *_p.c
# *.ncb
# *.suo
# *.tlb
# *.tlh
# *.bak
# *.[Cc]ache
# *.ilk
# *.log
# *.lib
# *.sbr
# *.schemaview
# ipch/
# [Oo]bj/
# [Bb]in/*
# [Dd]ebug*/
# [Rr]elease*/
# Ankh.NoLoad

# ##Tooling
# _ReSharper*/
# *.[Rr]e[Ss]harper
# [Tt]est[Rr]esult*
# .[Jj]ust[Cc]ode
# *ncrunch*

# ##Subversion files
# .svn

# ## Office Temp Files
# ~$*