require "lockdown" require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "session") Lockdown::System.configure do #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Configuration Options #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Options with defaults: # # Set timeout to 1 hour: # options[:session_timeout] = (60 * 60) # # Set system to logout if unauthorized access is attempted: # options[:logout_on_access_violation] = false # # Set redirect to path on unauthorized access attempt: # options[:access_denied_path] = "/" # # Set redirect to path on successful login: # options[:successful_login_path] = "/" # #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Define permissions #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # set_permission(:product_management, all_methods(:products)) # # :product_management is the name of the permission which is later # referenced by the set_user_group method # # :all_methods(:products) will return an array of all controller actions # for the products controller # # if products is your standard RESTful resource you'll get: # ["products/index , "products/show", # "products/new", "products/edit", # "products/create", "products/update", # "products/destroy"] # # You can pass multiple parameters to concat permissions such as: # # set_permission(:security_management,all_methods(:users), # all_methods(:user_groups), # all_methods(:permissions) ) # # In addition to all_methods(:controller) there are: # # only_methods(:controller, :only_method_1, :only_method_2) # # all_except_methods(:controller, :except_method_1, :except_method_2) # # Some other sample permissions: # # set_permission(:sessions, all_methods(:sessions)) # set_permission(:my_account, only_methods(:users, :edit, :update, :show)) # # Define your permissions here: #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Built-in user groups #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # You can assign the above permission to one of the built-in user groups # by using the following: # # To allow public access on the permissions :sessions and :home: # set_public_access :sessions, :home # # Restrict :my_account access to only authenticated users: # set_protected_access :my_account # # Define the built-in user groups here: #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Define user groups #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # set_user_group(:catalog_management, :category_management, # :product_management) # # :catalog_management is the name of the user group # :category_management and :product_management refer to permission names # # # Define your user groups here: end