# coding: UTF-8 require 'spreewald_support/mail_finder' Before do ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear end When /^I clear my e?mails$/ do ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear end # Example: # # Then an email should have been sent with: # """ # From: max.mustermann@example.com # To: john.doe@example.com # Subject: Unter anderem der Betreff kann auch "Anführungszeichen" enthalten # Body: ... # Attachments: ... # """ # # You can skip lines, of course. Then /^(an|no) e?mail should have been sent with:$/ do |mode, raw_data| patiently do raw_data.strip! conditions = {}.tap do |hash| raw_data.split("\n").each do |row| if row.match(/^[a-z]+: /i) key, value = row.split(": ", 2) hash[key.downcase.to_sym] = value end end end @mail = MailFinder.find(conditions) expectation = mode == 'no' ? 'should_not' : 'should' @mail.send(expectation, be_present) end end # nodoc Then /^(an|no) e?mail should have been sent((?: |and|with|from "[^"]+"|bcc "[^"]+"|to "[^"]+"|the subject "[^"]+"|the body "[^"]+"|the attachments "[^"]+")+)$/ do |mode, query| patiently do conditions = {} conditions[:to] = $1 if query =~ /to "([^"]+)"/ conditions[:cc] = $1 if query =~ / cc "([^"]+)"/ conditions[:bcc] = $1 if query =~ /bcc "([^"]+)"/ conditions[:from] = $1 if query =~ /from "([^"]+)"/ conditions[:subject] = $1 if query =~ /the subject "([^"]+)"/ conditions[:body] = $1 if query =~ /the body "([^"]+)"/ conditions[:attachments] = $1 if query =~ /the attachments "([^"]+)"/ @mail = MailFinder.find(conditions) expectation = mode == 'no' ? 'should_not' : 'should' @mail.send(expectation, be_present) end end # Only works after you have retrieved the mail using "Then an email should have been sent with:" When /^I follow the (first|second|third)? ?link in the e?mail$/ do |index_in_words| mail = @mail || ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last index = { nil => 0, 'first' => 0, 'second' => 1, 'third' => 2 }[index_in_words] url_pattern = %r{(?:http|https)://[^/]+(.*)} mail_body = MailFinder.email_text_body(mail).to_s only_path = mail_body.scan(url_pattern)[index][0] visit only_path end Then /^no e?mail should have been sent$/ do ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.should be_empty end # Checks that the last sent email includes some text Then /^I should see "([^\"]*)" in the e?mail$/ do |text| MailFinder.email_text_body(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last).should include(text) end # Print all sent emails to STDOUT. Then /^show me the e?mails$/ do ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.each do |mail| p [mail.from, mail.to, mail.subject] end end # Only works after you've retrieved the email using "Then an email should have been sent with:" # # Example: # # And that mail should have the following lines in the body: # """ # All of these lines # need to be present # """ Then /^that e?mail should( not)? have the following lines in the body:$/ do |negate, body| expectation = negate ? 'should_not' : 'should' body.to_s.strip.split(/\n/).each do |line| @mail.body.send(expectation, include(line.strip)) end end # Only works after you've retrieved the email using "Then an email should have been sent with:" # Checks that the text should be included in the retrieved email Then /^that e?mail should have the following body:$/ do |body| @mail.body.should include(body.strip) end