# Project information: PROJECT_ROOT="" # Aws access: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="xxddccffvvggbbhhnnjjmmkknhhd+2344322341" ACCOUNT_NUMBER="0112233445566" # Aws areas and auth-related locations: AWS_REGION="" # Aws Build info: NODE_IMAGE="for Cerebrums to create a node" # Aws kinesis stream names STATUS_STREAM="e.g. kinesis stream name" # Aws s3 buckets etc JOB_STORAGE="e.g. s3 object name" # Aws sqs queue addresses BACKLOG_QUEUE_ADDRESS="" WIP_QUEUE_ADDRESS="" FINISHED_QUEUE_ADDRESS="" # --THIS SHOULD ALWAYS BE THE LAST LINE-- < delete everything below this line for production TEST="true"