module Kameleon module Utils def self.resolve_vars(raw, yaml_path, initial_variables, recipe, kwargs = {}) raw = resolve_data_dir_vars(raw, yaml_path, initial_variables, recipe, kwargs) return resolve_simple_vars(raw, yaml_path, initial_variables, recipe, kwargs) end def self.resolve_data_dir_vars(raw, yaml_path, initial_variables, recipe, kwargs) reg = %r/\$\$kameleon\_data\_dir\/(.*)|\$\${kameleon\_data\_dir}\/(.*)/ matches = raw.to_enum(:scan, reg).map { Regexp.last_match } matches.each do |m| unless m.nil? path = resolve_simple_vars(m[1], yaml_path, initial_variables, recipe, kwargs) resolved_path = recipe.resolve_data_path(path.chomp('"'), yaml_path) raw.gsub!(m[0].chomp('"'), "#{resolved_path}") end end return raw end def self.resolve_simple_vars(raw, yaml_path, initial_variables, recipe, kwargs) initial_variables.merge! recipe.cli_global raw.to_s.gsub(/\$\$\{[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+\}|\$\$[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+/) do |var| # remove the dollars if var.include? "{" strip_var = var[3,(var.length - 4)] else strip_var = var[2,(var.length - 2)] end # check in local vars if initial_variables.has_key? strip_var value = initial_variables[strip_var] else if kwargs.fetch(:strict, true) fail RecipeError, "#{yaml_path}: variable #{var} not found in local or global" end end return $` + resolve_simple_vars(value.to_s + $', yaml_path, initial_variables, recipe, kwargs) end end def self.generate_slug(str) value = str.strip value.gsub!(/['`]/, "") value.gsub!(/\s*@\s*/, " at ") value.gsub!(/\s*&\s*/, " and ") value.gsub!(/\s*[^A-Za-z0-9\.]\s*/, '_') value.gsub!(/_+/, "_") value.gsub!(/\A[_\.]+|[_\.]+\z/, "") value.chomp("_").downcase end def self.extract_meta_var(name, content) start_regex = Regexp.escape("# #{name.upcase}: ") end_regex = Regexp.escape("\n#\n") reg = %r/#{ start_regex }(.*?)#{ end_regex }/m var = content.match(reg).captures.first var.gsub!("\n#", "") var.gsub!(" ", " ") return var rescue end def self.copy_files(relative_dir, dest_dir, files2copy) files2copy.each do |path| relative_path = path.relative_path_from(relative_dir) dst = File.join(dest_dir,relative_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(dst) FileUtils.copy_file(path, dst) end end def self.list_recipes(repository_path, kwargs = {}) Kameleon.env.root_dir = repository_path catch_exception = kwargs.fetch(:catch_exception, true) recipes_hash = [] recipes_files = get_recipes(repository_path) recipes_files.each do |f| path = f.to_s begin recipe = name = path.gsub(repository_path.to_s + '/', '').chomp('.yaml') recipes_hash.push({ "name" => name, "description" => recipe.metainfo['description'], }) rescue => e raise e if Kameleon.env.debug or not catch_exception end end unless recipes_hash.empty? recipes_hash = recipes_hash.sort_by{ |k| k["name"] } name_width = { |k| k['name'].size }.max desc_width = - name_width - 3 desc_width = (80 - name_width - 3) if desc_width < 0 end tp(recipes_hash, {"name" => {:width => name_width}}, { "description" => {:width => desc_width}}) end def self.get_recipes(path) path.children.collect do |child| if child.file? if child.extname == ".yaml" unless child.to_s.include? "/steps/" or child.to_s.include? "/.steps/" child end end elsif get_recipes(child) end { |x| x }.flatten(1) end def self.which(cmd) ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| exe = File.join(path, "#{cmd}") return path if File.executable? exe end return nil end end end