Feature: Export data To perform analysis A user Must be able to extract data From the application Scenario: Retrieve single plugin instance When I go to /data/theodor/memory/memory-free Then the request should succeed Then I should receive valid JSON And the JSON should have a plugin instance named "memory-free" Scenario: Retrieve multiple plugin instances When I go to /data/theodor/memory Then the request should succeed Then I should receive valid JSON And the JSON should have a plugin named "memory" And the JSON should have multiple plugin instances under the "memory" plugin Scenario: Make cross-domain requests When I go to /data/theodor/cpu-0?callback=foobar Then I should receive JSON wrapped in a callback named "foobar" Scenario: Retrieve multiple plugin instances without color definition When I go to /data/theodor/memory Then the request should succeed Then I should receive valid JSON And each plugin instance should have a different color Scenario Outline: Return only one colour per metric When I go to /data/theodor/ Then the request should succeed Then I should receive valid JSON And each plugin instance should have a different color Examples: | path | | cpu-0/cpu-user | | df/df-root | Scenario: Retrieve single plugin instance with a color definition When I go to /data/theodor/tcpconns-80-local/tcp_connections-LISTEN Then the request should succeed Then I should receive valid JSON And the plugin instance should have a color Scenario: Retrieve multiple plugins through a glob Given I have the "tcpconns" plugin collecting data on multiple ports When I go to /data/theodor/tcpconns-*-local/tcp_connections-LISTEN Then the request should succeed Then I should receive valid JSON And I should see multiple plugins Scenario Outline: Retrieve multple hosts through a glob Given I have the "memory" plugin collecting data on multiple ports When I go to /data//libvirt/virt_cpu_total Then the request should succeed Then I should receive valid JSON And I should see multiple hosts Examples: | host | | * | | %7Brgh,flapjack-test%7D |