# approveapi_ruby [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/approveapi.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/approveapi) Ruby API bindings for the [ApproveAPI HTTP API](https://approveapi.com). *ApproveAPI is a simple API to request a user's real-time approval on anything via email, sms + mobile push.* ## Features - [x] Send Prompt - [x] web redirect actions (i.e. magic links) - [x] custom approve/reject buttons - [x] metadata - [x] long polling - [x] Retrieve Prompt - [x] Check Prompt status - [x] Futures support - [ ] Webhook callbacks ## Install Install the dependencies: ```shell # Terminal $ gem install approveapi # Gemfile with rubygems.org source gem 'approveapi' ``` ## Import: ```ruby require 'approveapi' ``` ## Getting Started To get started, we create a client: ```ruby client = ApproveAPI::create_client('sk_test_yourapikeyhere') ``` Now we can make API calls. For example, let's send an approval prompt to confirm a financial transaction. ```ruby begin response = client.create_prompt(ApproveAPI::CreatePromptRequest.new({ :body => """A transfer of $1337.45 from acct 0294 to acct 1045 has\ been initiated. Do you want to authorize this transfer?""", :user => 'alice@approveapi.com', :approve_text => 'Authorize', :reject_text => 'Reject', :long_poll => true, # Wait for the user's answer })) if response.answer if response.answer.result p "Request approved" else p "Request rejected" end else p "No response from user" end rescue ApproveAPI::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ApproveApi->create_prompt: #{e}: #{e.response_body}" end ``` ## Documentation Full documentation is available here: [approveapi.com/docs](https://www.approveapi.com/docs/?ruby).