require File.expand_path('test_helper.rb', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'gir_ffi' # Tests generated methods and functions in the Everything namespace. class EverythingTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def ref_count object[:ref_count] end def is_floating? object ([:qdata].address & 2) == 2 end context "The generated Everything module" do setup do GirFFI.setup :Everything GirFFI.setup :GObject GirFFI.setup :GLib end context "the Everything::TestBoxed class" do should "create an instance using #new" do tb = assert_instance_of Everything::TestBoxed, tb end should "create an instance using #new_alternative_constructor1" do tb = Everything::TestBoxed.new_alternative_constructor1 1 assert_instance_of Everything::TestBoxed, tb assert_equal 1, tb[:some_int8] end should "create an instance using #new_alternative_constructor2" do tb = Everything::TestBoxed.new_alternative_constructor2 1, 2 assert_instance_of Everything::TestBoxed, tb assert_equal 1 + 2, tb[:some_int8] end should "create an instance using #new_alternative_constructor3" do tb = Everything::TestBoxed.new_alternative_constructor3 "54" assert_instance_of Everything::TestBoxed, tb assert_equal 54, tb[:some_int8] end should "have non-zero positive result for #get_gtype" do assert Everything::TestBoxed.get_gtype > 0 end context "an instance" do setup do @tb = Everything::TestBoxed.new_alternative_constructor1 123 end should "have a working equals method" do tb2 = Everything::TestBoxed.new_alternative_constructor2 120, 3 assert_equal true, @tb.equals(tb2) end context "its copy method" do setup do @tb2 = @tb.copy end should "return an instance of TestBoxed" do assert_instance_of Everything::TestBoxed, @tb2 end should "copy fields" do assert_equal 123, @tb2[:some_int8] end should "create a true copy" do @tb[:some_int8] = 89 assert_equal 123, @tb2[:some_int8] end end end end context "the Everything::TestEnum type" do should "be of type FFI::Enum" do assert_instance_of FFI::Enum, Everything::TestEnum end end # TestFlags context "the Everything::TestFloating class" do context "an instance" do setup do @o = end should "have a reference count of 1" do assert_equal 1, ref_count(@o) end should "have been sunk" do assert !is_floating?(@o) end end end context "the Everything::TestObj class" do should "create an instance using #new_from_file" do o = Everything::TestObj.new_from_file("foo") assert_instance_of Everything::TestObj, o end should "create an instance using #new_callback" do o = Everything::TestObj.new_callback { }, nil, nil assert_instance_of Everything::TestObj, o end should "have a working #static_method" do rv = Everything::TestObj.static_method 623 assert_equal 623.0, rv end should "have a working #static_method_callback" do a = 1 Everything::TestObj.static_method_callback { a = 2 } assert_equal 2, a end context "an instance" do setup do @o = Everything::TestObj.new_from_file("foo") end should "have a reference count of 1" do assert_equal 1, ref_count(@o) end should "not float" do assert !is_floating?(@o) end should "have a working (virtual) #matrix method" do rv = @o.matrix "bar" assert_equal 42, rv end should "have a working #set_bare method" do obj = Everything::TestObj.new_from_file("bar") rv = @o.set_bare obj # TODO: What is the correct value to retrieve from the fields? assert_equal obj.to_ptr, @o[:bare] end should "have a working #instance_method method" do rv = @o.instance_method assert_equal(-1, rv) end should "have a working #torture_signature_0 method" do y, z, q = @o.torture_signature_0(-21, "hello", 13) assert_equal [-21, 2 * -21, "hello".length + 13], [y, z, q] end context "its #torture_signature_1 method" do should "work for m even" do ret, y, z, q = @o.torture_signature_1(-21, "hello", 12) assert_equal [true, -21, 2 * -21, "hello".length + 12], [ret, y, z, q] end should "throw an exception for m odd" do assert_raises RuntimeError do @o.torture_signature_1(-21, "hello", 11) end end end should "have a working #instance_method_callback method" do a = 1 @o.instance_method_callback { a = 2 } assert_equal 2, a end should "not respond to #static_method" do assert_raises(NoMethodError) { @o.static_method 1 } end end end context "the Everything::TestSimpleBoxedA class" do should "create an instance using #new" do obj = assert_instance_of Everything::TestSimpleBoxedA, obj end context "an instance" do setup do @obj = @obj[:some_int] = 4236 @obj[:some_int8] = 36 @obj[:some_double] = 23.53 @obj[:some_enum] = :value2 end context "its equals method" do setup do @ob2 = @ob2[:some_int] = 4236 @ob2[:some_int8] = 36 @ob2[:some_double] = 23.53 @ob2[:some_enum] = :value2 end should "return true if values are the same" do assert_equal true, @obj.equals(@ob2) end should "return true if enum values differ" do @ob2[:some_enum] = :value3 assert_equal true, @obj.equals(@ob2) end should "return false if other values differ" do @ob2[:some_int] = 1 assert_equal false, @obj.equals(@ob2) end end context "its copy method" do setup do @ob2 = @obj.copy end should "return an instance of TestSimpleBoxedA" do assert_instance_of Everything::TestSimpleBoxedA, @ob2 end should "copy fields" do assert_equal 4236, @ob2[:some_int] assert_equal 36, @ob2[:some_int8] assert_equal 23.53, @ob2[:some_double] assert_equal :value2, @ob2[:some_enum] end should "create a true copy" do @obj[:some_int8] = 89 assert_equal 36, @ob2[:some_int8] end end end end context "the Everything::TestStructA class" do context "an instance" do should "have a working clone method" do a = a[:some_int] = 2556 a[:some_int8] = -10 a[:some_double] = 1.03455e20 a[:some_enum] = :value2 b = a.clone assert_equal 2556, b[:some_int] assert_equal(-10, b[:some_int8]) assert_equal 1.03455e20, b[:some_double] assert_equal :value2, b[:some_enum] end end end # TestStructB # TestStructC # TestSubObj context "the Everything::TestWi8021x class" do should "create an instance using #new" do o = assert_instance_of Everything::TestWi8021x, o end should "have a working #static_method" do assert_equal(-84, Everything::TestWi8021x.static_method(-42)) end context "an instance" do setup do @obj = end should "set its boolean struct member with #set_testbool" do @obj.set_testbool true assert_equal 1, @obj[:testbool] @obj.set_testbool false assert_equal 0, @obj[:testbool] end should "get its boolean struct member with #get_testbool" do @obj[:testbool] = 0 assert_equal false, @obj.get_testbool @obj[:testbool] = 1 assert_equal true, @obj.get_testbool end should "get its boolean struct member with #get_property" do @obj[:testbool] = 1 gv = gv.init GObject.type_from_name "gboolean" @obj.get_property "testbool", gv assert_equal true, gv.get_boolean end end end # set_abort_on_error context "test_array_fixed_size_int_in" do should "return the correct result" do assert_equal 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1, Everything.test_array_fixed_size_int_in([5, 4, 3, 2, 1]) end should "raise an error when called with the wrong number of arguments" do assert_raises ArgumentError do Everything.test_array_fixed_size_int_in [2] end end end should "have correct test_array_fixed_size_int_out" do assert_equal [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], Everything.test_array_fixed_size_int_out end should "have correct test_array_fixed_size_int_return" do assert_equal [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], Everything.test_array_fixed_size_int_return end should "have correct test_array_gint16_in" do assert_equal 5 + 4 + 3, Everything.test_array_gint16_in([5, 4, 3]) end should "have correct test_array_gint32_in" do assert_equal 5 + 4 + 3, Everything.test_array_gint32_in([5, 4, 3]) end should "have correct test_array_gint64_in" do assert_equal 5 + 4 + 3, Everything.test_array_gint64_in([5, 4, 3]) end should "have correct test_array_gint8_in" do assert_equal 5 + 4 + 3, Everything.test_array_gint8_in([5, 4, 3]) end should "have correct test_array_gtype_in" do t1 = GObject.type_from_name "gboolean" t2 = GObject.type_from_name "gint64" assert_equal "[gboolean,gint64,]", Everything.test_array_gtype_in([t1, t2]) end should "have correct test_array_int_full_out" do assert_equal [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], Everything.test_array_int_full_out end should "have correct test_array_int_in" do assert_equal 5 + 4 + 3, Everything.test_array_int_in([5, 4, 3]) end should "have correct test_array_int_in_take" do assert_equal 5 + 4 + 3, Everything.test_array_int_in_take([5, 4, 3]) end should "have correct test_array_int_inout" do assert_equal [3, 4], Everything.test_array_int_inout([5, 2, 3]) end should "have correct test_array_int_none_out" do assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], Everything.test_array_int_none_out end should "have correct test_array_int_null_in" do assert_nothing_raised { Everything.test_array_int_null_in nil } end should "have correct test_array_int_null_out" do assert_equal nil, Everything.test_array_int_null_out end should "have correct test_array_int_out" do assert_equal [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], Everything.test_array_int_out end should "have correct test_async_ready_callback" do a = 1 main_loop = GLib.main_loop_new nil, false Everything.test_async_ready_callback { GLib.main_loop_quit main_loop a = 2 } GLib.main_loop_run main_loop assert_equal 2, a end should "have correct test_boolean" do assert_equal false, Everything.test_boolean(false) assert_equal true, Everything.test_boolean(true) end should "have correct test_boolean_false" do assert_equal false, Everything.test_boolean(false) end should "have correct test_boolean_true" do assert_equal true, Everything.test_boolean(true) end should "have correct test_cairo_context_full_return" should "have correct test_cairo_context_none_in" should "have correct test_cairo_surface_full_out" should "have correct test_cairo_surface_full_return" should "have correct test_cairo_surface_none_in" should "have correct test_cairo_surface_none_return" should "have correct test_callback" do result = Everything.test_callback { 5 } assert_equal 5, result end should "have correct test_callback_async" do a = 1 Everything.test_callback_async {|b| a = 2 b }, 44 r = Everything.test_callback_thaw_async assert_equal 44, r assert_equal 2, a end should "have correct test_callback_destroy_notify" do a = 1 r1 = Everything.test_callback_destroy_notify {|b| a = 2 b }, 42, { a = 3 } assert_equal 2, a assert_equal 42, r1 r2 = Everything.test_callback_thaw_notifications assert_equal 3, a assert_equal 42, r2 end context "the test_callback_user_data function" do should "return the callbacks return value" do result = Everything.test_callback_user_data {|u| 5 }, nil assert_equal 5, result end should "handle boolean user_data" do a = false result = Everything.test_callback_user_data {|u| a = u 5 }, true assert_equal true, a end end should "have correct test_closure" should "have correct test_closure_one_arg" should "have correct test_double" do r = Everything.test_double 5435.32 assert_equal 5435.32, r end should "have correct test_enum_param" do r = Everything.test_enum_param :value3 assert_equal "value3", r end should "have correct test_filename_return" should "have correct test_float" do r = Everything.test_float 5435.32 assert_in_delta 5435.32, r, 0.001 end should "have correct test_ghash_container_in" should "have correct test_ghash_container_return" should "have correct test_ghash_everything_in" should "have correct test_ghash_everything_return" should "have correct test_ghash_free" should "have correct test_ghash_nested_everything_return" should "have correct test_ghash_nested_everything_return2" should "have correct test_ghash_nothing_in" should "have correct test_ghash_nothing_in2" should "have correct test_ghash_nothing_return" should "have correct test_ghash_nothing_return2" should "have correct test_ghash_null_in" should "have correct test_ghash_null_out" should "have correct test_ghash_null_return" should "have correct test_glist_container_in" should "have correct test_glist_container_return" should "have correct test_glist_everything_in" should "have correct test_glist_everything_return" should "have correct test_glist_free" should "have correct test_glist_nothing_in" should "have correct test_glist_nothing_in2" should "have correct test_glist_nothing_return" should "have correct test_glist_nothing_return2" should "have correct test_glist_null_in" should "have correct test_glist_null_out" should "have correct test_gslist_container_in" should "have correct test_gslist_container_return" should "have correct test_gslist_everything_in" should "have correct test_gslist_everything_return" should "have correct test_gslist_free" should "have correct test_gslist_nothing_in" should "have correct test_gslist_nothing_in2" should "have correct test_gslist_nothing_return" should "have correct test_gslist_nothing_return2" should "have correct test_gslist_null_in" should "have correct test_gslist_null_out" should "have correct test_gtype" do result = Everything.test_gtype 23 assert_equal 23, result end should "have correct test_int" do result = Everything.test_int 23 assert_equal 23, result end should "have correct test_int16" do result = Everything.test_int16 23 assert_equal 23, result end should "have correct test_int32" do result = Everything.test_int32 23 assert_equal 23, result end should "have correct test_int64" do result = Everything.test_int64 2300000000000 assert_equal 2300000000000, result end should "have correct test_int8" do result = Everything.test_int8 23 assert_equal 23, result end should "have correct test_int_out_utf8" do len = Everything.test_int_out_utf8 "How long?" assert_equal 9, len end should "have correct test_int_value_arg" do gv = gv.init GObject.type_from_name "gint" gv.set_int 343 result = Everything.test_int_value_arg gv assert_equal 343, result end should "have correct test_long" do result = Everything.test_long 2300000000000 assert_equal 2300000000000, result end should "have correct test_multi_callback" do a = 1 result = Everything.test_multi_callback { a += 1 23 } assert_equal 2 * 23, result assert_equal 3, a end should "have correct test_multi_double_args" do one, two = Everything.test_multi_double_args 23.1 assert_equal 2 * 23.1, one assert_equal 3 * 23.1, two end should "have correct test_object_null_in" do assert_nothing_raised { Everything.test_object_null_in nil } end should "have correct test_object_null_out" do result = Everything.test_object_null_out assert_equal nil, result end should "have correct test_short" do result = Everything.test_short 23 assert_equal 23, result end should "have correct test_simple_boxed_a_const_return" do result = Everything.test_simple_boxed_a_const_return assert_equal [5, 6, 7.0], [result[:some_int], result[:some_int8], result[:some_double]] end context "the test_simple_callback function" do should "call the passed-in proc" do a = 0 Everything.test_simple_callback { a = 1 } assert_equal 1, a end # XXX: The scope data does not seem to be reliable enough. if false should "not store the proc in CALLBACKS" do n = Everything::Lib::CALLBACKS.length Everything.test_simple_callback { } assert_equal n, Everything::Lib::CALLBACKS.length end end end should "have correct test_size" do assert_equal 2354, Everything.test_size(2354) end should "have correct test_ssize" should "have correct test_strv_in" should "have correct test_strv_in_container" should "have correct test_strv_out" should "have correct test_strv_out_c" should "have correct test_strv_out_container" should "have correct test_strv_outarg" should "have correct test_timet" should "have correct test_torture_signature_0" do y, z, q = Everything.test_torture_signature_0 86, "foo", 2 assert_equal [86, 2*86, 3+2], [y, z, q] end context "its #test_torture_signature_1 method" do should "work for m even" do ret, y, z, q = Everything.test_torture_signature_1(-21, "hello", 12) assert_equal [true, -21, 2 * -21, "hello".length + 12], [ret, y, z, q] end should "throw an exception for m odd" do assert_raises RuntimeError do Everything.test_torture_signature_1(-21, "hello", 11) end end end should "have correct test_torture_signature_2" do a = 1 y, z, q = Everything.test_torture_signature_2 244, {|u| a = u }, 2, { a = 3 }, "foofoo", 31 assert_equal [244, 2*244, 6+31], [y, z, q] assert_equal 3, a end should "have correct test_uint" do assert_equal 31, Everything.test_uint(31) end should "have correct test_uint16" do assert_equal 31, Everything.test_uint16(31) end should "have correct test_uint32" do assert_equal 540000, Everything.test_uint32(540000) end should "have correct test_uint64" do assert_equal 54_000_000_000_000, Everything.test_uint64(54_000_000_000_000) end should "have correct test_uint8" do assert_equal 31, Everything.test_uint8(31) end should "have correct test_ulong" do assert_equal 54_000_000_000_000, Everything.test_uint64(54_000_000_000_000) end should "have correct test_ushort" do assert_equal 54_000_000, Everything.test_uint64(54_000_000) end should "have correct test_utf8_const_in" do # TODO: Capture stderr to automatically look for error messages. assert_nothing_raised do Everything.test_utf8_const_in("const \xe2\x99\xa5 utf8") end end should "have correct test_utf8_const_return" do result = Everything.test_utf8_const_return assert_equal "const \xe2\x99\xa5 utf8", result end should "have correct test_utf8_inout" do result = Everything.test_utf8_inout "const \xe2\x99\xa5 utf8" assert_equal "nonconst \xe2\x99\xa5 utf8", result end should "have correct test_utf8_nonconst_in" do assert_nothing_raised do Everything.test_utf8_nonconst_in "nonconst \xe2\x99\xa5 utf8" end end should "have correct test_utf8_nonconst_return" do result = Everything.test_utf8_nonconst_return assert_equal "nonconst \xe2\x99\xa5 utf8", result end should "have correct test_utf8_null_in" do assert_nothing_raised do Everything.test_utf8_null_in nil end end should "have correct test_utf8_null_out" do assert_equal nil, Everything.test_utf8_null_out end should "have correct test_utf8_out" do result = Everything.test_utf8_out assert_equal "nonconst \xe2\x99\xa5 utf8", result end should "have correct test_utf8_out_nonconst_return" do r, out = Everything.test_utf8_out_nonconst_return assert_equal ["first", "second"], [r, out] end should "have correct test_utf8_out_out" do out0, out1 = Everything.test_utf8_out_nonconst_return assert_equal ["first", "second"], [out0, out1] end should "have correct test_value_return" do result = Everything.test_value_return 3423 assert_equal 3423, result.get_int end end end