define("dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/FilterLayer", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/json", "../_StoreLayer" ], function(declare, lang, kernel, json, layers){ var cmdSetFilter = "filter", cmdClearFilter = "clear", hitchIfCan = function(scope, func){ return func ? lang.hitch(scope ||, func) : function(){}; }, shallowClone = function(obj){ var res = {}; if(obj && lang.isObject(obj)){ for(var name in obj){ res[name] = obj[name]; } } return res; }; var _FilterLayerMixin = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.filter._FilterLayerMixin", null, { /*===== // _filter: _ConditionExpr // The filter definition _filter: null, filterDef: function(filter){ // summary: // Get/set/clear the filter definition // tags: // public // filter: (_ConditionExpr|null)? // - null: clear filter definition // - undefined: it's getter // returns: // A filter definition if it's getter. }, =====*/ tags: ["sizeChange"], name: function(){ // summary: // override from return "filter"; //string }, onFilterDefined: function(filter){}, onFiltered: function(filteredSize, totalSize){ // summary: // Called when store data is filtered. This event is before *onComplete*, after *onBegin*. // tags: // callback extension // filteredSize: Integer // The number of remaining fetched items after filtering. // totalSize: Integer // The number of original fetched items. } }); var ServerSideFilterLayer = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.filter.ServerSideFilterLayer", [layers._ServerSideLayer, _FilterLayerMixin], { constructor: function(args){ this._onUserCommandLoad = args.setupFilterQuery || this._onUserCommandLoad; this.filterDef(null); }, filterDef: function(/* (_ConditionExpr|null)? */filter){ // summary: // See _FilterLayerMixin.filterDef if(filter){ this._filter = filter; var obj = filter.toObject(); //Stateless implementation will need to parse the filter object. this.command(cmdSetFilter, this._isStateful ? json.toJson(obj) : obj); this.command(cmdClearFilter, null); this.useCommands(true); this.onFilterDefined(filter); }else if(filter === null){ this._filter = null; this.command(cmdSetFilter, null); this.command(cmdClearFilter, true); this.useCommands(true); this.onFilterDefined(null); } return this._filter; //_ConditionExpr }, onCommandLoad: function(/* (in)string */responce, /* (in|out)keywordArgs */ userRequest){ // summary: // override from _ServerSideLayer.onCommandLoad this.inherited(arguments); var oldOnBegin = userRequest.onBegin; if(this._isStateful){ var filteredSize; if(responce){ this.command(cmdSetFilter, null); this.command(cmdClearFilter, null); this.useCommands(false); var sizes = responce.split(','); if(sizes.length >= 2){ filteredSize = this._filteredSize = parseInt(sizes[0], 10); this.onFiltered(filteredSize, parseInt(sizes[1], 10)); }else{ //Error here. return; } }else{ filteredSize = this._filteredSize; } if(this.enabled()){ userRequest.onBegin = function(size, req){ hitchIfCan(userRequest.scope, oldOnBegin)(filteredSize, req); }; } }else{ var _this = this; userRequest.onBegin = function(size, req){ if(!_this._filter){ _this._storeSize = size; } _this.onFiltered(size, _this._storeSize || size); req.onBegin = oldOnBegin; hitchIfCan(userRequest.scope, oldOnBegin)(size, req); }; } } }); var ClientSideFilterLayer = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.filter.ClientSideFilterLayer", [layers._StoreLayer, _FilterLayerMixin], { // summary: // Add a client side filter layer on top of the data store, // so any filter expression can be applied to the store. /*===== // _items: Array, // Cached items (may contain holes) _items: [], // _result: Array, // Current fetch result _result: [], // _resultStartIdx: Integer, // The index in cache of the first result item _resultStartIdx: 0, // _indexMap: Array, // A map from the row index of this._items to the row index of the original store. _indexMap: null, // _getter: function(datarow, colArg, rowIndex, store); // A user defined way to get data from store _getter: null, // _nextUnfetchedIdx: Integer // The index of the next item in the store that is never fetched. _nextUnfetchedIdx: 0, =====*/ // _storeSize: Integer // The actual size of the original store _storeSize: -1, // _fetchAll // If the store is small or store size must be correct when onBegin is called, // we should fetch and filter all the items on the first query. _fetchAll: true, constructor: function(args){ this.filterDef(null); args = lang.isObject(args) ? args : {}; this.fetchAllOnFirstFilter(args.fetchAll); this._getter = lang.isFunction(args.getter) ? args.getter : this._defaultGetter; }, _defaultGetter: function(datarow, colName, rowIndex, store){ return store.getValue(datarow, colName); }, filterDef: function(/* (_ConditionExpr|null)? */filter){ // summary: // See _FilterLayerMixin.filterDef if(filter !== undefined){ this._filter = filter; this.invalidate(); this.onFilterDefined(filter); } return this._filter; //_ConditionExpr }, setGetter: function(/* function */getter){ // summary: // Set the user defined way to retrieve data from store. // tags: // public // getter: function(datarow, colArg, rowIndex, store); if(lang.isFunction(getter)){ this._getter = getter; } }, fetchAllOnFirstFilter: function(/* bool? */toFetchAll){ // summary: // The get/set function for fetchAll. // tags: // public // toFetchAll: boolean? // If provided, it's a set function, otherwise it's a get function. // returns: // Whether fetch all on first filter if this is a getter if(toFetchAll !== undefined){ this._fetchAll = !!toFetchAll; } return this._fetchAll; //Boolean }, invalidate: function(){ // summary: // Clear all the status information of this layer // tags: // private this._items = []; this._nextUnfetchedIdx = 0; this._result = []; this._indexMap = []; this._resultStartIdx = 0; }, //----------------Private Functions----------------------------- _fetch: function(userRequest,filterRequest){ // summary: // Implement _StoreLayer._fetch // tags: // private callback // filterRequest: dojo/data/api/Request // The actual request used in store.fetch. // This function is called recursively to fill the result store items // until the user specified item count is reached. Only in recursive calls, // this parameter is valid. if(!this._filter){ //If we don't have any filter, use the original request and fetch. var old_onbegin = userRequest.onBegin, _this = this; userRequest.onBegin = function(size, r){ hitchIfCan(userRequest.scope, old_onbegin)(size, r); _this.onFiltered(size, size); }; this.originFetch(userRequest); return userRequest; } try{ //If the fetch is at the beginning, user's start position is used; //If we are in a recursion, our own request is used. var start = filterRequest ? filterRequest._nextResultItemIdx : userRequest.start; start = start || 0; if(!filterRequest){ //Initially, we have no results. this._result = []; this._resultStartIdx = start; var sortStr; if(lang.isArray(userRequest.sort) && userRequest.sort.length > 0 && //Sort info will stay here in every re-fetch, so remember it! (sortStr = json.toJson(userRequest.sort)) != this._lastSortInfo){ //If we should sort data, all the old caches are no longer valid. this.invalidate(); this._lastSortInfo = sortStr; } } //this._result contains the current fetch result (of every recursion). var end = typeof userRequest.count == "number" ? start + userRequest.count - this._result.length : this._items.length; //Try to retrieve all the items from our cache. //Only need items after userRequest.start, test it in case start is smaller. if(this._result.length){ this._result = this._result.concat(this._items.slice(start, end)); }else{ this._result = this._items.slice(userRequest.start, typeof userRequest.count == "number" ? userRequest.start + userRequest.count : this._items.length); } if(this._result.length >= userRequest.count || this._hasReachedStoreEnd()){ //We already have had enough items, or we have to stop fetching because there's nothing more to fetch. this._completeQuery(userRequest); }else{ //User's request hasn't been finished yet. Fetch more. if(!filterRequest){ //Initially, we've got to create a new request object. filterRequest = shallowClone(userRequest); //Use our own onBegin function to remember the total size of the original store. filterRequest.onBegin = lang.hitch(this, this._onFetchBegin); filterRequest.onComplete = lang.hitch(this, function(items, req){ //We've fetched some more, so march ahead! this._nextUnfetchedIdx += items.length; //Actual filtering work goes here. Survived items are added to our cache. //req is our own request object. this._doFilter(items, req.start, userRequest); //Recursively call this function. Let's do this again! this._fetch(userRequest, req); }); } //Fetch starts from the next unfetched item. filterRequest.start = this._nextUnfetchedIdx; //If store is small, we should only fetch once. if(this._fetchAll){ delete filterRequest.count; } //Remember we've (maybe) already added something to our result array, so next time we should not start over again. filterRequest._nextResultItemIdx = end < this._items.length ? end : this._items.length; //Actual fetch work goes here. this.originFetch(filterRequest); } }catch(e){ if(userRequest.onError){ hitchIfCan(userRequest.scope, userRequest.onError)(e, userRequest); }else{ throw e; } } return userRequest; }, _hasReachedStoreEnd: function(){ // summary: // Check whether all the items in the original store have been fetched. // tags: // private return this._storeSize >= 0 && this._nextUnfetchedIdx >= this._storeSize; //Boolean }, _applyFilter: function(/* data item */datarow,/* Integer */rowIndex){ // summary: // Apply the filter to a row of data // tags: // private // returns: // whether this row survived the filter. var g = this._getter, s = this._store; try{ return !!(this._filter.applyRow(datarow, function(item, arg){ return g(item, arg, rowIndex, s); }).getValue()); }catch(e){ console.warn("FilterLayer._applyFilter() error: ", e); return false; } }, _doFilter: function(/* Array */items,/* Integer */startIdx,/* object */userRequest){ // summary: // Use the filter expression to filter items. Survived items are stored in this._items. // The given items start from "startIdx" in the original store. // tags: // private for(var i = 0, cnt = 0; i < items.length; ++i){ if(this._applyFilter(items[i], startIdx + i)){ hitchIfCan(userRequest.scope, userRequest.onItem)(items[i], userRequest); cnt += this._addCachedItems(items[i], this._items.length); this._indexMap.push(startIdx + i); } } }, _onFetchBegin: function(/* Integer */size,/* request object */req){ // summary: // This function is used to replace the user's onFetchBegin in store.fetch // tags: // private this._storeSize = size; }, _completeQuery: function(/* request object */userRequest){ // summary: // Logically, the user's query is completed here, i.e., all the filtered results are ready. // (or their index mappings are ready) // tags: // private var size = this._items.length; if(this._nextUnfetchedIdx < this._storeSize){ //FIXME: There's still some items in the original store that are not fetched & filtered. //So we have to estimate a little bigger size to allow scrolling to these unfetched items. //However, this behavior is ONLY correct in Grid! Any better way to do this? size++; } hitchIfCan(userRequest.scope, userRequest.onBegin)(size,userRequest); this.onFiltered(this._items.length, this._storeSize); hitchIfCan(userRequest.scope, userRequest.onComplete)(this._result, userRequest); }, _addCachedItems: function(/* Array */items,/* Integer */filterStartIdx){ // summary: // Add data items to the cache. The insert point is at *filterStartIdx* // tags: // private // items: Array // Data items to add. // filterStartIdx: Integer // The start point to insert in the cache. if(!lang.isArray(items)){ items = [items]; } for(var k = 0; k < items.length; ++k){ this._items[filterStartIdx + k] = items[k]; } return items.length; }, onRowMappingChange: function(mapping){ //This function runs in FilterLayer scope! if(this._filter){ var m = lang.clone(mapping), alreadyUpdated = {}; for(var r in m){ r = parseInt(r, 10); mapping[this._indexMap[r]] = this._indexMap[m[r]]; if(!alreadyUpdated[this._indexMap[r]]){ alreadyUpdated[this._indexMap[r]] = true; } if(!alreadyUpdated[r]){ alreadyUpdated[r] = true; delete mapping[r]; } } } } }); return lang.mixin({ ServerSideFilterLayer: ServerSideFilterLayer, ClientSideFilterLayer: ClientSideFilterLayer }, layers); });