o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1360584996.9135952xX: @value{I" class:EFI"BundledAsset; FI"id; F"%9be395edf990e5596db70ede2d0b9f84I"logical_path; FI"js-routes.js; FI" pathname; FI"z/home/bdrit/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290@translation_center/gems/js-routes-0.7.5/app/assets/javascripts/js-routes.js.erb; FI"content_type; FI"application/javascript; FI" mtime; FI"2013-02-11T10:40:20+02:00; FI" body; FI"/(function(){ var defaults = { prefix: '', format: '' }; var Utils = { serialize: function(obj){ if (obj === null) {return '';} var s = []; for (prop in obj){ if (obj[prop]) { if (obj[prop] instanceof Array) { for (var i=0; i < obj[prop].length; i++) { key = prop + encodeURIComponent("[]"); s.push(key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[prop][i].toString())); } } else { s.push(prop + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[prop].toString())); } } } if (s.length === 0) { return ''; } return "?" + s.join('&'); }, clean_path: function(path) { return path.replace(/\/+/g, "/").replace(/[\)\(]/g, "").replace(/\.$/m, '').replace(/\/$/m, ''); }, extract: function(name, options) { var o = undefined; if (options.hasOwnProperty(name)) { o = options[name]; delete options[name]; } else if (defaults.hasOwnProperty(name)) { o = defaults[name]; } return o; }, extract_format: function(options) { var format = options.hasOwnProperty("format") ? options.format : defaults.format; delete options.format; return format ? "." + format : ""; }, extract_anchor: function(options) { var anchor = options.hasOwnProperty("anchor") ? options.anchor : null; delete options.anchor; return anchor ? "#" + anchor : ""; }, extract_options: function(number_of_params, args) { if (args.length > number_of_params) { return typeof(args[args.length-1]) == "object" ? args.pop() : {}; } else { return {}; } }, path_identifier: function(object) { if (!object) { return ""; } if (typeof(object) == "object") { return ((typeof(object.to_param) == "function" && object.to_param()) || object.to_param || object.id || object).toString(); } else { return object.toString(); } }, build_path: function(number_of_params, parts, optional_params, args) { args = Array.prototype.slice.call(args); var result = Utils.get_prefix(); var opts = Utils.extract_options(number_of_params, args); if (args.length > number_of_params) { throw new Error("Too many parameters provided for path"); } var params_count = 0, optional_params_count = 0; for (var i=0; i < parts.length; i++) { var part = parts[i]; if (Utils.optional_part(part)) { var name = optional_params[optional_params_count]; optional_params_count++; // try and find the option in opts var optional = Utils.extract(name, opts); if (Utils.specified(optional)) { result += part; result += Utils.path_identifier(optional); } } else { result += part; if (params_count < number_of_params) { params_count++; var value = args.shift(); if (Utils.specified(value)) { result += Utils.path_identifier(value); } else { throw new Error("Insufficient parameters to build path"); } } } } var format = Utils.extract_format(opts); var anchor = Utils.extract_anchor(opts); return Utils.clean_path(result + format + anchor) + Utils.serialize(opts); }, specified: function(value) { return !(value === undefined || value === null); }, optional_part: function(part) { return part.match(/\(/); }, get_prefix: function(){ var prefix = defaults.prefix; if( prefix !== "" ){ prefix = prefix.match('\/$') ? prefix : ( prefix + '/'); } return prefix; } }; window.Routes = { // new_user_session => /users/sign_in(.:format) new_user_session_path: function(options) { return Utils.build_path(0, ["/users/sign_in"], ["format"], arguments) }, // user_session => /users/sign_in(.:format) user_session_path: function(options) { return Utils.build_path(0, ["/users/sign_in"], ["format"], arguments) }, // destroy_user_session => /users/sign_out(.:format) destroy_user_session_path: function(options) { return Utils.build_path(0, ["/users/sign_out"], ["format"], arguments) }, // user_password => /users/password(.:format) user_password_path: function(options) { return Utils.build_path(0, ["/users/password"], ["format"], arguments) }, // new_user_password => /users/password/new(.:format) new_user_password_path: function(options) { return Utils.build_path(0, ["/users/password/new"], ["format"], arguments) }, // edit_user_password => /users/password/edit(.:format) edit_user_password_path: function(options) { return Utils.build_path(0, ["/users/password/edit"], ["format"], arguments) }, // cancel_user_registration => /users/cancel(.:format) cancel_user_registration_path: function(options) { return Utils.build_path(0, ["/users/cancel"], ["format"], arguments) }, // user_registration => /users(.:format) user_registration_path: function(options) { return Utils.build_path(0, ["/users"], ["format"], arguments) }, // new_user_registration => /users/sign_up(.:format) new_user_registration_path: function(options) { return Utils.build_path(0, ["/users/sign_up"], ["format"], arguments) }, // edit_user_registration => /users/edit(.:format) edit_user_registration_path: function(options) { return Utils.build_path(0, ["/users/edit"], ["format"], arguments) }, // posts => /posts(.:format) posts_path: function(options) { return Utils.build_path(0, ["/posts"], ["format"], arguments) }, // new_post => /posts/new(.:format) new_post_path: function(options) { return Utils.build_path(0, ["/posts/new"], ["format"], arguments) }, // edit_post => /posts/:id/edit(.:format) edit_post_path: function(_id, options) { return Utils.build_path(1, ["/posts/", "/edit"], ["format"], arguments) }, // post => /posts/:id(.:format) post_path: function(_id, options) { return Utils.build_path(1, ["/posts/"], ["format"], arguments) }, // translation_center => /translation_center translation_center_path: function(options) { return Utils.build_path(0, ["/translation_center"], [], arguments) }, // root => / root_path: function(options) { return Utils.build_path(0, ["/"], [], arguments) }, // rails_info_properties => /rails/info/properties(.:format) rails_info_properties_path: function(options) { return Utils.build_path(0, ["/rails/info/properties"], ["format"], arguments) }} ; window.Routes.options = defaults; })(); ; FI"asset_paths; F[I"z/home/bdrit/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290@translation_center/gems/js-routes-0.7.5/app/assets/javascripts/js-routes.js.erb; FI"dependency_paths; F[{I" path; FI"z/home/bdrit/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290@translation_center/gems/js-routes-0.7.5/app/assets/javascripts/js-routes.js.erb; FI" mtime; FIu: Time hE€YÓ@¡ : @_zoneI"EET; T: nano_numiœ: nano_deni: submicro"’@: offseti I"hexdigest; F"%7355e909e7089aef4c9ce5d1cfafc4a6{I" path; FI"$root/config/routes.rb; FI" mtime; FIu; .€µ¹&0 ; I"EET; T; i|;i;"‰ ;i I"hexdigest; F"%b7e4907ea989c71ae211abfc90979d10I" _version; F"%0868aba5d4b750d3a9421721ea3d9b9c