require 'singleton' require 'docker-sync/config/config_locator' require 'docker-sync/config/config_serializer' require 'forwardable' require 'docker-sync/environment' module DockerSync class ProjectConfig extend Forwardable REQUIRED_CONFIG_VERSION = '2'.freeze ERROR_MISSING_CONFIG_VERSION = "Your docker-sync.yml file does not include a version: \"#{REQUIRED_CONFIG_VERSION}\""\ '(Add this if you migrated from docker-sync 0.1.x)'.freeze ERROR_MISMATCH_CONFIG_VERSION = 'Your docker-sync.yml file does not match the required version '\ "(#{REQUIRED_CONFIG_VERSION}).".freeze ERROR_MISSING_SYNCS = 'no syncs defined'.freeze attr_reader :config, :config_path private :config def_delegators :@config, :[], :to_h def initialize(config_path: nil, config_string: nil) if config_string.nil? if config_path.nil? || config_path.empty? config_path = DockerSync::ConfigLocator.lookup_project_config_path end load_project_config(config_path) else @config = DockerSync::ConfigSerializer.default_deserializer_string(config_string) @config_path = nil end validate_config! normalize_config! end def load_project_config(config_path = nil) @config_path = config_path return unless File.exist?(@config_path) @config = DockerSync::ConfigSerializer.default_deserializer_file(@config_path) end def unison_required? # noinspection RubyUnusedLocalVariable config['syncs'].any? { |name, sync_config| sync_config['sync_strategy'] == 'unison' || sync_config['watch_strategy'] == 'unison' } end def rsync_required? # noinspection RubyUnusedLocalVariable config['syncs'].any? { |name, sync_config| sync_config['sync_strategy'] == 'rsync' } end def fswatch_required? # noinspection RubyUnusedLocalVariable config['syncs'].any? { |name, sync_config| sync_config['watch_strategy'] == 'fswatch' } end private def validate_config! raise error_missing_given_config if config.nil? raise ERROR_MISSING_CONFIG_VERSION unless config.key?('version') raise ERROR_MISMATCH_CONFIG_VERSION unless config['version'].to_s == REQUIRED_CONFIG_VERSION raise ERROR_MISSING_SYNCS unless config.key?('syncs') validate_syncs_config! end def validate_syncs_config! config['syncs'].each do |name, sync_config| validate_sync_config(name, sync_config) end end def validate_sync_config(name, sync_config) config_mandatory = %w[src] #TODO: Implement autodisovery for other strategies config_mandatory.push('sync_host_port') if sync_config['sync_strategy'] == 'rsync' config_mandatory.each do |key| raise ("#{name} does not have #{key} configuration value set - this is mandatory") unless sync_config.key?(key) end end def error_missing_given_config "Config could not be loaded from #{config_path} - it does not exist" end def normalize_config! normalize_options_config! config['syncs'].each do |name, sync_config| config['syncs'][name] = normalize_sync_config(sync_config) end end def normalize_options_config! config['options'] = { 'project_root' => 'pwd', }.merge(config['options'] || {}) end def normalize_sync_config(sync_config) { 'sync_strategy' => sync_strategy_for(sync_config), 'watch_strategy' => watch_strategy_for(sync_config) }.merge(sync_config).merge( 'src' => expand_path(sync_config['src']), ) end def sync_strategy_for(sync_config) sync_strategy = sync_config['sync_strategy'] if %w(rsync unison native native_osx).include?(sync_strategy) sync_strategy else default_sync_strategy end end def watch_strategy_for(sync_config) watch_strategy = sync_config['watch_strategy'] watch_strategy = 'dummy' if watch_strategy == 'disable' if %w(fswatch unison dummy).include?(watch_strategy) watch_strategy else default_watch_strategy(sync_config) end end def default_sync_strategy return 'native' if Environment.linux? return 'native_osx' if Environment.mac? && Dependencies::Docker::Driver.docker_for_mac? return 'unison' if Environment.mac? end def default_watch_strategy(sync_config) case sync_strategy_for(sync_config) when 'rsync' then 'fswatch' when 'unison' then 'unison' when 'native' then 'dummy' when 'native_osx' then 'remotelogs' else raise "you shouldn't be here" end end def expand_path(path) Dir.chdir(project_root) { # [nbr] convert the sync src from relative to absolute path # preserve '/' as it may be significant to the sync cmd absolute_path = File.expand_path(path) absolute_path << '/' if path.end_with?('/') absolute_path } end def project_root if use_config_path_for_project_root? File.dirname(@config_path) else Dir.pwd end end def use_config_path_for_project_root? config['options']['project_root'] == 'config_path' && !(@config_path.nil? || @config_path.empty?) end end end