## Version 3.0.1 (2014-07-16) This release restores Mac OS X support and fixes a permalink generation bug. ### Patch: * GH-13: man(1) on Mac OS X could not display URLs. The version of groff on Mac OS X is too old: it lacks the an-ext.tmac macro package that defines styles for email addresses and general URLs. $ groff --version ... GNU grops (groff) version 1.19.2 GNU troff (groff) version 1.19.2 This patch drops those URL macros in favor of simpler angled brackets. Thanks to Sorin Ionescu for reporting this issue in GH-13: https://github.com/sunaku/md2man/issues/13 * md2man-html(1): cross references were escaped in heading permalink IDs. ## Version 3.0.0 (2014-06-22) This release changes md2man-html(1) heading permalinks to follow GitHub style: unique, lowercase, and squeezed and stripped of HTML tags and non-word chars. In addition, it renames the `md2man-xref` CSS class to `md2man-reference`. Please make sure to update any existing bookmarks and/or hyperlinks you may have for jumping to specific locations in your HTML manuals after upgrading. ### Major: * Make permalink anchors on headings fully lowercase in md2man-html(1). * Put permalinks on left & indicate target permalink in md2man-html(1). * Make permalink anchors unique by appending a count in md2man-html(1). * Rename `md2man-xref` CSS class to `md2man-reference` in md2man-html(1). ## Version 2.1.1 (2014-06-21) ### Patch: * Bootstrap CSS failed to load for HTML manuals served under HTTPS. See for the details. * Drop redundant nil check in `Md2Man::Roff::Engine.escape()`. ### Other: * GitHub now supports relative links from the README. * README: add links to package, manuals, and GitHub. ## Version 2.1.0 (2014-05-04) ### Minor: * md2man-html(1) now adds anchors and permalinks to all headings. This makes it easy for readers to bookmark and share direct links to specific sections of your HTML manual pages. * md2man-html(1) now wraps individual components of the special `.TH` top-level heading in HTML `` elements with stylable CSS classes: ... ... ... ... ... Thanks to Nick Fagerlund for requesting this feature in [GH-15]( https://github.com/sunaku/md2man/issues/15 ). ### Other: * md2man(5) now documents the special `.TH` format of top-level headings. Thanks to Nick Fagerlund for requesting this documentation in [GH-15]( https://github.com/sunaku/md2man/issues/15 ). ## Version 2.0.4 (2014-04-26) ### Patch: * GH-16: Redcarpet 3.1 added a third parameter to its `header()` method. This raised an ArgumentError on "wrong number of arguments (3 for 2)". Thanks to zimbatm for contributing this patch. * GH-17 and GH-18: Escape periods, quotes, and hyphens in code blocks. This fixes a bug where lines beginning with periods or single quotes did not appear when md2man-roff(1) output was rendered using man(1). Thanks to zimbatm for reporting this bug and suggesting how to fix it. ## Version 2.0.3 (2014-01-16) ### Patch: * Use CSS3 `-ch` suffix for accurate 80-character width in HTML output. http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#font-relative-lengths ## Version 2.0.2 (2013-09-08) Patch: * GH-14: escape single quotes at beginning of lines See the "CONTROL CHARACTERS" section in the groff(7) manual for details. Thanks to Nick Fagerlund for reporting this bug. * escape periods at line beginnings with \& escape * escape text line backslashes as "\e" per groff(7) * better documentation for escaping in normal_text() * it's better to escape backslashes as \[rs] than \e See "Single-Character Escapes" section in groff(7). Other: * switch from double-quoted strings to single quotes ## Version 2.0.1 (2013-08-29) Patch: * Use a proper CDN to access Bootstrap 2.3.2 styling in HTML output. * Ensure that man/ directory exists for the `md2man:web` Rake task. * Specify license in gemspec file to fix warning when building gem. Thanks to Bastien Dejean for contributing this patch. Other: * Upgrade dependent gems by running `bundle update`. * minitest 4.7.5 provides spec library via autorun. ## Version 2.0.0 (2013-05-05) This release renames md2man executables and libraries to highlight the fact that md2man provides two processing pathways: one for Roff and one for HTML. Major: * Rename md2man(1) executable to md2man-roff(1). * Rename `Md2Man::Engine` to `Md2Man::Roff::Engine`. * Rename "manpage-reference" CSS class to "md2man-xref" in HTML output. * The `Md2Man::Document#reference()` method now takes only two parameters: * `input_match` - MatchData object for the reference in Markdown input containing the following named capture groups: * `:page` - name of the manual page * `:section` - section number of the manual page * `output_match` - MatchData object for the reference in output document containing the following named capture groups: * `:addendum` - non-space characters immediately after the reference in the output document Patch: * Prevent cross-references from being expanded inside HTML tags. Other: * Add md2man(5) manual page detailing md2man's markdown file format. ## Version 1.6.2 (2013-05-05) Patch: * Fix "uninitialized constant Md2Man::VERSION" error in `md2man/rakefile`. * HTML manual page CSS: justify the lines of text just like man(1) does. * HTML manual page CSS: resize body to allot 78ex width for manpage text. ## Version 1.6.1 (2013-05-04) Patch: * Replace multi-column CSS with single centered body. Other: * Fix manpage xrefs in README and VERSION documents. ## Version 1.6.0 (2013-03-10) Minor: * Added an md2man-rake(1) executable that lets you run md2man's rake(1) tasks _directly_ from the command line: without the need for a "Rakefile" in your working directory that loads the `md2man/rakefile` library. * In web pages generated by the `md2man:web` Rake task: * extract CSS into a separate `man/style.css` file * center manpage on screen & auto-split into columns Patch: * In web pages generated by the `md2man:web` Rake task: * don't rely on being emitted into a `man/` directory Other: * add README and VERSION to generated HTML man pages ## Version 1.5.1 (2013-03-06) Patch: * All this time, this project's documentation stated that Redcarpet's `no_intra_emphasis` option was enabled, but in reality, it was not. The documentation has been corrected and the option remains disabled. * In web pages generated by the `md2man:web` Rake task: * deactivate cross references to external manual pages * don't assume that NAME section contains a tagline * sort man/ subdirectories in the HTML index page * fix link to index page from webs directly in man/ * add generator META tag to HTML output template * only apply special styling to the first H1 child * parse title from first paragraph containing hyphen Other: * rename HISTORY to VERSION so it sorts after README * tests should exercise engines with default options ## Version 1.5.0 (2013-02-24) Minor: * The `md2man:web` task from `md2man/rakefile` now: * emits valid HTML5 with helpful HTML page titles * uses Twitter Bootstrap styling for HTML man pages * emits only ONE index page for all HTML man pages Other: * README: better organize the subsections of "Usage" * include md2man rake tasks in developer's rakefile ## Version 1.4.1 (2013-02-23) Patch: * rakefile: arbitrary directory structure under man/ https://github.com/sunaku/md2man/pull/3#issuecomment-9429077 Thanks to Postmodern for raising this issue. * hook into 'build' task only if using Bundler tasks https://github.com/sunaku/md2man/pull/7#issuecomment-9467621 Thanks to Postmodern for raising this issue. * GH-8: Redcarpet requires Ruby 1.9 and so must we https://github.com/sunaku/md2man/issues/8#issuecomment-9509240 Thanks to Postmodern for raising this issue. Other: * README: add md2man-html(1) and Md2Man::HTML usage * LICENSE: use GitHub profile URLs instead of e-mail ## Version 1.4.0 (2012-10-14) Minor: * roff: emit non-first H1 headings as H2 headings * html: add `Md2Man::HTML::Engine` class for HTML manual page generation * html: add md2man-html(1) bin script for command line access to the above * html: add ID attributes on all headings for easy permalinking * rake: add `md2man/rakefile` to process markdown files in man/ This library provides a `rake md2man` task that builds UNIX and HTML manual pages from Markdown files (with ".markdown", ".mkd", or ".md" extension) inside your `man/man*/` directories. It also provides sub-tasks to build *only* UNIX or HTML manual pages separately. It also hooks into Bundler's gem packaging tasks to automatically build your manual pages for packaging into a gem. See the README for details. ## Version 1.3.2 (2012-10-13) Patch: * roff: escape backslashes inside codespan nodes too * roff: escape backslashes inside block\_code nodes ## Version 1.3.1 (2012-10-09) Patch: * roff: do not render references inside code blocks. * roff: do not render references inside code spans. * roff: fix single-line indented paragraph detection. * roff: also indent block\_code just like block\_quote. * roff: add paragraph above block\_quote for spacing. * roff: render code blocks as paragraphs for spacing. Otherwise there's not enough space between the previous paragraph and the code block: it appears on the next line and appears ugly in man(1). * document: make reference regexp match more manpages. Other: * document: stronger digest encoding using NUL bytes. * document: super() can't reach Redcarpet's renderer classes. See https://github.com/vmg/redcarpet/issues/51 for details. ## Version 1.3.0 (2012-09-27) Minor: * Intra-word emphasis is now enabled *by default* in `Md2Man::ENGINE`. To not be affected by this change, you may still construct your own Redcarpet::Markdown engine with your own set of processing options. ## Version 1.2.1 (2012-07-05) Patch: * GH-4: ruby 1.8.7 lacks negative lookbehind regexps. Thanks to Postmodern for reporting this issue. Other: * GH-1: use `~>` for gem version constraints. See http://docs.rubygems.org/read/chapter/16 Thanks to Postmodern for this contribution. ## Version 1.2.0 (2012-02-06) Minor: * The `Md2Man::Document` module now handles paragraph() nodes and dispatches their content accordingly to hook methods for indented, tagged, and normal paragraphs. A Redcarpet markdown parser need only include that module and implement those hook methods in order to benefit from md2man's extensions to markdown syntax programmatically. Other: * README: mention features; revise markdown; cleanup. * LICENSE: @tanoku created initial Manpage renderer. ## Version 1.1.0 (2012-02-02) Minor: * Add `Md2Man::Document` module for programmatic processing of cross-references to other UNIX manual pages within Redcarpet. Other: * README: not all systems support `man -l` option. * gemspec: upgrade to redcarpet 2.1.0. * bundler suggests moving all dev deps into gemspec. * README: fix installation commands for development. * README: simplify project slogan to be more memorable. ## Version 1.0.2 (2012-01-09) Patch: * Blockquote's leading paragraph regexp was not anchored. * Freezing internal constants prevents monkey patching. Other: * Upgraded to Binman 3 for better interoperability with Bundler. * Added example input file from the Linux Man Page Howto. * Forgot to change project slogan in the gem package. ## Version 1.0.1 (2011-12-06) Major: * Renamed the project from "redcarpet-manpage" to "md2man". * `RedcarpetManpage::Renderer` is now `Md2Man::Engine`. * `RedcarpetManpage::RENDERER` is now `Md2Man::ENGINE`. * Tagged paragraphs no longer require the first line to begin with italic or bold styling. All that matters is that the subsequent lines are indented. Minor: * Added md2man(1) executable for command-line usage. * Added support for all HTML 4.0 and XHTML 1.0 entities. * Added support for tables, horizontal rules, and more. * Added `Md2Man::Roff` mixin for advanced Redcarpet2 usage. * Improved README with some new and revised documentation. Other: * Rewrote entire Markdown to Roff conversion from scratch while doing TDD. ## Version 0.0.1 (2011-10-13) First release! Happy birthday! Woohoo! :-)