# -*- encoding: binary -*- ENV["VERSION"] or abort "VERSION= must be specified" manifest = File.readlines('.manifest').map! { |x| x.chomp! } # don't bother with tests that fork, not worth our time to get working # with `gem check -t` ... (of course we care for them when testing with # GNU make when they can run in parallel) test_files = manifest.grep(%r{\Atest/unit/test_.*\.rb\z}).map do |f| File.readlines(f).grep(/\bfork\b/).empty? ? f : nil end.compact Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = %q{rainbows} s.version = ENV["VERSION"] s.authors = ["Rainbows! hackers"] s.date = Time.now.utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') s.description = File.read("README").split(/\n\n/)[1] s.email = %q{rainbows-talk@rubyforge.org} s.executables = %w(rainbows) s.extra_rdoc_files = File.readlines('.document').map! do |x| x.chomp! if File.directory?(x) manifest.grep(%r{\A#{x}/}) elsif File.file?(x) x else nil end end.flatten.compact s.files = manifest s.homepage = %q{http://rainbows.rubyforge.org/} s.summary = %q{Unicorn for sleepy apps and slow clients} s.rdoc_options = [ "-t", "Rainbows! #{s.summary}" ] s.require_paths = %w(lib) s.rubyforge_project = %q{rainbows} s.test_files = test_files # we want a newer Rack for a valid HeaderHash#each s.add_dependency(%q, ['~> 1.1']) # we need Unicorn for the HTTP parser and process management s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 2.0.0pre3"]) s.add_development_dependency(%q, "~> 3.0.0") # optional runtime dependencies depending on configuration # see t/test_isolate.rb for the exact versions we've tested with # # Revactor >= 0.1.5 includes UNIX domain socket support # s.add_dependency(%q, [">= 0.1.5"]) # # Revactor depends on Rev, too, 0.3.0 got the ability to attach IOs # s.add_dependency(%q, [">= 0.3.2"]) # # Rev depends on IOBuffer, which got faster in 0.1.3 # s.add_dependency(%q, [">= 0.1.3"]) # # We use the new EM::attach/watch API in 0.12.10 # s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 0.12.10"]) # # NeverBlock, currently only available on http://gems.github.com/ # s.add_dependency(%q, ["~>"]) # s.licenses = %w(GPLv2 Ruby) # accessor not compatible with older RubyGems end