#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 __dir = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) require File.join(__dir, "example_helper") amq_client_example "Declare a new fanout exchange" do |connection| puts "AMQP connection is open: #{connection.server_properties.inspect}" channel = AMQ::Client::Channel.new(connection, 1) channel.open do puts "Channel #{channel.id} is now open!" exchange_name = "amqclient.adapters.em.exchange" 10.times do exchange = AMQ::Client::Exchange.new(connection, channel, exchange_name, :fanout) exchange.declare end exchange2 = AMQ::Client::Exchange.new(connection, channel, exchange_name + "-2", :fanout) exchange2.declare AMQ::Client::Exchange.new(connection, channel, exchange_name, :fanout).declare do |exchange, declare_ok| puts "Channel is aware of the following exchanges: #{channel.exchanges.map { |e| e.name }.join(', ')}" exchange.delete do puts "Exchange #{exchange.name} was successfully deleted" exchange2.delete do puts "Exchange #{exchange2.name} was successfully deleted" connection.disconnect do puts puts "AMQP connection is now properly closed" EM.stop end end end end show_stopper = Proc.new { connection.disconnect do puts puts "AMQP connection is now properly closed" EM.stop end } Signal.trap "INT", show_stopper Signal.trap "TERM", show_stopper EM.add_timer(2, show_stopper) end end