default: context: lang: 'en' visitor: 'ant' node: 'status' src: "simple text" tem: "simple text" res: "simple text" nasty_erb: src: "this <% puts \"could be\" %> nasty" tem: "this <% puts \"could be\" %> nasty" never_end_erb: src: "never ending erb <%= puts " tem: "never ending erb <%= puts " res: "never ending erb <%= puts " nasty_evil_erb: src: "this <% puts <% puts 'could be' %> %> nasty" tem: "this <% puts <% puts 'could be' %> %> nasty" trick_erb: src: "this <% puts 'is bad' %>" tem: "this <% puts 'is bad' %>" res: "this <% puts 'is bad' %>" include_erb: src: "include: " tem: "include: this <% puts \"could be\" %> nasty" cache_part: src: "" tem: "<% cache1 = Cache.with(, visitor.group_ids, \"NP\", \"en\", \"/cache/part/list1\") do capture do %><%= %><% end; end %><%= cache1 %>" show_title: src: "" tem: "<%= @node.version.title %>" res: "status title" show_title_with_opts: src: "

this is the title

" tem: "/

<%= show_title\(:node=>@node\) \+ node_actions\(:node=>@node, .*:actions=>\"all\"/" res: "/

/" title_text: src: "

this is the title

" res: "

hello world

" show_title_check_lang: context: node: 'cleanWater' lang: 'fr' src: " AND NOW " res: "Clean Water project[en] AND NOW Clean Water project" show_title_link_http: src: "" res: "status title" show_title_link_attribute: src: "" res: "status title" show_title_link_id: src: "" res: "status title" show_title_link_id_from_stored: src: "" res: "Clean Water project" show_title_link_id_from_stored_mode_and_format: src: "" res: "Clean Water project" show_format: src: "" res: "22.00" show_format_nil: src: "" res: "0.00" show_format_hide_zero: src: "" res: "" show_edit_preview: context: node: 'status' src: "" res: "gaspard" show_param: context: d: 'hello ladies' src: "" tem: "<%= params[:d] %>" res: "hello ladies" title_in_version_context: src: "" res: "/s50.*v_title22.*status title.*edit/" check_lang: context: lang: 'fr' node: 'people' src: "

article en '_LANG'

" res: "[en] (en)

article en 'anglais'

" show_shortcut: src: "


" tem: "

<%= @node.version.title %>

" res: "

status title

" zazen_shortcut: src: "
" tem: "
<%= zazen(@node.version.title, :node=>@node) %>
" res: "

status title

" show_url: src: "blah" res: "blah" show_url_in_script: src: "" res: "/" show_path: src: "blah" res: "blah" show_dyn_attribute: src: "" tem: "<%= @node.version.dyn[\"assigned\"] %>" res: "gaspard" trans: context: lang: 'fr' src: "Monday " tem: "lundi lundi" res: "lundi lundi" trans_show: context: lang: 'fr' src: "" tem: "<%= _(@node.ref_lang) %>" res: "anglais" trans_attr: context: lang: 'en' src: "" tem: "<%= _(@node.ref_lang) %>" res: "english" show_tattr: src: "" tem: "<%= _(@node.ref_lang) %>" res: "english" show_gsub: context: node: 'tiger' src: "" tem: "<%= @node.version.safe_content_read(\"address\").to_s.gsub(/\\n/,\";\") %>" res: "Small Island;In the Wild" show_gsub_newline: context: node: 'tiger' src: "" res: 'Small Island\nIn the Wild' show_mean_gsub: context: node: 'tiger' src: "" tem: "[show] invalid gsub \"/\#{puts 'I AM MEAN'}/;/\"" res: "[show] invalid gsub \"/\#{puts 'I AM MEAN'}/;/\"" show_attr_actions: context: visitor: 'lion' src: "

" res: "/

.*edit.*drive.*status title<\/h2>/" link: src: "" tem: "<%= @node.version.title %>" res: "status title" zafu_link: src: "
  • sample text
  • " res: "
  • status title
  • " zafu_link_t: src: "
  • blah
  • " res: "
  • blah
  • " a_link: src: "sample text click here" res: "status title click here" zafu_link_with_blocks: src: "" res: "//" link_class: src: "" res: "status title" link_set_class: src: "" tem: "<%= @node.version.title %>" res: "status title" link_attr: src: "" tem: "<%= @node.ref_lang %>" res: "en" link_tattr: src: "" tem: "<%= _(@node.ref_lang) %>" res: "english" link_trans: context: lang: 'fr' src: "" tem: "lundi" res: "lundi" link_parent: src: "" tem: "click here" res: "click here" link_with_block: src: "look at her" tem: "look at <%= %>" res: "look at status" link_project: context: node: 'bird_jpg' src: "" tem: "<%= @node.version.title %>" res: "bird" link_root: src: "" tem: "<%= @node.version.title %>" res: "status title" link_anchor: src: "" res: "status title" link_anchor_name: src: "" res: "status title" link_anchor_in: src: "" res: "status title" link_anchor_name_in: src: "" res: "status title" link_stored: src: "" res: "cleanWater" link_date: context: ref_date: '2008-06-27' src: "" tem: "/:date=>main_date/" res: "status title" link_url_params: src: "" res: "status title" link_url_params_parsed_values: src: "" res: "status title" anchor: src: "


    " res: "


    " anchor_in_link: src: "" res: "status title" show_title_anchor: src: "" res: "status title" show_attr_anchor: src: "" res: "status" link_version: context: node: 'opening' src: "" res: "english, french" version_anchor: context: node: 'opening' src: "" res: "english, french" title: src: "

    " tem: "

    <%= show_title(:node=>@node)%>

    " res: "

    status title

    " title_link: src: "

    " tem: "

    <%= show_title(:node=>@node, :link=>\"details\")%>

    " res: "

    status title

    " title_link_format: src: "

    " tem: "

    <%= show_title(:node=>@node, :link=>\"details.xml\")%>

    " res: "

    status title

    " title_link_data: context: node: 'bird_jpg' src: "

    super titre

    " res: "


    " title_link_data_mode: context: node: 'bird_jpg' src: "

    super title

    " res: "


    " show_parent_title: src: "

    parent title

    " tem: "<% if var1 = @node.parent -%>

    <%= show_title(:node=>var1, :text=>var1.version.title)%>

    <% end -%>" res: "

    Clean Water project

    " show_bad_attr: src: "my , " tem: 'my <%= @node.safe_read(":name") %>, <%= @node.safe_read("puts") %>' res: "my ':name' not readable, 'puts' not readable" show_name: src: "my " res: "my status" show_v_text: src: "my " res: "my status text" show_title_options: src: "

    " tem: "/node_actions\(:node=>@node, .*:actions=>\"edit,publish\"/" res: "/

    status title.*

    /" show_c_width: context: node: "bird_jpg" src: "width = " res: "width = 660" show_else: src: "[, ]" res: "[status title, status]" show_default: src: "[, ]" res: "[status, baz]" show_else_default: src: "[, , ]" res: "[status title, status, baz]" javascripts: src: "" tem: "/