# # Fluentd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'fluent/output' require 'fluent/config/error' require 'fluent/clock' require 'base64' require 'fluent/compat/socket_util' module Fluent::Plugin class ForwardOutput < Output class Error < StandardError; end class NoNodesAvailable < Error; end class ConnectionClosedError < Error; end Fluent::Plugin.register_output('forward', self) helpers :socket, :server, :timer, :thread, :compat_parameters LISTEN_PORT = 24224 desc 'The transport protocol.' config_param :transport, :enum, list: [:tcp, :tls], default: :tcp # TODO: TLS session cache/tickets # TODO: Connection keepalive desc 'The timeout time when sending event logs.' config_param :send_timeout, :time, default: 60 # TODO: add linger_timeout, recv_timeout desc 'The protocol to use for heartbeats (default is the same with "transport").' config_param :heartbeat_type, :enum, list: [:transport, :tcp, :udp, :none], default: :transport desc 'The interval of the heartbeat packer.' config_param :heartbeat_interval, :time, default: 1 desc 'The wait time before accepting a server fault recovery.' config_param :recover_wait, :time, default: 10 desc 'The hard timeout used to detect server failure.' config_param :hard_timeout, :time, default: 60 desc 'The threshold parameter used to detect server faults.' config_param :phi_threshold, :integer, default: 16 desc 'Use the "Phi accrual failure detector" to detect server failure.' config_param :phi_failure_detector, :bool, default: true desc 'Change the protocol to at-least-once.' config_param :require_ack_response, :bool, default: false # require in_forward to respond with ack ## The reason of default value of :ack_response_timeout: # Linux default tcp_syn_retries is 5 (in many environment) # 3 + 6 + 12 + 24 + 48 + 96 -> 189 (sec) desc 'This option is used when require_ack_response is true.' config_param :ack_response_timeout, :time, default: 190 desc 'The interval while reading data from server' config_param :read_interval_msec, :integer, default: 50 # 50ms desc 'Reading data size from server' config_param :read_length, :size, default: 512 # 512bytes desc 'Set TTL to expire DNS cache in seconds.' config_param :expire_dns_cache, :time, default: nil # 0 means disable cache desc 'Enable client-side DNS round robin.' config_param :dns_round_robin, :bool, default: false # heartbeat_type 'udp' is not available for this desc 'Ignore DNS resolution and errors at startup time.' config_param :ignore_network_errors_at_startup, :bool, default: false desc 'Compress buffered data.' config_param :compress, :enum, list: [:text, :gzip], default: :text desc 'The default version of TLS transport.' config_param :tls_version, :enum, list: Fluent::PluginHelper::Socket::TLS_SUPPORTED_VERSIONS, default: Fluent::PluginHelper::Socket::TLS_DEFAULT_VERSION desc 'The cipher configuration of TLS transport.' config_param :tls_ciphers, :string, default: Fluent::PluginHelper::Socket::CIPHERS_DEFAULT desc 'Skip all verification of certificates or not.' config_param :tls_insecure_mode, :bool, default: false desc 'Allow self signed certificates or not.' config_param :tls_allow_self_signed_cert, :bool, default: false desc 'Verify hostname of servers and certificates or not in TLS transport.' config_param :tls_verify_hostname, :bool, default: true desc 'The additional CA certificate path for TLS.' config_param :tls_cert_path, :array, value_type: :string, default: nil config_section :security, required: false, multi: false do desc 'The hostname' config_param :self_hostname, :string desc 'Shared key for authentication' config_param :shared_key, :string, secret: true end config_section :server, param_name: :servers do desc "The IP address or host name of the server." config_param :host, :string desc "The name of the server. Used for logging and certificate verification in TLS transport (when host is address)." config_param :name, :string, default: nil desc "The port number of the host." config_param :port, :integer, default: LISTEN_PORT desc "The shared key per server." config_param :shared_key, :string, default: nil, secret: true desc "The username for authentication." config_param :username, :string, default: '' desc "The password for authentication." config_param :password, :string, default: '', secret: true desc "Marks a node as the standby node for an Active-Standby model between Fluentd nodes." config_param :standby, :bool, default: false desc "The load balancing weight." config_param :weight, :integer, default: 60 end attr_reader :nodes config_param :port, :integer, default: LISTEN_PORT, obsoleted: "User section instead." config_param :host, :string, default: nil, obsoleted: "Use section instead." config_section :buffer do config_set_default :chunk_keys, ["tag"] end attr_reader :read_interval, :recover_sample_size def initialize super @nodes = [] #=> [Node] @loop = nil @thread = nil @usock = nil @sock_ack_waiting = nil @sock_ack_waiting_mutex = nil end def configure(conf) compat_parameters_convert(conf, :buffer, default_chunk_key: 'tag') super unless @chunk_key_tag raise Fluent::ConfigError, "buffer chunk key must include 'tag' for forward output" end @read_interval = @read_interval_msec / 1000.0 @recover_sample_size = @recover_wait / @heartbeat_interval if @heartbeat_type == :tcp log.warn "'heartbeat_type tcp' is deprecated. use 'transport' instead." @heartbeat_type = :transport end if @dns_round_robin if @heartbeat_type == :udp raise Fluent::ConfigError, "forward output heartbeat type must be 'transport' or 'none' to use dns_round_robin option" end end if @transport == :tls if @tls_cert_path && !@tls_cert_path.empty? @tls_cert_path.each do |path| raise Fluent::ConfigError, "specified cert path does not exist:#{path}" unless File.exist?(path) raise Fluent::ConfigError, "specified cert path is not readable:#{path}" unless File.readable?(path) end end if @tls_insecure_mode log.warn "TLS transport is configured in insecure way" @tls_verify_hostname = false @tls_allow_self_signed_cert = true end end @servers.each do |server| failure = FailureDetector.new(@heartbeat_interval, @hard_timeout, Time.now.to_i.to_f) name = server.name || "#{server.host}:#{server.port}" log.info "adding forwarding server '#{name}'", host: server.host, port: server.port, weight: server.weight, plugin_id: plugin_id if @heartbeat_type == :none @nodes << NoneHeartbeatNode.new(self, server, failure: failure) else node = Node.new(self, server, failure: failure) begin node.validate_host_resolution! rescue => e raise unless @ignore_network_errors_at_startup log.warn "failed to resolve node name when configured", server: (server.name || server.host), error: e node.disable! end @nodes << node end end unless @as_secondary if @compress == :gzip && @buffer.compress == :text @buffer.compress = :gzip elsif @compress == :text && @buffer.compress == :gzip log.info "buffer is compressed. If you also want to save the bandwidth of a network, Add `compress` configuration in " end end if @nodes.empty? raise Fluent::ConfigError, "forward output plugin requires at least one is required" end raise Fluent::ConfigError, "ack_response_timeout must be a positive integer" if @ack_response_timeout < 1 end def multi_workers_ready? true end def prefer_delayed_commit @require_ack_response end def start super # Output#start sets @delayed_commit_timeout by @buffer_config.delayed_commit_timeout # But it should be overwritten by ack_response_timeout to rollback chunks after timeout if @ack_response_timeout && @delayed_commit_timeout != @ack_response_timeout log.info "delayed_commit_timeout is overwritten by ack_response_timeout" @delayed_commit_timeout = @ack_response_timeout + 2 # minimum ack_reader IO.select interval is 1s end @rand_seed = Random.new.seed rebuild_weight_array @rr = 0 unless @heartbeat_type == :none if @heartbeat_type == :udp @usock = socket_create_udp(@nodes.first.host, @nodes.first.port, nonblock: true) server_create_udp(:out_forward_heartbeat_receiver, 0, socket: @usock, max_bytes: @read_length) do |data, sock| sockaddr = Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(sock.remote_port, sock.remote_host) on_heartbeat(sockaddr, data) end end timer_execute(:out_forward_heartbeat_request, @heartbeat_interval, &method(:on_timer)) end if @require_ack_response @sock_ack_waiting_mutex = Mutex.new @sock_ack_waiting = [] thread_create(:out_forward_receiving_ack, &method(:ack_reader)) end end def close if @usock # close socket and ignore errors: this socket will not be used anyway. @usock.close rescue nil end super end def write(chunk) return if chunk.empty? tag = chunk.metadata.tag select_a_healthy_node{|node| node.send_data(tag, chunk) } end ACKWaitingSockInfo = Struct.new(:sock, :chunk_id, :chunk_id_base64, :node, :time, :timeout) do def expired?(now) time + timeout < now end end def try_write(chunk) log.trace "writing a chunk to destination", chunk_id: dump_unique_id_hex(chunk.unique_id) if chunk.empty? commit_write(chunk.unique_id) return end tag = chunk.metadata.tag sock, node = select_a_healthy_node{|n| n.send_data(tag, chunk) } chunk_id_base64 = Base64.encode64(chunk.unique_id) current_time = Fluent::Clock.now info = ACKWaitingSockInfo.new(sock, chunk.unique_id, chunk_id_base64, node, current_time, @ack_response_timeout) @sock_ack_waiting_mutex.synchronize do @sock_ack_waiting << info end end def select_a_healthy_node error = nil wlen = @weight_array.length wlen.times do @rr = (@rr + 1) % wlen node = @weight_array[@rr] next unless node.available? begin ret = yield node return ret, node rescue # for load balancing during detecting crashed servers error = $! # use the latest error end end raise error if error raise NoNodesAvailable, "no nodes are available" end def create_transfer_socket(host, port, hostname, &block) case @transport when :tls socket_create_tls( host, port, version: @tls_version, ciphers: @tls_ciphers, insecure: @tls_insecure_mode, verify_fqdn: @tls_verify_hostname, fqdn: hostname, allow_self_signed_cert: @tls_allow_self_signed_cert, cert_paths: @tls_cert_path, linger_timeout: @send_timeout, send_timeout: @send_timeout, recv_timeout: @ack_response_timeout, &block ) when :tcp socket_create_tcp( host, port, linger_timeout: @send_timeout, send_timeout: @send_timeout, recv_timeout: @ack_response_timeout, &block ) else raise "BUG: unknown transport protocol #{@transport}" end end # MessagePack FixArray length is 3 FORWARD_HEADER = [0x93].pack('C').freeze def forward_header FORWARD_HEADER end private def rebuild_weight_array standby_nodes, regular_nodes = @nodes.partition {|n| n.standby? } lost_weight = 0 regular_nodes.each {|n| unless n.available? lost_weight += n.weight end } log.debug "rebuilding weight array", lost_weight: lost_weight if lost_weight > 0 standby_nodes.each {|n| if n.available? regular_nodes << n log.warn "using standby node #{n.host}:#{n.port}", weight: n.weight lost_weight -= n.weight break if lost_weight <= 0 end } end weight_array = [] gcd = regular_nodes.map {|n| n.weight }.inject(0) {|r,w| r.gcd(w) } regular_nodes.each {|n| (n.weight / gcd).times { weight_array << n } } # for load balancing during detecting crashed servers coe = (regular_nodes.size * 6) / weight_array.size weight_array *= coe if coe > 1 r = Random.new(@rand_seed) weight_array.sort_by! { r.rand } @weight_array = weight_array end def on_timer @nodes.each {|n| if n.tick rebuild_weight_array end begin log.trace "sending heartbeat", host: n.host, port: n.port, heartbeat_type: @heartbeat_type n.usock = @usock if @usock n.send_heartbeat rescue Errno::EAGAIN, Errno::EWOULDBLOCK, Errno::EINTR, Errno::ECONNREFUSED log.debug "failed to send heartbeat packet", host: n.host, port: n.port, heartbeat_type: @heartbeat_type, error: $! end } end def on_heartbeat(sockaddr, msg) if node = @nodes.find {|n| n.sockaddr == sockaddr } # log.trace "heartbeat arrived", name: node.name, host: node.host, port: node.port if node.heartbeat rebuild_weight_array end end end # return chunk id to be committed def read_ack_from_sock(sock, unpacker) begin raw_data = sock.instance_of?(Fluent::PluginHelper::Socket::WrappedSocket::TLS) ? sock.readpartial(@read_length) : sock.recv(@read_length) rescue Errno::ECONNRESET raw_data = "" end info = @sock_ack_waiting_mutex.synchronize{ @sock_ack_waiting.find{|i| i.sock == sock } } # When connection is closed by remote host, socket is ready to read and #recv returns an empty string that means EOF. # If this happens we assume the data wasn't delivered and retry it. if raw_data.empty? log.warn "destination node closed the connection. regard it as unavailable.", host: info.node.host, port: info.node.port info.node.disable! rollback_write(info.chunk_id) return nil else unpacker.feed(raw_data) res = unpacker.read log.trace "getting response from destination", host: info.node.host, port: info.node.port, chunk_id: dump_unique_id_hex(info.chunk_id), response: res if res['ack'] != info.chunk_id_base64 # Some errors may have occured when ack and chunk id is different, so send the chunk again. log.warn "ack in response and chunk id in sent data are different", chunk_id: dump_unique_id_hex(info.chunk_id), ack: res['ack'] rollback_write(info.chunk_id) return nil else log.trace "got a correct ack response", chunk_id: dump_unique_id_hex(info.chunk_id) end return info.chunk_id end rescue => e log.error "unexpected error while receiving ack message", error: e log.error_backtrace ensure info.sock.close_write rescue nil info.sock.close rescue nil @sock_ack_waiting_mutex.synchronize do @sock_ack_waiting.delete(info) end end def ack_reader select_interval = if @delayed_commit_timeout > 3 1 else @delayed_commit_timeout / 3.0 end unpacker = Fluent::Engine.msgpack_unpacker while thread_current_running? now = Fluent::Clock.now sockets = [] begin @sock_ack_waiting_mutex.synchronize do new_list = [] @sock_ack_waiting.each do |info| if info.expired?(now) # There are 2 types of cases when no response has been received from socket: # (1) the node does not support sending responses # (2) the node does support sending response but responses have not arrived for some reasons. log.warn "no response from node. regard it as unavailable.", host: info.node.host, port: info.node.port info.node.disable! info.sock.close rescue nil rollback_write(info.chunk_id) else sockets << info.sock new_list << info end end @sock_ack_waiting = new_list end readable_sockets, _, _ = IO.select(sockets, nil, nil, select_interval) next unless readable_sockets readable_sockets.each do |sock| chunk_id = read_ack_from_sock(sock, unpacker) commit_write(chunk_id) if chunk_id end rescue => e log.error "unexpected error while receiving ack", error: e log.error_backtrace end end end class Node def initialize(sender, server, failure:) @sender = sender @log = sender.log @compress = sender.compress @name = server.name @host = server.host @port = server.port @weight = server.weight @standby = server.standby @failure = failure @available = true @state = nil # @hostname is used for certificate verification & TLS SNI host_is_hostname = !(IPAddr.new(@host) rescue false) @hostname = case when host_is_hostname then @host when @name then @name else nil end @usock = nil @username = server.username @password = server.password @shared_key = server.shared_key || (sender.security && sender.security.shared_key) || "" @shared_key_salt = generate_salt @shared_key_nonce = "" @unpacker = Fluent::Engine.msgpack_unpacker @resolved_host = nil @resolved_time = 0 @resolved_once = false end attr_accessor :usock attr_reader :name, :host, :port, :weight, :standby, :state attr_reader :sockaddr # used by on_heartbeat attr_reader :failure, :available # for test def validate_host_resolution! resolved_host end def available? @available end def disable! @available = false end def standby? @standby end def establish_connection(sock) while available? && @state != :established begin # TODO: On Ruby 2.2 or earlier, read_nonblock doesn't work expectedly. # We need rewrite around here using new socket/server plugin helper. buf = sock.read_nonblock(@sender.read_length) if buf.empty? sleep @sender.read_interval next end @unpacker.feed_each(buf) do |data| on_read(sock, data) end rescue IO::WaitReadable # If the exception is Errno::EWOULDBLOCK or Errno::EAGAIN, it is extended by IO::WaitReadable. # So IO::WaitReadable can be used to rescue the exceptions for retrying read_nonblock. # http://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/2.3.0/IO.html#method-i-read_nonblock sleep @sender.read_interval unless @state == :established rescue SystemCallError => e @log.warn "disconnected by error", host: @host, port: @port, error: e disable! break rescue EOFError @log.warn "disconnected", host: @host, port: @port disable! break end end end def send_data_actual(sock, tag, chunk) @state = @sender.security ? :helo : :established if @state != :established establish_connection(sock) end unless available? raise ConnectionClosedError, "failed to establish connection with node #{@name}" end option = { 'size' => chunk.size, 'compressed' => @compress } option['chunk'] = Base64.encode64(chunk.unique_id) if @sender.require_ack_response # https://github.com/fluent/fluentd/wiki/Forward-Protocol-Specification-v1#packedforward-mode # out_forward always uses str32 type for entries. # str16 can store only 64kbytes, and it should be much smaller than buffer chunk size. tag = tag.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) sock.write @sender.forward_header # array, size=3 sock.write tag.to_msgpack # 1. tag: String (str) chunk.open(compressed: @compress) do |chunk_io| entries = [0xdb, chunk_io.size].pack('CN') sock.write entries.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) # 2. entries: String (str32) IO.copy_stream(chunk_io, sock) # writeRawBody(packed_es) end sock.write option.to_msgpack # 3. option: Hash(map) # TODO: use bin32 for non-utf8 content(entries) when old msgpack-ruby (0.5.x or earlier) not supported end def send_data(tag, chunk) sock = @sender.create_transfer_socket(resolved_host, port, @hostname) begin send_data_actual(sock, tag, chunk) rescue sock.close rescue nil raise end if @sender.require_ack_response return sock # to read ACK from socket end sock.close_write rescue nil sock.close rescue nil heartbeat(false) nil end # FORWARD_TCP_HEARTBEAT_DATA = FORWARD_HEADER + ''.to_msgpack + [].to_msgpack def send_heartbeat begin dest_addr = resolved_host @resolved_once = true rescue ::SocketError => e if !@resolved_once && @sender.ignore_network_errors_at_startup @log.warn "failed to resolve node name in heartbeating", server: @name || @host, error: e return end raise end case @sender.heartbeat_type when :transport @sender.create_transfer_socket(dest_addr, port, @hostname) do |sock| ## don't send any data to not cause a compatibility problem # sock.write FORWARD_TCP_HEARTBEAT_DATA # successful tcp connection establishment is considered as valid heartbeat heartbeat(true) end when :udp @usock.send "\0", 0, Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(@port, resolved_host) when :none # :none doesn't use this class raise "BUG: heartbeat_type none must not use Node" else raise "BUG: unknown heartbeat_type '#{@sender.heartbeat_type}'" end end def resolved_host case @sender.expire_dns_cache when 0 # cache is disabled resolve_dns! when nil # persistent cache @resolved_host ||= resolve_dns! else now = Fluent::Engine.now rh = @resolved_host if !rh || now - @resolved_time >= @sender.expire_dns_cache rh = @resolved_host = resolve_dns! @resolved_time = now end rh end end def resolve_dns! addrinfo_list = Socket.getaddrinfo(@host, @port, nil, Socket::SOCK_STREAM) addrinfo = @sender.dns_round_robin ? addrinfo_list.sample : addrinfo_list.first @sockaddr = Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(addrinfo[1], addrinfo[3]) # used by on_heartbeat addrinfo[3] end private :resolve_dns! def tick now = Time.now.to_f if !@available if @failure.hard_timeout?(now) @failure.clear end return nil end if @failure.hard_timeout?(now) @log.warn "detached forwarding server '#{@name}'", host: @host, port: @port, hard_timeout: true @available = false @resolved_host = nil # expire cached host @failure.clear return true end if @sender.phi_failure_detector phi = @failure.phi(now) if phi > @sender.phi_threshold @log.warn "detached forwarding server '#{@name}'", host: @host, port: @port, phi: phi, phi_threshold: @sender.phi_threshold @available = false @resolved_host = nil # expire cached host @failure.clear return true end end false end def heartbeat(detect=true) now = Time.now.to_f @failure.add(now) if detect && !@available && @failure.sample_size > @sender.recover_sample_size @available = true @log.warn "recovered forwarding server '#{@name}'", host: @host, port: @port true else nil end end def generate_salt SecureRandom.hex(16) end def check_helo(message) @log.debug "checking helo" # ['HELO', options(hash)] unless message.size == 2 && message[0] == 'HELO' return false end opts = message[1] || {} # make shared_key_check failed (instead of error) if protocol version mismatch exist @shared_key_nonce = opts['nonce'] || '' @authentication = opts['auth'] || '' true end def generate_ping @log.debug "generating ping" # ['PING', self_hostname, sharedkey\_salt, sha512\_hex(sharedkey\_salt + self_hostname + nonce + shared_key), # username || '', sha512\_hex(auth\_salt + username + password) || ''] shared_key_hexdigest = Digest::SHA512.new.update(@shared_key_salt) .update(@sender.security.self_hostname) .update(@shared_key_nonce) .update(@shared_key) .hexdigest ping = ['PING', @sender.security.self_hostname, @shared_key_salt, shared_key_hexdigest] if !@authentication.empty? password_hexdigest = Digest::SHA512.new.update(@authentication).update(@username).update(@password).hexdigest ping.push(@username, password_hexdigest) else ping.push('','') end ping end def check_pong(message) @log.debug "checking pong" # ['PONG', bool(authentication result), 'reason if authentication failed', # self_hostname, sha512\_hex(salt + self_hostname + nonce + sharedkey)] unless message.size == 5 && message[0] == 'PONG' return false, 'invalid format for PONG message' end _pong, auth_result, reason, hostname, shared_key_hexdigest = message unless auth_result return false, 'authentication failed: ' + reason end if hostname == @sender.security.self_hostname return false, 'same hostname between input and output: invalid configuration' end clientside = Digest::SHA512.new.update(@shared_key_salt).update(hostname).update(@shared_key_nonce).update(@shared_key).hexdigest unless shared_key_hexdigest == clientside return false, 'shared key mismatch' end return true, nil end def on_read(sock, data) @log.trace __callee__ case @state when :helo unless check_helo(data) @log.warn "received invalid helo message from #{@name}" disable! # shutdown return end sock.write(generate_ping.to_msgpack) @state = :pingpong when :pingpong succeeded, reason = check_pong(data) unless succeeded @log.warn "connection refused to #{@name}: #{reason}" disable! # shutdown return end @state = :established @log.debug "connection established", host: @host, port: @port else raise "BUG: unknown session state: #{@state}" end end end # Override Node to disable heartbeat class NoneHeartbeatNode < Node def available? true end def tick false end def heartbeat(detect=true) true end end class FailureDetector PHI_FACTOR = 1.0 / Math.log(10.0) SAMPLE_SIZE = 1000 def initialize(heartbeat_interval, hard_timeout, init_last) @heartbeat_interval = heartbeat_interval @last = init_last @hard_timeout = hard_timeout # microsec @init_gap = (heartbeat_interval * 1e6).to_i @window = [@init_gap] end def hard_timeout?(now) now - @last > @hard_timeout end def add(now) if @window.empty? @window << @init_gap @last = now else gap = now - @last @window << (gap * 1e6).to_i @window.shift if @window.length > SAMPLE_SIZE @last = now end end def phi(now) size = @window.size return 0.0 if size == 0 # Calculate weighted moving average mean_usec = 0 fact = 0 @window.each_with_index {|gap,i| mean_usec += gap * (1+i) fact += (1+i) } mean_usec = mean_usec / fact # Normalize arrive intervals into 1sec mean = (mean_usec.to_f / 1e6) - @heartbeat_interval + 1 # Calculate phi of the phi accrual failure detector t = now - @last - @heartbeat_interval + 1 phi = PHI_FACTOR * t / mean return phi end def sample_size @window.size end def clear @window.clear @last = 0 end end end end