function initializeCaravaggio() { setAllModelChecked(false); connectAssociations(); displayModels(); } function displayModels() { // clear out the playing field clearModelLocations();"svg").remove(); var svg ='#canvas').append("svg").attr("width", 1000).attr("height", 1000) var defs = svg.append('svg:defs'); createMarker(defs, "belongs_to", "red"); createMarker(defs, "has_one", "blue"); createMarker(defs, "has_many", "green"); createMarker(defs, "has_and_belongs_to_many", "orange"); // apply forces var linkForce = d3.forceLink(); var selectedModels = displayedModels(); var targetModels = expandModels(selectedModels); var associationLinks = displayedAssociations(selectedModels, targetModels); var collisionRadius = 200 / associationLinks.length; if(collisionRadius < 8) collisionRadius = 8; var simulation = d3.forceSimulation() .force("charge", d3.forceManyBody().strength(-40)) .force("center", d3.forceCenter().x(500).y(500)) .force('collision', d3.forceCollide().radius(collisionRadius)) .force("centerSelected", isolate(d3.forceCenter().x(500).y(500), function(d) { return d.checked })) .force("link", linkForce) .nodes(targetModels) .on("tick", updateNetwork); // add lines for all associations svg.selectAll("line.association") .data(associationLinks, d => `${d.source}-${}`) .enter() .append("line") .attr("class", d => "association " + d.association_type) .attr("marker-end", d => "url(#" + d.association_type + "-arrowhead)") .attr("onclick", d => "exhibitAssociation(" + d.index + ")"); // add labelled circles for all models var modelDisplay = svg .selectAll("g.model") .data(targetModels, d => .enter() .append("g") .attr("class", "model"); modelDisplay.append("circle") .attr("r", d => d.checked ? 8 : 5) .attr("onclick", d => "clickCircle('" + + "')") .style("fill", d => d.checked ? "red" : "blue"); modelDisplay.append("text") .style("text-anchor", "middle") .attr("y", 15) .text(d => d["short_name"]) } function filterModels() { filterValue ="#class_filter").property("value"); if(filterValue === "") { d3.selectAll(".class-checker").classed("hidden", false); } else { for(i = 0; i < models.length; ++i) { if(models[i].checked || models[i].id.indexOf(filterValue) != -1) { d3.selectAll(checkboxClassName(models[i])).classed("hidden", false); } else { d3.selectAll(checkboxClassName(models[i])).classed("hidden", true); } } } } function checkboxClassName(model) { return "#class_" + model.friendly_name; } function createMarker(defs, name, color) { return defs.append("marker") .attr('id', name + '-arrowhead') .attr('markerHeight', 15) .attr('markerWidth', 15) .attr('orient', 'auto-start-reverse') .attr('refX', 15) .attr('refY',8) .attr('viewBox', '0 0 15 15') .append('svg:path') .attr('d', 'M 0 0 L 15 8 L 0 15 z') .attr('class', function(d,i) { i.association_type}) .attr("fill", color); } function isolate(force, filter) { var initialize = force.initialize; force.initialize = function() {, models.filter(filter)); }; return force; } function clickCircle(modelId) { model = findModel(modelId); model.checked = !model.checked;"input#" + model.friendly_name).property('checked', model.checked); if(model.checked) { exhibitFigure(model); } displayModels(); } function updateNetwork() { d3.selectAll("line.association") .attr("x1", d => d.sourceModel.x) .attr("x2", d => d.targetModel.x) .attr("y1", d => d.sourceModel.y) .attr("y2", d => d.targetModel.y) d3.selectAll("g.model") .attr("transform", d => `translate(${d.x},${d.y})`); } function connectAssociations() { associations.forEach(association => { association.sourceModel = findModel(association["source"]); association.targetModel = findModel(association["target"]); }); associations = associations.filter(association => !((typeof(association.sourceModel) === 'undefined') || (typeof(association.targetModel) === 'undefined'))) } function displayedAssociations(models, associatedModels) { var modelIds = =>; var associatedModelIds = =>; selectedAssociations = []; if(displayLinksFrom()) { selectedAssociations = selectedAssociations.concat(linkedAssociations(modelIds, associatedModelIds)); } if(displayLinksTo()) { selectedAssociations = selectedAssociations.concat(linkedAssociations(associatedModelIds, modelIds)); } return selectedAssociations; } function linkedAssociations(fromIds, toIds) { var results = associations.filter(association => associationMatches(association, fromIds, toIds)) results = results.sort((a1, a2) => { if(a1.association_type > a2.association_type) { return -1; } else if (a2.association_type > a1.association_type) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }); return results; } function debugResults(label, results) { console.log("RESULTS: " + label); for(var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) { console.log(" " + results[i].association_type + " " + results[i].source + " -> " + results[i].target); } } function associationMatches(association, fromIds, toIds) { return (!fromIds || fromIds.includes(association.source)) && (!toIds || toIds.includes(; } // For the list of models to display, find all models plus models they have associations to function displayedModels() { return models.filter(model => model.checked); } function exhibitFigure(model) { hideExhibits();"#figure-" + model.friendly_name).classed("hidden", false); document.getElementById("exhibit").scrollTop = 0; } function exhibitAssociation(associationIndex) { hideExhibits();"#association-" + associationIndex).classed("hidden", false); document.getElementById("exhibit").scrollTop = 0; } function hideExhibits() { d3.selectAll("div.detailed-content").classed("hidden", true); } function expandModels(coreModels) { expandedModels = [...coreModels]; if(!displayCheckedOnly()) { var coreModelIds = => var addedSet = new Set(); if(displayLinksFrom()) { var associations = linkedAssociations(coreModelIds, null); for(var i = 0; i < associations.length; ++i) { addedSet.add(associations[i].target); } } if(displayLinksTo()) { var associations = linkedAssociations(null, coreModelIds); for(var i = 0; i < associations.length; ++i) { addedSet.add(associations[i].source); } } addedSet.forEach(addition => { if(!coreModelIds.includes(addition)) { var newModel = findModel(addition); if(typeof(newModel) !== "undefined") expandedModels.push(findModel(addition)); } }); } return expandedModels; } function displayLinksTo() { return document.getElementById("links_to").checked; } function displayLinksFrom() { return document.getElementById("links_from").checked; } function displayCheckedOnly() { return document.getElementById("only_checked").checked; } function setAllModels(cb) { checked = cb.checked; checkboxes = document.getElementsByClassName("model-checkbox"); for(var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; ++i) { checkboxes[i].checked = checked; } setAllModelChecked(checked); displayModels(); filterModels(); } function setModel(cb) { if(!(typeof(model = findModel(cb.dataset.className)) === 'undefined')) { model.checked = cb.checked; if(model.checked) { exhibitFigure(model); } } displayModels(); filterModels(); } function findModel(id) { return models.find(model => model["id"] === id); } function setAllModelChecked(checked) { for(i = 0; i < models.length; ++i) { models[i].checked = checked; } } // move all model to a random point near the center. // It can't be in the center, because putting them all exactly in the center has // unfortunate side-effects if there are too many. function clearModelLocations() { for(i = 0; i < models.length; ++i) { models[i].x = 400 + Math.random() * 200; models[i].y = 500 + Math.random() * 200; } }