require "asciidoctor" require "tempfile" require "sterile" require "htmlentities" require "nokogiri" require "csv" module Metanorma module Utils class << self def attr_code(attributes) attributes.compact.transform_values do |v| v.is_a?(String) ? : v end end # , " => ," : CSV definition does not deal with space followed by quote # at start of field def csv_split(text, delim = ";") text.nil? || text.empty? and return [] CSV.parse_line(text.gsub(/#{delim} "(?!")/, "#{delim}\""), liberal_parsing: true, col_sep: delim)&.compact&.map(&:strip) end # if the contents of node are blocks, output them to out; # else, wrap them in

def wrap_in_para(node, out) if node.blocks? then out << node.content else out.p { |p| p << node.content } end end def asciidoc_sub(text, flavour = :standoc) return nil if text.nil? return "" if text.empty? d = text.lines.entries, { header_footer: false, backend: flavour }, ) b = d.parse.blocks.first b.apply_subs(b.source) end def localdir(node) docfile = node.attr("docfile") docfile.nil? ? "./" : "#{}/" end # TODO needs internationalisation def smartformat(text) text.gsub(/ --? /, " — ") .gsub("--", "—"), ) .smart_format, :basic ) end def endash_date(elem) elem.traverse do |n| next unless n.text? n.replace(n.text.gsub(/\s+--?\s+/, "–").gsub("--", "–")) end end # Set hash value using keys path # mod from def set_nested_value(hash, keys, new_val) key = keys[0] if keys.length == 1 hash[key] = if hash[key].is_a?(::Array) then (hash[key] << new_val) else hash[key].nil? ? new_val : [hash[key], new_val] end elsif hash[key].is_a?(::Array) hash[key][-1] = {} if !hash[key].empty? && hash[key][-1].nil? hash[key] << {} if hash[key].empty? || !hash[key][-1].is_a?(::Hash) set_nested_value(hash[key][-1], keys[1..-1], new_val) elsif hash[key].nil? || hash[key].empty? hash[key] = {} set_nested_value(hash[key], keys[1..-1], new_val) elsif hash[key].is_a?(::Hash) && !hash[key][keys[1]] set_nested_value(hash[key], keys[1..-1], new_val) elsif !hash[key][keys[1]] hash[key] = [hash[key], {}] set_nested_value(hash[key][-1], keys[1..-1], new_val) else set_nested_value(hash[key], keys[1..-1], new_val) end hash end def strict_capitalize_phrase(str) str.split(/ /).map do |w| letters = w.chars letters.first.upcase! letters.join end.join(" ") end def strict_capitalize_first(str) str.split(/ /) do |w, i| letters = w.chars letters.first.upcase! if letters.join end.join(" ") end def external_path(path) win = !!((RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)(32|64)$/) || (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw/)) if win path.gsub!(%{/}, "\\") path[/\s/] ? "\"#{path}\"" : path else path end end def default_script(lang) case lang when "ar", "fa" then "Arab" when "ur" then "Aran" when "ru", "bg" then "Cyrl" when "hi" then "Deva" when "el" then "Grek" when "zh" then "Hans" when "ko" then "Kore" when "he" then "Hebr" when "ja" then "Jpan" else "Latn" end end def rtl_script?(script) %w(Arab Aran Hebr).include? script end # convert definition list term/value pair into Nokogiri XML attribute def dl_to_attrs(elem, dlist, name) e ="./dt[text()='#{name}']") or return val ="./following::dd/p") ||"./following::dd") or return elem[name] = val.text end # convert definition list term/value pairs into Nokogiri XML elements def dl_to_elems(ins, elem, dlist, name) a ="./#{name}[last()]") ins = a if a dlist.xpath("./dt[text()='#{name}']").each do |e| ins = dl_to_elems1(e, name, ins) end ins end def dl_to_elems1(term, name, ins) v ="./following::dd") e = v.elements and e.size == 1 && == "p" and v = e.first = name = v end end end end