# frozen_string_literal: true require 'test_helper' require 'shellwords' class TasksTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup FileUtils.mkdir_p(rails_app_path('tmp')) end def teardown FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(rails_app_path('tmp')) end def run!(cmd) puts "Running: #{cmd}" out = `#{cmd}` raise "Could not run #{cmd}, output: #{out}" unless $?.success? out end def rake(cmd, options = {}) assert_success = options.key?(:assert_success) ? options[:assert_success] : true env = options[:env] || {} env_string = env.map {|key, value| "#{key.shellescape}=#{value.to_s.shellescape}" }.join(" ") cmd = "env #{env_string} bundle exec rake -f perf.rake #{cmd} --trace" puts "Running: #{cmd}" result = Bundler.with_original_env { `cd '#{rails_app_path}' && #{cmd} 2>&1` } if assert_success && !$?.success? puts result raise "Expected '#{cmd}' to return a success status.\nOutput: #{result}" end result end test 'non-rails library with branch specified' do skip unless ENV['USING_RAILS_WICKED_BRANCH'] gem_path = run!("bundle info wicked --path") env = { "TEST_COUNT" => 10, "DERAILED_SCRIPT_COUNT" => 2, "DERAILED_PATH_TO_LIBRARY" => gem_path} puts rake "perf:library", { env: env } end test 'rails perf:library from git' do # BUNDLE_GEMFILE="$(pwd)/gemfiles/rails_git.gemfile" bundle exec m test/integration/tasks_test.rb: skip unless ENV['USING_RAILS_GIT'] env = { "TEST_COUNT" => 2, "DERAILED_SCRIPT_COUNT" => 2, "SHAS_TO_TEST" => "acb6631cd99cdfe7db356773ef74cad7cbb570ed,12bb9d32f56883914abcd98fd72e3c68c444808d"} puts rake "perf:library", { env: env } end test "rails perf:library with bad script" do # BUNDLE_GEMFILE="$(pwd)/gemfiles/rails_git.gemfile" bundle exec m test/integration/tasks_test.rb: skip unless ENV['USING_RAILS_GIT'] error = assert_raises { env = { "DERAILED_SCRIPT" => "nopenopenop", "TEST_COUNT" => 2, "DERAILED_SCRIPT_COUNT" => 2, "SHAS_TO_TEST" => "acb6631cd99cdfe7db356773ef74cad7cbb570ed,12bb9d32f56883914abcd98fd72e3c68c444808d"} puts rake "perf:library", { env: env } } assert error.message =~ /nopenopenop:( command)? not found/, "Expected #{error.message} to include /nopenopenop: (command)? not found/ but it did not" end test 'hitting authenticated devise apps' do env = { "PATH_TO_HIT" => "authenticated", "USE_AUTH" => "true", "TEST_COUNT" => "2" } result = rake 'perf:test', env: env assert_match 'Auth: true', result env["USE_SERVER"] = "webrick" result = rake 'perf:test', env: env assert_match 'Auth: true', result assert_match 'Server: "webrick"', result end test 'authenticate with a custom user' do env = { "AUTH_CUSTOM_USER" => "true", "PATH_TO_HIT" => "authenticated", "USE_AUTH" => "true", "TEST_COUNT" => "2" } result = rake 'perf:test', env: env assert_match 'Auth: true', result end test 'test' do rake "perf:test" end test 'app' do skip unless ENV['USING_RAILS_GIT'] run!("cd #{rails_app_path} && git init . && git add . && git commit -m first && git commit --allow-empty -m second") env = { "TEST_COUNT" => 10, "DERAILED_SCRIPT_COUNT" => 2 } puts rake "perf:app", { env: env } end test 'TEST_COUNT' do result = rake "perf:test", env: { "TEST_COUNT" => 1 } assert_match "1 derailed requests", result end test 'WARM_COUNT' do result = rake "perf:test", env: { "WARM_COUNT" => 1 } assert_match "Warming up app:", result end test 'PATH_TO_HIT' do env = { "PATH_TO_HIT" => 'foo', "TEST_COUNT" => "2" } result = rake "perf:test", env: env assert_match 'Endpoint: "foo"', result env["USE_SERVER"] = "webrick" result = rake "perf:test", env: env assert_match 'Endpoint: "foo"', result assert_match 'Server: "webrick"', result end test 'HTTP headers' do env = { "PATH_TO_HIT" => 'foo_secret', "TEST_COUNT" => "2", "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" => "Basic #{Base64.encode64("admin:secret")}", "HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL" => "no-cache" } result = rake "perf:test", env: env assert_match 'Endpoint: "foo_secret"', result assert_match 'HTTP headers: {"Authorization"=>"Basic YWRtaW46c2VjcmV0\n", "Cache-Control"=>"no-cache"}', result env["USE_SERVER"] = "webrick" result = rake "perf:test", env: env assert_match 'HTTP headers: {"Authorization"=>"Basic YWRtaW46c2VjcmV0\n", "Cache-Control"=>"no-cache"}', result end test 'USE_SERVER' do result = rake "perf:test", env: { "USE_SERVER" => 'webrick', "TEST_COUNT" => "2" } assert_match 'Server: "webrick"', result end test '' do end test 'objects' do rake "perf:objects" end test 'mem' do rake "perf:mem" end test 'mem_over_time' do rake "perf:mem_over_time" end test 'ips' do rake "perf:ips" end test 'heap_diff' do rake "perf:heap_diff", env: { "TEST_COUNT" => 5 } end end