(profanity parsing stuff is in other todo) this file also includes EDL creationzy stuffs cross-over stuff: can sync the whole thing package can sync the whole thing local... can just retrieve via URL the latest? do research auto-subtitler MD5 they use for dvd's what is it? Is there any standard? Anyone? what about sorting the ifo's is that reasonably close to how they naturally come/match other guy? eventually be like DVD profiler (imdb, kids in mind, UPC, images, maybe more?) perfect the frame accurate splitter...is it fast enough in ruby, too? wikipedia realtime color coordinate my google doc on splitters can accept avidemux times... somehow tell them how/to update IMDB too... write an in/out of IMDB how to... web based auto-EDL converter on the fly prototype, for download uh guess. a checkbox this EDL is "ready" note that mplayer has an easy training mode, if useful to you... there is some shared information across DVD's... hmm... note with avidemux you can "cut out" the bad scene pretty precisely to see it better (though video is off?) openedllist.org [no] openmovie...org open-list-of-editable-movie-scenes.org [no] badscenelist.org moviedetailedscenelist.org * [does google keywords have a preference?] can export raw edl download full/all, or API searchable imdb -> dvd mapper? reuse dvd profiler...? make it into a dvd profiler like "library of your own" (actually, this has potential...maybe...or a sync method for just your DVD's or something) real dvd cover title image from dvd profiler et al :P various output types certainly multiple output formats can open DVD's page at DVD insertion time [?] can add "a new line" just right can edit a line just right ratings, et al maybe one global one, per movie? maybe make them all wiki editable, yes! with comments restful? json team with imdb somehow/kids-in-mind or what not [display their ratings alongside mine?] or maybe "can link to multiple 3rd party urls"? submit it for approval by peers/filter by peer review? note the license well an all online EDL editor flash canvas OCR? hotkeys advanced editing, like sub-parts of frames, with each way to specify the sub-parts popularize/propaganda-ize at BYU? publicly postable API [?] user, pass, content? yes! "distributable filters to any device" roku, hulu, netflix, etc. [and partner with them? could propose it :P] super easy skip to this time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=m75dQ7D3QcM#t=16s never do: allow business "partners" to somehow use it, too...hmm... make it into a marketplace? a spiffy way to share it with friends, like super easy: http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=www.fitleredvids.com/%3Ffilter%3D1a2x%26video%3Dyoutube.com/watch%252av%3D6eECWYhhldQ automagically usable for youtube [the only one with a sensible API]... pie in the sky: can meter your OCR, blank/overlay/mute for you, for testing purposes LOL UPC code? -> amazon... -> can upload srt files... propagate "all movies" for their srt... maybe it should just say "readable lips" for the EDL's, not that it should mute. Let the user decide what to do or what not :P swing "edit line/add new line" that makes it trivial :) accept "mplayer_dvd_splits" => ["4749"] note: you transfer (c) to CC "imdb pasteable" option can clone? "editable" checkbox? link to helpful hints/progs in Brazil? an spiffy editor that can track and easily use overlay...use OCR! ? :) a fully javascript version...hmm...maybe an applet overlay [post 2020 ?] can show linear/categorically some way for, super easy, as they play, it can mark the time signature and add it in...like super easy contribution...hmm... auto-upload? a "certified clean" movie list disallow "0:45:00.0" , "00:450:10.0", # second 2700 internally store them as non-timestamps LOL note my google doc grabbers doc should I partner with dvd profiler? more easy? cheap? is there anybody out there DVD subtitle-zy that has an algorithm for unique-ifying DVD's? anybody? We are not and cannot be held legally responsible for any third party use of this software (much like Microsoft et al cannot be held responsible for the use of Windows in illegal activities, etc.). Additionally we do not track the use of phpBB software in any way.