# | *Sav***IO** ## What is it? SavIO is an input/output library created to be used with **Ruby2D**. It adds multiple ways for the user to interact with your application, including : - Sliders - Buttons - Text Input - Color Picker (Work In Progress) ## How to install? Easy! do: gem install savio then in your program do: require "savio" ## How do they work? Good question! Part of the goal when developing SavIO was to make it as **intuitive** and **simple** as possible, while also being highly **versatile**, **powerful**, and **customizable**. # | ALL OBJECTS #### All SavIO objects inherit these basic properties. #### You can access an array of all SavIO Objects by using Savio.elements ##### Example: Savio.elements.each do |element| element.x += 1 #Moves all elements over by 1 pixel end ##### SavIO Commands: Savio.hide #This will hide all elements Savio.unhide #This will bring them all back Savio.stop #This stops the mouse and keyboard event listeners Savio.listen #Starts the mouse and keyboard event listeners Savio.listening #returns true or false if its listening or not ## **Creation:** myAwesomeOBJECT = OBJECTNAME.new(params) ### Params: all SavIO object's parameters are optional, if it is not defined then it will use the deafult. | Variable | Description | Default | |--|--|--| | x | The x position | 0 | y | The y Position | 0 | z | The z Position | 1 | size | The scaling value | 10 | enabled | If the slider slides | true | displayName | The label on top | "Default" | draggingEnabled | If the object itself can be moved around the window | false | dragType | "move" or "duplicate" If draggingEnabled is true, this is what happens when it drags | "move" | shown | If the object is shown or not | true ### Example: `myAwesomeOBJECT = OBJECTNAME.new(x: 100, y: 30, z:2, size: 13, displayName: "Swag")` ### Methods: ---- | Method | Description | |--|--| |.remove() | removes the object from the screen | | .add() | adds the object back to the screen | |.rebuild() | rebuilds the object | |.context() | returns a hash with all the variables that make the object | # | Sliders: **On top of** all the basic parameters and methods a **Slider** can **also** use these: ### Params: | Variable | Description | Default | |--|--|--| |length | How long the slider is | 100 |min | The minimum value of the slider | 0 |max | The maximum value of the slider | 100 |value| The value of the slider | Random between min and max |showValue| If the value should be shown| true |labelColor| The color of the labels| '#F5F5F5' |sliderColor|Color of the slider line | '#757575' |knobColor| Color of the sliders knob | '#5BB36A' ### Example: slippyTheSlider = Slider.new(x: 830, y: 40, length: 220, draggingEnabled: true, dragType: "duplicate") ### Methods: ---- | Method | Description | |--|--| |.moveKnob(**x**) | Moves the knob to that **x** pixel location on the screen and finds and sets equivalent value for the slider | | .setValue(**value**) | Sets the sliders value to that **value** and moves the knob there | ### Basic Usage: if slippyTheSlider.value == 69 puts "nice" end # | Buttons: **On top of** all the basic parameters and methods a **Button** can **also** use these: ### Params: | Variable | Description | Default | |--|--|--| |value | Anything you want to be tied to the button | 0 |selected | Whether the button is selected or not | false |buttonManager | The manager that controls this button | nil |enforceManager| When a manager is defined, whether the manager should force this button to follow its rule | true |baseColor| The color of the labels| '#F5F5F5' |selectedColor|Color of the slider line | '#00B3EC' |labelColor| Color of the sliders knob | '#F5F5F5' ### Example: buttonBob = Button.new( x: 830, y: 90, displayName: "Enable Bob?", selectedColor: "purple" ) ### Methods: ---- | Method | Description | |--|--| |.select(*enforce*) | Selects the button. if left empty *enforce* will be the buttons **@enforceManager** state. when true the manager will enforce its rule on the button. when false, the button will perform as if it were not controlled. | | .deslect(*enforce*) | Deselects the button. *enforce* works the same as .select() *(see above)* | |.toggle(*enforce*) | Toggles the buttons Selection state. *enforce* works the same as .select() *(see above)* ### Basic Usage: if buttonBob.selected == true puts "Bob is now enabled! Hi Bob!" end # | ButtonManager: Now I'm sure after reading how a **button** works you're saying, "What in the hell is a **manager**?" ## Let me explain, it's **very simple**. A **ButtonManager** is a simple and easy way to **manage a group of multiple buttons**. More specifically, it **controls** the state of **all the buttons** in its group **depending on** the state of **all the other buttons** in its group. ## This is not considered a standard SavIO Object and does not inherit the typical parameters and methods. ### Creation: theSwagMaster = ButtonManager.new(type: "checkbox") ### Params: | Param |Description | Default| |--|--|--| | type | either "radio" or "checkbox" Decides how the manager should control its buttons | "radio" ### Methods: ---- | Method | Description | |--|--| |.addButton(**button**) | Adds the **button** to the group of buttons controlled by the manager. This is done automatically when a buttons **@buttonManager** is set to the manager. If called this way however, it will also automatically set the buttons **@buttonManager** to this manager, so they will always be linked.| |.removeButton(**button**, *overwrite*) | Removes the **button** from the group of buttons controlled by the manager. This is done automatically when a buttons **@buttonManager** is changed or removed. *overwrite* is not required and is automatically set to true. When true, this will overwrite the **button**'s **@buttonManager** and set it to nil. When false it will not overwrite the buttons **@buttonManager**. **It is highly recommended not to change this since** it will desynchronize the button and manager and cause issues. It is used internally to prevent recursion when removed the manager from the **button** rather than from the **manager** |.toggle(**button**) | Toggles the **button** according to the rule of the manager. This is done automatically by the **button** when **button**.toggle() is called and this manager is used. This is true also for .select() and .deselect(). | .select(**button**) | Selects the **button** according to the rule of the manager. | .deselect(**button**) | Deselects the **button** according to the rule of the manager | ### Variables : |Variable|Description | Type | |--|--|--| | buttons |an array of all the buttons that are controlled by this manager |array | | selected | an array of all the buttons that are currently selected and in control of this manager | array | ### Basic Usage: theSwagMaster.selected.each do |button| puts button.to_s + " Is currently selected!" end -- if theSwagMaster.selected.include?(button) puts "This button is currently selected!" end # | InputBox: **On top of** all the basic parameters and methods an **InputBox** can **also** use these: ### Params: | Variable | Description | Default | |--|--|--| |selected | Whether it is currently focused | false |value | The current text input in the field | **@displayName** |displayName | The value shown in the text field when nothing is in it. AKA the default value. if a value was specified, this will be overwritten with it. | **@value** or "Default" |length| The length of the text box | **@size** * 10 |width| The width of the text box| **@size** * 1.2 |color| The color of the box when not focused| 'gray' |activeColor|The color of the box when focused | 'green' ### Example: askMeAnything = InputBox.new( x: 830, y: 180, size: 30, activeColor: 'purple', displayName: "What would you like to ask?" ) ### Methods: ---- | Method | Description | |--|--| |.addKey(**key**) | Simulates a key input of given **key** | | .updateDisplay() | Adds the line follower marker to the text box | |.select() | Focuses the text box and lets you type in it | |.deselect() | Loses focus of the text box and finalizes value| |.toggle() | Toggles the selection value of the text box | ### Basic Usage: if askMeAnything.value == "Favorite Color?" puts "Purple" end # | ColorSlider: These technically work but I'm not done with them so for now I wont bother with documentation.