require 'nokogiri' module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class IxopayGateway < Gateway self.test_url = '' self.live_url = '' self.supported_countries = %w(AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW) self.default_currency = 'EUR' self.currencies_with_three_decimal_places = %w(BHD IQD JOD KWD LWD OMR TND) self.supported_cardtypes = %i[visa master american_express discover diners_club jcb maestro] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'Ixopay' def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :username, :password, :secret, :api_key) @secret = options[:secret] super end def purchase(money, payment_method, options = {}) request = build_xml_request do |xml| add_card_data(xml, payment_method) add_debit(xml, money, options) end commit(request) end def authorize(money, payment_method, options = {}) request = build_xml_request do |xml| add_card_data(xml, payment_method) add_preauth(xml, money, options) end commit(request) end def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) request = build_xml_request do |xml| add_capture(xml, money, authorization, options) end commit(request) end def refund(money, authorization, options = {}) request = build_xml_request do |xml| add_refund(xml, money, authorization, options) end commit(request) end def void(authorization, options = {}) request = build_xml_request do |xml| add_void(xml, authorization) end commit(request) end def verify(credit_card, options = {}) do |r| r.process { authorize(100, credit_card, options) } r.process(:ignore_result) { void(r.authorization, options) } end end def supports_scrubbing? true end def scrub(transcript) clean_transcript = remove_invalid_utf_8_byte_sequences(transcript) clean_transcript. gsub(%r((Authorization: Gateway )(.*)(:)), '\1[FILTERED]\3'). gsub(%r((<password>)(.*)(</password>)), '\1[FILTERED]\3'). gsub(%r((<pan>)(.*)(</pan>)), '\1[FILTERED]\3'). gsub(%r((<cvv>)\d+(</cvv>)), '\1[FILTERED]\2') end private def remove_invalid_utf_8_byte_sequences(text) text.encode('UTF-8', 'binary', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '') end def headers(xml) timestamp = signature = generate_signature('POST', xml, timestamp) { 'Authorization' => "Gateway #{options[:api_key]}:#{signature}", 'Date' => timestamp, 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' } end def generate_signature(http_method, xml, timestamp) content_type = 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' message = "#{http_method}\n#{Digest::SHA512.hexdigest(xml)}\n#{content_type}\n#{timestamp}\n\n/transaction" digest ='sha512') hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(digest, @secret, message) Base64.encode64(hmac).delete("\n") end def parse(body) xml = Nokogiri::XML(body) response = Hash.from_xml(xml.to_s)['result'] response.deep_transform_keys(&:underscore).transform_keys(&:to_sym) end def build_xml_request builder = 'UTF-8') do |xml| xml.transactionWithCard 'xmlns' => '' do xml.username @options[:username] xml.password Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(@options[:password]) yield(xml) end end builder.to_xml end def add_card_data(xml, payment_method) xml.cardData do xml.cardHolder xml.pan payment_method.number xml.cvv payment_method.verification_value xml.expirationMonth format(payment_method.month, :two_digits) xml.expirationYear format(payment_method.year, :four_digits) end end def add_debit(xml, money, options) currency = options[:currency] || currency(money) description = options[:description].blank? ? 'Purchase' : options[:description] xml.debit do xml.transactionId new_transaction_id add_customer_data(xml, options) add_extra_data(xml, options[:extra_data]) if options[:extra_data] xml.amount localized_amount(money, currency) xml.currency currency xml.description description xml.callbackUrl("") add_stored_credentials(xml, options) end end def add_preauth(xml, money, options) description = options[:description].blank? ? 'Preauthorize' : options[:description] currency = options[:currency] || currency(money) callback_url = options[:callback_url] xml.preauthorize do xml.transactionId new_transaction_id add_customer_data(xml, options) add_extra_data(xml, options[:extra_data]) if options[:extra_data] xml.amount localized_amount(money, currency) xml.currency currency xml.description description xml.callbackUrl callback_url add_stored_credentials(xml, options) end end def add_refund(xml, money, authorization, options) currency = options[:currency] || currency(money) xml.refund do xml.transactionId new_transaction_id add_extra_data(xml, options[:extra_data]) if options[:extra_data] xml.referenceTransactionId authorization&.split('|')&.first xml.amount localized_amount(money, currency) xml.currency currency end end def add_void(xml, authorization) xml.void do xml.transactionId new_transaction_id add_extra_data(xml, options[:extra_data]) if options[:extra_data] xml.referenceTransactionId authorization&.split('|')&.first end end def add_capture(xml, money, authorization, options) currency = options[:currency] || currency(money) xml.capture_ do xml.transactionId new_transaction_id add_extra_data(xml, options[:extra_data]) if options[:extra_data] xml.referenceTransactionId authorization&.split('|')&.first xml.amount localized_amount(money, currency) xml.currency currency end end def add_customer_data(xml, options) # Ixopay returns an error if the elements are not added in the order used here. xml.customer do add_billing_address(xml, options[:billing_address]) if options[:billing_address] add_shipping_address(xml, options[:shipping_address]) if options[:shipping_address] options[:billing_address][:company] if options.dig(:billing_address, :company) options[:email] xml.ipAddress(options[:ip] || '') end end def add_billing_address(xml, address) if address[:name] xml.firstName split_names(address[:name])[0] xml.lastName split_names(address[:name])[1] end xml.billingAddress1 address[:address1] xml.billingAddress2 address[:address2] xml.billingCity address[:city] xml.billingPostcode address[:zip] xml.billingState address[:state] xml.billingCountry address[:country] xml.billingPhone address[:phone] end def add_shipping_address(xml, address) if address[:name] xml.shippingFirstName split_names(address[:name])[0] xml.shippingLastName split_names(address[:name])[1] end xml.shippingCompany address[:company] xml.shippingAddress1 address[:address1] xml.shippingAddress2 address[:address2] xml.shippingCity address[:city] xml.shippingPostcode address[:zip] xml.shippingState address[:state] xml.shippingCountry address[:country] xml.shippingPhone address[:phone] end def new_transaction_id SecureRandom.uuid end # Ixopay does not pass any parameters for cardholder/merchant initiated. # Ixopay also doesn't support installment transactions, only recurring # ("RECURRING") and unscheduled ("CARDONFILE"). # # Furthermore, Ixopay is slightly unusual in its application of stored # credentials in that the gateway does not return a true # network_transaction_id that can be sent on subsequent transactions. def add_stored_credentials(xml, options) return unless stored_credential = options[:stored_credential] if stored_credential[:initial_transaction] xml.transactionIndicator 'INITIAL' elsif stored_credential[:reason_type] == 'recurring' xml.transactionIndicator 'RECURRING' elsif stored_credential[:reason_type] == 'unscheduled' xml.transactionIndicator 'CARDONFILE' end end def add_extra_data(xml, extra_data) extra_data.each do |k, v| xml.extraData(v, key: k) end end def commit(request) url = (test? ? test_url : live_url) url = "#{url}/#{options[:api_key]}/debit" # ssl_post raises an exception for any non-2xx HTTP status from the gateway debugger response = begin parse(ssl_post(url, request, headers(request))) rescue StandardError => error debugger parse(error.response.body) end success_from(response), message_from(response), response, authorization: authorization_from(response), test: test?, error_code: error_code_from(response) ) end def success_from(response) response[:success] == 'true' end def message_from(response) response.dig(:errors, 'error', 'message') || response[:return_type] end def authorization_from(response) response[:reference_id] ? "#{response[:reference_id]}|#{response[:purchase_id]}" : nil end def error_code_from(response) response.dig(:errors, 'error', 'code') unless success_from(response) end end end end