require 'spec_helper' describe Vx::Common::Helper::Shell do let(:klass) {{|i| i.send :include, described_class } } let(:object) { } subject { object } context "path" do it "should create Pathname" do expect_method(:path, '/tmp').to eq'/tmp') end end context "mkdir" do after { FileUtils.rm_rf '/tmp/.a/' } it "should create directories" do expect_method(:mkdir, '/tmp/.a/b/c') expect( '/tmp/.a/b/c') end end context "rm" do before { FileUtils.mkdir_p '/tmp/.a/b/c' } after { FileUtils.rm_rf '/tmp/.a' } it "should force remove" do expect_method :rm, '/tmp/.a' expect(File.exists? '/tmp/.a').to be_false end end context "recreate" do before { FileUtils.mkdir_p '/tmp/.a/b/c' } after { FileUtils.rm_rf '/tmp/.a' } it "should remove and create directory" do expect_method :recreate, '/tmp/.a/b' expect(File.exists? '/tmp/.a/b/c').to be_false end end context "write_file" do let(:fname) { '/tmp/.a' } after { FileUtils.rm_f fname } it "should write content to file" do expect_method :write_file, fname, 'content', 0611 expect(File.readable? fname).to be_true expect( fname).to eq 'content' end end context "write_tmp_file" do let(:tmp_file) { object.send :write_tmp_file, 'fname', 'content', 0611 } after { FileUtils.rm_f tmp_file.path } it "should create tmp file and write content" do expect(tmp_file).to be expect(File.readable? tmp_file.path).to be_true expect( tmp_file.path).to eq 'content' end end context "read_file" do let(:fname) { '/tmp/.a' } before do fname, 'w' do |io| io << "content" end end after { FileUtils.rm_f fname } it "should read file" do expect_method(:read_file, fname).to eq 'content' end context "when file does not exists" do it "should return nil" do expect_method(:read_file, 'not_exists').to be_nil end end end context "bash" do let(:output) { '' } context "when command is string" do it "should spawn bash command and return exit code" do expect_method(:bash, "echo $HOME", &method(:add_to_output)).to eq 0 expect(output).to eq ENV['HOME'] + "\n" end end context "when command is a file" do let(:fname) { '/tmp/.a' } before do fname, 'w' do |io| io << "echo $HOME" end end after { FileUtils.rm_f fname } it "should spawn bash, execute file and return exit code" do expect_method(:bash, file: fname, &method(:add_to_output)).to eq 0 end end context "when :ssh options passed" do let(:ssh) { 'ssh' } before do mock(ssh).spawn("/usr/bin/env -i HOME=${HOME} bash -c command", {}) { 0 } end it "should execute command thougth :ssh" do expect_method(:bash, 'command', ssh: ssh, &method(:add_to_output)).to eq 0 end end def add_to_output(out) output << out end end def expect_method(name, *args, &block) expect(object.send(name, *args, &block)) end end