# frozen_string_literal: true Association = Struct.new(:klass, :name, :macro, :scope, :options) Column = Struct.new(:name, :type, :limit) do end Relation = Struct.new(:records) do delegate :each, to: :records def where(conditions = nil) self.class.new conditions ? [records.first] : records end def order(conditions = nil) self.class.new conditions ? records.last : records end alias_method :to_a, :records alias_method :to_ary, :records end Decorator = Struct.new(:object) do def to_model object end end Picture = Struct.new(:id, :name) do extend ActiveModel::Naming include ActiveModel::Conversion def self.where(conditions = nil) if conditions.is_a?(Hash) && conditions[:name] all.to_a.last else all end end def self.all Relation.new((1..3).map { |i| new(i, "#{name} #{i}") }) end end Company = Struct.new(:id, :name) do extend ActiveModel::Naming include ActiveModel::Conversion class << self delegate :order, :where, to: :_relation end def self._relation all end def self.all Relation.new((1..3).map { |i| new(i, "#{name} #{i}") }) end def persisted? true end end Friend = Struct.new(:id, :name) do extend ActiveModel::Naming include ActiveModel::Conversion def self.all (1..3).map { |i| new(i, "#{name} #{i}") } end def persisted? true end end class Tag < Company def group_method ["category-1"] end end TagGroup = Struct.new(:id, :name, :tags) class User extend ActiveModel::Naming include ActiveModel::Conversion attr_accessor :id, :name, :company, :company_id, :time_zone, :active, :age, :description, :created_at, :updated_at, :credit_limit, :password, :url, :delivery_time, :born_at, :special_company_id, :country, :tags, :tag_ids, :avatar, :home_picture, :email, :status, :residence_country, :phone_number, :post_count, :lock_version, :amount, :attempts, :action, :credit_card, :gender, :extra_special_company_id, :pictures, :picture_ids, :special_pictures, :special_picture_ids, :uuid, :friends, :friend_ids, :special_tags, :special_tag_ids, :citext, :hstore, :json, :jsonb, :hourly, :favorite_color def self.build(extra_attributes = {}) attributes = { id: 1, name: 'New in SimpleForm!', description: 'Hello!', created_at: Time.now }.merge! extra_attributes new attributes end def initialize(options = {}) @new_record = false options.each do |key, value| send("#{key}=", value) end if options end def new_record! @new_record = true end def persisted? !@new_record end def company_attributes=(*) end def tags_attributes=(*) end def column_for_attribute(attribute) column_type, limit = case attribute.to_sym when :name, :status, :password then [:string, 100] when :description then [:text, 200] when :age then :integer when :credit_limit then [:decimal, 15] when :active then :boolean when :born_at then :date when :delivery_time then :time when :created_at then :datetime when :updated_at then :timestamp when :lock_version then :integer when :home_picture then :string when :amount then :integer when :attempts then :integer when :action then :string when :credit_card then :string else attribute.to_sym end Column.new(attribute, column_type, limit) end begin require 'active_model/type' begin ActiveModel::Type.lookup(:text) rescue ArgumentError # :text is no longer an ActiveModel::Type # But we don't want our tests to depend on ActiveRecord class ::ActiveModel::Type::Text < ActiveModel::Type::String def type; :text; end end ActiveModel::Type.register(:text, ActiveModel::Type::Text) end def type_for_attribute(attribute) column_type, limit = case attribute when 'name', 'status', 'password' then [:string, 100] when 'description' then [:text, 200] when 'age' then :integer when 'credit_limit' then [:decimal, 15] when 'active' then :boolean when 'born_at' then :date when 'delivery_time' then :time when 'created_at' then :datetime when 'updated_at' then :datetime when 'lock_version' then :integer when 'home_picture' then :string when 'amount' then :integer when 'attempts' then :integer when 'action' then :string when 'credit_card' then :string when 'uuid' then :string when 'citext' then :string when 'hstore' then [:text, 200] when 'json' then [:text, 200] when 'jsonb' then [:text, 200] end ActiveModel::Type.lookup(column_type, limit: limit) end rescue LoadError end def has_attribute?(attribute) case attribute.to_sym when :name, :status, :password, :description, :age, :credit_limit, :active, :born_at, :delivery_time, :created_at, :updated_at, :lock_version, :home_picture, :amount, :attempts, :action, :credit_card, :uuid, :citext, :hstore, :json, :jsonb then true else false end end def self.human_attribute_name(attribute, options = {}) case attribute when 'name', :name 'Super User Name!' when 'description' 'User Description!' when 'company' 'Company Human Name!' else attribute.to_s.humanize end end def self.reflect_on_association(association) case association when :company Association.new(Company, association, :belongs_to, nil, {}) when :tags Association.new(Tag, association, :has_many, nil, {}) when :special_tags Association.new(Tag, association, :has_many, ->(user) { where(id: user.id) }, {}) when :first_company Association.new(Company, association, :has_one, nil, {}) when :special_company Association.new(Company, association, :belongs_to, nil, conditions: { id: 1 }) when :extra_special_company Association.new(Company, association, :belongs_to, nil, conditions: proc { { id: self.id } }) when :pictures Association.new(Picture, association, :has_many, nil, {}) when :special_pictures Association.new(Picture, association, :has_many, proc { where(name: self.name) }, {}) when :friends Association.new(Friend, association, :has_many, nil, {}) end end def errors @errors ||= begin errors = ActiveModel::Errors.new(self) errors.add(:name, "cannot be blank") errors.add(:description, 'must be longer than 15 characters') errors.add(:age, 'is not a number') errors.add(:age, 'must be greater than 18') errors.add(:company, 'company must be present') errors.add(:company_id, 'must be valid') errors end end def self.readonly_attributes ["credit_card"] end end class ValidatingUser < User include ActiveModel::Validations validates :name, presence: true validates :company, presence: true validates :age, presence: true, if: proc { |user| user.name } validates :amount, presence: true, unless: proc { |user| user.age } validates :action, presence: true, on: :create validates :credit_limit, presence: true, on: :save validates :phone_number, presence: true, on: :update validates_numericality_of :age, greater_than_or_equal_to: 18, less_than_or_equal_to: 99, only_integer: true validates_numericality_of :amount, greater_than: :min_amount, less_than: :max_amount, only_integer: true validates_numericality_of :attempts, greater_than_or_equal_to: :min_attempts, less_than_or_equal_to: :max_attempts, only_integer: true validates_length_of :name, maximum: 25, minimum: 5 validates_length_of :description, in: 15..50 validates_length_of :home_picture, is: 12 def min_amount 10 end def max_amount 100 end def min_attempts 1 end def max_attempts 100 end end class OtherValidatingUser < User include ActiveModel::Validations validates_numericality_of :age, greater_than: 17, less_than: 100, only_integer: true validates_numericality_of :amount, greater_than: proc { |user| user.age }, less_than: proc { |user| user.age + 100 }, only_integer: true validates_numericality_of :attempts, greater_than_or_equal_to: proc { |user| user.age }, less_than_or_equal_to: proc { |user| user.age + 100 }, only_integer: true validates_format_of :country, with: /\w+/ validates_format_of :name, with: proc { /\w+/ } validates_format_of :description, without: /\d+/ end class HashBackedAuthor < Hash extend ActiveModel::Naming include ActiveModel::Conversion def persisted?; false; end def name 'hash backed author' end end class UserNumber1And2 < User end class UserWithAttachment < User def avatar_attachment OpenStruct.new end def remote_cover_url "/uploads/cover.png" end def profile_image_attacher OpenStruct.new end def portrait_file_name "portrait.png" end end