describe Hubspot::Contact do let(:example_company_hash) do VCR.use_cassette("company_example", record: :none) do HTTParty.get("").parsed_response end end let(:company_with_contacts_hash) do VCR.use_cassette("company_with_contacts", record: :none) do HTTParty.get("").parsed_response end end before{ Hubspot.configure(hapikey: "demo") } describe "#initialize" do subject{ } it{ should be_an_instance_of Hubspot::Company } its(["name"]){ should == "HubSpot" } its(["domain"]){ should == "" } its(:vid){ should == 21827084 } end describe ".create!" do cassette "company_create" let(:params){{}} subject{ Hubspot::Company.create!(name, params) } context "with a new name" do let(:name){ "New Company #{}" } it{ should be_an_instance_of Hubspot::Company } its(:name){ should match /New Company .*/ } # Due to VCR the email may not match exactly context "and some params" do cassette "company_create_with_params" let(:name){ "New Company with Params #{}" } let(:params){ {domain: "new-company-domain-#{}"} } its(["name"]){ should match /New Company with Params/ } its(["domain"]){ should match /new\-company\-domain/ } end end end describe ".add_contact!" do cassette "add_contact_to_company_class" let(:company){ Hubspot::Company.create!("company_#{}") } let(:contact){ Hubspot::Contact.create!("contact_#{}") } subject { Hubspot::Company.find_by_id(company.vid) } before { Hubspot::Company.add_contact! company.vid, contact.vid } its(['num_associated_contacts']) { should eql '1' } end describe ".find_by_id" do context 'given an uniq id' do cassette "company_find_by_id" subject{ Hubspot::Company.find_by_id(vid) } context "when the company is found" do let(:vid){ 21827084 } it{ should be_an_instance_of Hubspot::Company } its(:name){ should == "HubSpot" } end context "when the contact cannot be found" do it 'raises an error' do expect { Hubspot::Company.find_by_id(9999999) }.to raise_error(Hubspot::RequestError) end end end end describe ".find_by_domain" do context 'given a domain' do cassette "company_find_by_domain" subject(:companies) { Hubspot::Company.find_by_domain("") } context "when a company is found" do it { should be_an_instance_of Array } it { should_not be_empty } it 'must contain all available properties' do companies[0..9].each do |company| expect( eql Hubspot::Company.find_by_id(company.vid).properties end end end context "when a company cannot be found" do subject { Hubspot::Company.find_by_domain("") } it { should be_an_instance_of Array } it { should be_empty } end end context 'given a domain and parameters' do cassette 'company_find_by_domain_with_params' subject(:companies) { Hubspot::Company.find_by_domain("", limit: 2, properties: ["name", "createdate"], offset_company_id: 117004411) } context "when a company is found" do it{ should be_an_instance_of Array } it{ should_not be_empty } it 'must use the parameters to search' do expect(companies.size).to eql 2 expect(companies.first['name']).to be_a_kind_of String expect(companies.first['createdate']).to be_a_kind_of String expect(companies.first['domain']).to be_nil expect(companies.first['hs_lastmodifieddate']).to be_nil end end end end describe '.all' do context 'all companies' do cassette 'find_all_companies' it 'must get the companies list' do companies = Hubspot::Company.all expect(companies.size).to eql 20 # default page size first = companies.first last = companies.last expect(first).to be_a Hubspot::Company expect(first.vid).to eql 42866817 expect(first['name']).to eql 'name' expect(last).to be_a Hubspot::Company expect(last.vid).to eql 42861017 expect(last['name']).to eql 'Xge5rbdt2zm' end it 'must filter only 2 copmanies' do copmanies = Hubspot::Company.all(count: 2) expect(copmanies.size).to eql 2 end end context 'recent companies' do cassette 'find_all_recent_companies' it 'must get the companies list' do companies = Hubspot::Company.all(recently_updated: true) expect(companies.size).to eql 20 first, last = companies.first, companies.last expect(first).to be_a Hubspot::Company expect(first.vid).to eql 318615742 expect(last).to be_a Hubspot::Company expect(last.vid).to eql 359899290 end end end describe "#update!" do cassette "company_update" let(:company){ } let(:params){ {name: "Acme Cogs", domain: ""} } subject{ company.update!(params) } it{ should be_an_instance_of Hubspot::Company } its(["name"]){ should == "Acme Cogs" } its(["domain"]){ should == "" } context "when the request is not successful" do let(:company){{"vid" => "invalid", "properties" => {}})} it "raises an error" do expect{ subject }.to raise_error Hubspot::RequestError end end end describe "#batch_update!" do cassette "company_batch_update" let(:company){ Hubspot::Company.create!("company_#{}") } context 'update via vid' do let(:updated_companies) { [{ vid: company.vid, name: "Carol H" }] } it 'should update companies' do Hubspot::Company.batch_update!(updated_companies) checked_company = Hubspot::Company.find_by_id(company.vid) expect(["name"]).to eq("Carol H") end end context 'update via objectId' do let(:updated_companies) { [{ objectId: company.vid, name: "Carol H" }] } it 'should update companies' do Hubspot::Company.batch_update!(updated_companies) checked_company = Hubspot::Company.find_by_id(company.vid) expect(["name"]).to eq("Carol H") end end context 'missing vid or objectId' do let(:updated_companies) { [{ name: "Carol H" }] } it 'should raise error with expected message' do expect { Hubspot::Company.batch_update!(updated_companies) }.to raise_error(Hubspot::InvalidParams, 'expecting vid or objectId for company') end end end describe "#destroy!" do cassette "company_destroy" let(:company){ Hubspot::Company.create!("newcompany_y_#{}") } subject{ company.destroy! } it { should be_true } it "should be destroyed" do subject company.destroyed?.should be_true end context "when the request is not successful" do let(:company){{"vid" => "invalid", "properties" => {}})} it "raises an error" do expect{ subject }.to raise_error Hubspot::RequestError company.destroyed?.should be_false end end end describe "#get_contact_vids" do cassette "company_get_contact_vids" let(:company) { Hubspot::Company.create!("company_#{}") } let(:contact) { Hubspot::Contact.create!("contact_#{}") } before { company.add_contact(contact) } subject { company.get_contact_vids } it { eq [contact.vid] } end describe "#add_contact" do cassette "add_contact_to_company_instance" let(:company){ Hubspot::Company.create!("company_#{}") } let(:contact){ Hubspot::Contact.create!("contact_#{}") } subject { Hubspot::Company.find_by_id(company.vid) } context "with Hubspot::Contact instance" do before { company.add_contact contact } its(['num_associated_contacts']) { should eql '1' } end context "with vid" do before { company.add_contact contact.vid } its(['num_associated_contacts']) { should eql '1' } end end describe "#destroyed?" do let(:company){ } subject{ company } its(:destroyed?){ should be_false } end describe "#contacts" do let(:company){ } subject do VCR.use_cassette("company_contacts") { company.contacts } end its(:size) { should eql 5 } end end