require 'model_helper' describe IB::Execution, :props => {:account_name => "DU111110", :client_id => 1111, :exchange => "IDEALPRO", :exec_id => "0001f4e8.4f5d48f1.01.01", :liquidation => true, :local_id => 373, :perm_id => 1695693619, :price => 1.31075, :average_price => 1.31075, :shares => 20000, :cumulative_quantity => 20000, :side => :buy, :time => "20120312 15:41:09", }, :human => "<Execution: 20120312 15:41:09 buy 20000 at 1.31075 on IDEALPRO, cumulative 20000 at 1.31075, ids 373/1695693619/0001f4e8.4f5d48f1.01.01>", :errors => {:side=>["should be buy/sell/short"], :cumulative_quantity=>["is not a number"], :average_price=>["is not a number"]}, :assigns => {[:local_id, :perm_id, :client_id, :cumulative_quantity, :price, :average_price] => numeric_assigns, :liquidation => boolean_assigns, }, :aliases => {[:side, :action] => buy_sell_assigns, [:quantity, :shares] => numeric_assigns, [:account_name, :account_number]=> string_assigns, }, :associations => {:order => {:local_id => 23, :perm_id => 173276893, :client_id => 1111, :parent_id => 0, :quantity => 100, :side => :buy, :order_type => :market} } do it_behaves_like 'Model with invalid defaults' it_behaves_like 'Self-equal Model' context 'DB backed associations', :db => true do subject { props } before(:all) { DatabaseCleaner.clean } it 'saves associated order' do order = associations[:order] subject.order = order subject.order.should == order subject.order.should be_new_record subject.order.should_not be_new_record subject.order.executions.should include subject end it 'loads saved association with execution' do order = IB::Order.find(:first) execution = IB::Execution.first execution.should == subject execution.order.should == order order.executions.first.should == execution end end context 'extra ActiveModel goodness' do subject { props } it 'correctly serializes Model into hash and json' do # p subject.as_json {"account_name"=>"DU111110", "average_price"=>1.31075, "client_id"=>1111, "cumulative_quantity"=>20000, "exchange"=>"IDEALPRO", "exec_id"=>"0001f4e8.4f5d48f1.01.01", "id"=>nil, "liquidation"=>true, "local_id"=>373, "order_ref"=>nil, "perm_id"=>1695693619, "price"=>1.31075, "quantity"=>20000, "time"=>"20120312 15:41:09", "side"=>:buy, }.each do |key, value| subject.serializable_hash[key].should == value if OPTS[:rails] == "Dummy" # "Dummy" Rails app removes extra key level from json... subject.as_json[key].should == value else subject.as_json["execution"][key].should == value end end subject.to_xml.should =~ /<account-name>DU111110<.account-name>\n <average-price type=\"float\">1.31075<.average-price>\n <client-id type=\"integer\">1111<.client-id>/ if OPTS[:rails] == "Dummy" # "Dummy" Rails app removes extra key level from json... subject.to_json.should =~ /\{\"account_name\":\"DU111110\",\"average_price\":1.31075,\"client_id\":1111,\"/ else subject.to_json.should =~ /\{\"execution\":\{\"account_name\":\"DU111110\",\"average_price\":1.31075,\"client_id\":1111,\"/ end == subject end end end # describe IB::Execution