require 'engineyard' require 'engineyard/error' require 'engineyard/thor' module EY class CLI < EY::Thor autoload :API, 'engineyard/cli/api' autoload :UI, 'engineyard/cli/ui' autoload :Recipes, 'engineyard/cli/recipes' autoload :Web, 'engineyard/cli/web' check_unknown_options! include Thor::Actions def self.start(*) = EY::CLI::UI EY.ui = super end desc "deploy [--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--ref GIT-REF]", "Deploy specified branch, tag, or sha to specified environment." long_desc <<-DESC This command must be run with the current directory containing the app to be deployed. If ey.yml specifies a default branch then the ref parameter can be omitted. Furthermore, if a default branch is specified but a different command is supplied the deploy will fail unless --ignore-default-branch is used. Migrations are run by default with 'rake db:migrate'. A different command can be specified via --migrate "ruby do_migrations.rb". Migrations can also be skipped entirely by using --no-migrate. DESC method_option :ignore_default_branch, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Force a deploy of the specified branch even if a default is set" method_option :ignore_bad_master, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Force a deploy even if the master is in a bad state" method_option :migrate, :type => :string, :aliases => %w(-m), :lazy_default => true, :desc => "Run migrations via [MIGRATE], defaults to 'rake db:migrate'; use --no-migrate to avoid running migrations" method_option :environment, :type => :string, :aliases => %w(-e), :desc => "Environment in which to deploy this application" method_option :ref, :type => :string, :aliases => %w(-r --branch --tag), :desc => "Git ref to deploy. May be a branch, a tag, or a SHA." method_option :app, :type => :string, :aliases => %w(-a), :desc => "Name of the application to deploy" method_option :verbose, :type => :boolean, :aliases => %w(-v), :desc => "Be verbose" method_option :extra_deploy_hook_options, :type => :hash, :default => {}, :desc => "Additional options to be made available in deploy hooks (in the 'config' hash)" def deploy app = fetch_app(options[:app]) environment = fetch_environment(options[:environment], app) environment.ignore_bad_master = options[:ignore_bad_master] deploy_ref = if options[:app] environment.resolve_branch(options[:ref], options[:ignore_default_branch]) || raise(EY::Error, "When specifying the application, you must also specify the ref to deploy\nUsage: ey deploy --app --ref ") else environment.resolve_branch(options[:ref], options[:ignore_default_branch]) || repo.current_branch || raise(DeployArgumentError) end "Beginning deploy for '#{}' in '#{}' on server..." deploy_options = {'extras' => options[:extra_deploy_hook_options]} deploy_options['migrate'] = options['migrate'] if options.has_key?('migrate') deploy_options['verbose'] = options['verbose'] if options.has_key?('verbose') if environment.deploy(app, deploy_ref, deploy_options) "Deploy complete" else raise EY::Error, "Deploy failed" end rescue NoEnvironmentError => e # Give better feedback about why we couldn't find the environment. exists = api.environments.named(options[:environment]) raise exists ?[:environment]) : e end desc "environments [--all]", "List environments for this app; use --all to list all environments." long_desc <<-DESC By default, environments for this app are displayed. The --all option will display all environments, including those for this app. DESC method_option :all, :type => :boolean, :aliases => %(-a) method_option :simple, :type => :boolean, :aliases => %(-s) def environments if options[:all] && options[:simple] # just put each env api.environments.each do |env| puts end else apps = get_apps(options[:all]) if !options[:all] && apps.size > 1 message = "This git repo matches multiple Applications in AppCloud:\n" apps.each { |app| message << "\t#{}\n" } message << "The following environments contain those applications:\n\n" EY.ui.warn(message) end EY.ui.warn( unless apps.any? || options[:all] EY.ui.print_envs(apps, EY.config.default_environment, options[:simple]) end end map "envs" => :environments desc "rebuild [--environment ENVIRONMENT]", "Rebuild specified environment." long_desc <<-DESC Engine Yard's main configuration run occurs on all servers. Mainly used to fix failed configuration of new or existing servers, or to update servers to latest Engine Yard stack (e.g. to apply an Engine Yard supplied security patch). Note that uploaded recipes are also run after the main configuration run has successfully completed. DESC method_option :environment, :type => :string, :aliases => %w(-e), :desc => "Environment to rebuild" def rebuild env = fetch_environment(options[:environment]) EY.ui.debug("Rebuilding #{}") env.rebuild end desc "rollback [--environment ENVIRONMENT]", "Rollback to the previous deploy." long_desc <<-DESC Uses code from previous deploy in the "/data/APP_NAME/releases" directory on remote server(s) to restart application servers. DESC method_option :environment, :type => :string, :aliases => %w(-e), :desc => "Environment in which to roll back the application" method_option :app, :type => :string, :aliases => %w(-a), :desc => "Name of the application to roll back" method_option :verbose, :type => :boolean, :aliases => %w(-v), :desc => "Be verbose" method_option :extra_deploy_hook_options, :type => :hash, :default => {}, :desc => "Additional options to be made available in deploy hooks (in the 'config' hash)" def rollback app = fetch_app(options[:app]) env = fetch_environment(options[:environment], app)"Rolling back '#{}' in '#{}'") if env.rollback(app, options[:extra_deploy_hook_options], options[:verbose]) "Rollback complete" else raise EY::Error, "Rollback failed" end end desc "ssh [COMMAND] [--all] [--environment ENVIRONMENT]", "Open an ssh session to the master app server, or run a command." long_desc <<-DESC If a command is supplied, it will be run, otherwise a session will be opened. The application master is used for environments with clusters. Option --all requires a command to be supplied and runs it on all servers. Note: this command is a bit picky about its ordering. To run a command with arguments on all servers, like "rm -f /some/file", you need to order it like so: $ #{banner_base} ssh "rm -f /some/file" -e my-environment --all DESC method_option :environment, :type => :string, :aliases => %w(-e), :desc => "Environment to ssh into" method_option :all, :type => :boolean, :aliases => %(-a), :desc => "Run command on all servers" method_option :app_servers, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Run command on all application servers" method_option :db_servers, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Run command on the database servers" method_option :db_master, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Run command on the master database server" method_option :db_slaves, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Run command on the slave database servers" method_option :utilities, :type => :array, :lazy_default => true, :desc => "Run command on the utility servers with the given names. If no names are given, run on all utility servers." def ssh(cmd=nil) env = fetch_environment_without_app(options[:environment]) hosts = ssh_hosts(options, env) raise if cmd.nil? and hosts.count != 1 hosts.each do |host| system "ssh #{env.username}@#{host} #{cmd}" end end no_tasks do def ssh_host_filter(opts) return lambda {|instance| true } if opts[:all] return lambda {|instance| %w(solo app app_master ).include?(instance.role) } if opts[:app_servers] return lambda {|instance| %w(solo db_master db_slave).include?(instance.role) } if opts[:db_servers ] return lambda {|instance| %w(solo db_master ).include?(instance.role) } if opts[:db_master ] return lambda {|instance| %w(db_slave ).include?(instance.role) } if opts[:db_slaves ] return lambda {|instance| %w(util ).include?(instance.role) && opts[:utilities].include?( } if opts[:utilities ] return lambda {|instance| %w(solo app_master ).include?(instance.role) } end def ssh_hosts(opts, env) if opts[:utilities] and not opts[:utilities].respond_to?(:include?) includes_everything = [] class << includes_everything def include?(*) true end end filter = ssh_host_filter(opts.merge(:utilities => includes_everything)) else filter = ssh_host_filter(opts) end instances = {|instance| filter[instance] } raise if instances.empty? return { |instance| instance.public_hostname } end end desc "logs [--environment ENVIRONMENT]", "Retrieve the latest logs for an environment." long_desc <<-DESC Displays Engine Yard configuration logs for all servers in the environment. If recipes were uploaded to the environment & run, their logs will also be displayed beneath the main configuration logs. DESC method_option :environment, :type => :string, :aliases => %w(-e), :desc => "Environment with the interesting logs" def logs env = fetch_environment(options[:environment]) env.logs.each do |log| log.instance_name if log.main "Main logs for #{}:" EY.ui.say log.main end if log.custom "Custom logs for #{}:" EY.ui.say log.custom end end end desc "recipes", "Commands related to chef recipes." subcommand "recipes", EY::CLI::Recipes desc "web", "Commands related to maintenance pages." subcommand "web", EY::CLI::Web desc "version", "Print version number." def version EY.ui.say %{engineyard version #{EY::VERSION}} end map ["-v", "--version"] => :version desc "help [COMMAND]", "Describe all commands or one specific command." def help(*cmds) if cmds.empty? base = self.class.send(:banner_base) list = self.class.printable_tasks EY.ui.say "Usage:" EY.ui.say " #{base} [--help] [--version] COMMAND [ARGS]" EY.ui.say EY.ui.say "Deploy commands:" deploy_cmds = %w(deploy environments logs rebuild rollback)! do |name| list.find{|task| task[0] =~ /^#{base} #{name}/ } end list -= deploy_cmds EY.ui.print_help(deploy_cmds) EY.ui.say self.class.subcommands.each do |name| klass = self.class.subcommand_class_for(name) list.reject!{|cmd| cmd[0] =~ /^#{base} #{name}/} EY.ui.say "#{name.capitalize} commands:" tasks = klass.printable_tasks.reject{|t| t[0] =~ /help$/ } EY.ui.print_help(tasks) EY.ui.say end %w(help version).each{|n| list.reject!{|c| c[0] =~ /^#{base} #{n}/ } } if list.any? EY.ui.say "Other commands:" EY.ui.print_help(list) EY.ui.say end self.class.send(:class_options_help, shell) EY.ui.say "See '#{base} help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command." elsif klass = self.class.subcommand_class_for(cmds.first)*cmds[1..-1]) else super end end end # CLI end # EY