XML Security Library




keys -- Crypto key object definition.


typedef             xmlSecKeyUsage;
#define             xmlSecKeyUsageSign
#define             xmlSecKeyUsageVerify
#define             xmlSecKeyUsageEncrypt
#define             xmlSecKeyUsageDecrypt
#define             xmlSecKeyUsageKeyExchange
#define             xmlSecKeyUsageAny
intxmlSecKeyUseWithInitialize          (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith);
voidxmlSecKeyUseWithFinalize            (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith);
voidxmlSecKeyUseWithReset               (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith);
intxmlSecKeyUseWithCopy                (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr dst,
                                                         xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr src);
xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr  xmlSecKeyUseWithCreate             (const xmlChar *application,
                                                         const xmlChar *identifier);
xmlSecKeyUseWithPtrxmlSecKeyUseWithDuplicate          (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith);
voidxmlSecKeyUseWithDestroy             (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith);
intxmlSecKeyUseWithSet                 (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith,
                                                         const xmlChar *application,
                                                         const xmlChar *identifier);
voidxmlSecKeyUseWithDebugDump           (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith,
                                                         FILE *output);
voidxmlSecKeyUseWithDebugXmlDump        (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith,
                                                         FILE *output);
struct              xmlSecKeyUseWith;
#define             xmlSecKeyUseWithPtrListId
xmlSecPtrListIdxmlSecKeyUseWithPtrListGetKlass     (void);
struct              xmlSecKeyReq;
intxmlSecKeyReqInitialize              (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq);
voidxmlSecKeyReqFinalize                (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq);
voidxmlSecKeyReqReset                   (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq);
intxmlSecKeyReqCopy                    (xmlSecKeyReqPtr dst,
                                                         xmlSecKeyReqPtr src);
intxmlSecKeyReqMatchKey                (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq,
                                                         xmlSecKeyPtr key);
intxmlSecKeyReqMatchKeyValue           (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataPtr value);
voidxmlSecKeyReqDebugDump               (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq,
                                                         FILE *output);
voidxmlSecKeyReqDebugXmlDump            (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq,
                                                         FILE *output);
struct              xmlSecKey;
xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeyCreate                     (void);
voidxmlSecKeyDestroy                    (xmlSecKeyPtr key);
voidxmlSecKeyEmpty                      (xmlSecKeyPtr key);
xmlSecKeyPtrxmlSecKeyDuplicate                  (xmlSecKeyPtr key);
intxmlSecKeyCopy                       (xmlSecKeyPtr keyDst,
                                                         xmlSecKeyPtr keySrc);
const xmlChar*      xmlSecKeyGetName                    (xmlSecKeyPtr key);
intxmlSecKeySetName                    (xmlSecKeyPtr key,
                                                         const xmlChar *name);
xmlSecKeyDataType   xmlSecKeyGetType                    (xmlSecKeyPtr key);
xmlSecKeyDataPtrxmlSecKeyGetValue                   (xmlSecKeyPtr key);
intxmlSecKeySetValue                   (xmlSecKeyPtr key,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataPtr value);
xmlSecKeyDataPtrxmlSecKeyGetData                    (xmlSecKeyPtr key,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataId dataId);
xmlSecKeyDataPtrxmlSecKeyEnsureData                 (xmlSecKeyPtr key,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataId dataId);
intxmlSecKeyAdoptData                  (xmlSecKeyPtr key,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataPtr data);
voidxmlSecKeyDebugDump                  (xmlSecKeyPtr key,
                                                         FILE *output);
voidxmlSecKeyDebugXmlDump               (xmlSecKeyPtr key,
                                                         FILE *output);
xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeyGenerate                   (xmlSecKeyDataId dataId,
                                                         xmlSecSize sizeBits,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataType type);
xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeyGenerateByName             (const xmlChar *name,
                                                         xmlSecSize sizeBits,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataType type);
intxmlSecKeyMatch                      (xmlSecKeyPtr key,
                                                         const xmlChar *name,
                                                         xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq);
xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeyReadBuffer                 (xmlSecKeyDataId dataId,
                                                         xmlSecBuffer *buffer);
xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeyReadBinaryFile             (xmlSecKeyDataId dataId,
                                                         const char *filename);
xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeyReadMemory                 (xmlSecKeyDataId dataId,
                                                         const xmlSecByte *data,
                                                         xmlSecSize dataSize);
#define             xmlSecKeyIsValid                    (key)
#define             xmlSecKeyCheckId                    (key,
#define             xmlSecKeyPtrListId
xmlSecPtrListIdxmlSecKeyPtrListGetKlass            (void);


Crypto key object definition.



typedef unsigned int                    xmlSecKeyUsage;

The key usage.


#define xmlSecKeyUsageSign              0x00000001

Key can be used in any way.


#define xmlSecKeyUsageVerify            0x00000002

Key for signing.


#define xmlSecKeyUsageEncrypt           0x00000004

Key for signature verification.


#define xmlSecKeyUsageDecrypt           0x00000008

An encryption key.


#define xmlSecKeyUsageKeyExchange       0x00000010

The key is used for key exchange.


#define xmlSecKeyUsageAny               0xFFFFFFFF

A decryption key.

xmlSecKeyUseWithInitialize ()

int                 xmlSecKeyUseWithInitialize          (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith);

Initializes keyUseWith object.

keyUseWith :

the pointer to information about key application/user.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyUseWithFinalize ()

void                xmlSecKeyUseWithFinalize            (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith);

Finalizes keyUseWith object.

keyUseWith :

the pointer to information about key application/user.

xmlSecKeyUseWithReset ()

void                xmlSecKeyUseWithReset               (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith);

Resets the keyUseWith to its state after initialization.

keyUseWith :

the pointer to information about key application/user.

xmlSecKeyUseWithCopy ()

int                 xmlSecKeyUseWithCopy                (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr dst,
                                                         xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr src);

Copies information from dst to src.

dst :

the pointer to destination object.

src :

the pointer to source object.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyUseWithCreate ()

xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr  xmlSecKeyUseWithCreate             (const xmlChar *application,
                                                         const xmlChar *identifier);

Creates new xmlSecKeyUseWith object. The caller is responsible for destroying returned object with xmlSecKeyUseWithDestroy function.

application :

the application value.

identifier :

the identifier value.

Returns :

pointer to newly created object or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyUseWithDuplicate ()

xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr  xmlSecKeyUseWithDuplicate          (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith);

Duplicates keyUseWith object. The caller is responsible for destroying returned object with xmlSecKeyUseWithDestroy function.

keyUseWith :

the pointer to information about key application/user.

Returns :

pointer to newly created object or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyUseWithDestroy ()

void                xmlSecKeyUseWithDestroy             (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith);

Destroys keyUseWith created with xmlSecKeyUseWithCreate or xmlSecKeyUseWithDuplicate functions.

keyUseWith :

the pointer to information about key application/user.

xmlSecKeyUseWithSet ()

int                 xmlSecKeyUseWithSet                 (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith,
                                                         const xmlChar *application,
                                                         const xmlChar *identifier);

Sets application and identifier in the keyUseWith.

keyUseWith :

the pointer to information about key application/user.

application :

the new application value.

identifier :

the new identifier value.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyUseWithDebugDump ()

void                xmlSecKeyUseWithDebugDump           (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith,
                                                         FILE *output);

Prints xmlSecKeyUseWith debug information to a file output.

keyUseWith :

the pointer to information about key application/user.

output :

the pointer to output FILE.

xmlSecKeyUseWithDebugXmlDump ()

void                xmlSecKeyUseWithDebugXmlDump        (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith,
                                                         FILE *output);

Prints xmlSecKeyUseWith debug information to a file output in XML format.

keyUseWith :

the pointer to information about key application/user.

output :

the pointer to output FILE.

struct xmlSecKeyUseWith

struct xmlSecKeyUseWith {
    xmlChar*                    application;
    xmlChar*                    identifier;

    void*                       reserved1;
    void*                       reserved2;

Information about application and user of the key.

xmlChar *application;

the application.

xmlChar *identifier;

the identifier.

void *reserved1;

reserved for future use.

void *reserved2;

reserved for future use.


#define xmlSecKeyUseWithPtrListId       xmlSecKeyUseWithPtrListGetKlass()

The keys list klass.

xmlSecKeyUseWithPtrListGetKlass ()

xmlSecPtrListId     xmlSecKeyUseWithPtrListGetKlass     (void);

The key data list klass.

Returns :

pointer to the key data list klass.

struct xmlSecKeyReq

struct xmlSecKeyReq {
    xmlSecKeyDataId             keyId;
    xmlSecKeyDataType           keyType;
    xmlSecKeyUsage              keyUsage;
    xmlSecSize                  keyBitsSize;
    xmlSecPtrList               keyUseWithList;

    void*                       reserved1;
    void*                       reserved2;

The key requirements information.

xmlSecKeyDataId keyId;

the desired key value klass.

xmlSecKeyDataType keyType;

the desired key type.

xmlSecKeyUsage keyUsage;

the desired key usage.

xmlSecSize keyBitsSize;

the desired key size (in bits!).

xmlSecPtrList keyUseWithList;

the desired key use with application/identifier information.

void *reserved1;

reserved for future use.

void *reserved2;

reserved for future use.

xmlSecKeyReqInitialize ()

int                 xmlSecKeyReqInitialize              (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq);

Initialize key requirements object. Caller is responsible for cleaning it with xmlSecKeyReqFinalize function.

keyReq :

the pointer to key requirements object.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyReqFinalize ()

void                xmlSecKeyReqFinalize                (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq);

Cleans the key requirements object initialized with xmlSecKeyReqInitialize function.

keyReq :

the pointer to key requirements object.

xmlSecKeyReqReset ()

void                xmlSecKeyReqReset                   (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq);

Resets key requirements object for new key search.

keyReq :

the pointer to key requirements object.

xmlSecKeyReqCopy ()

int                 xmlSecKeyReqCopy                    (xmlSecKeyReqPtr dst,
                                                         xmlSecKeyReqPtr src);

Copies key requirements from src object to dst object.

dst :

the pointer to destination object.

src :

the pointer to source object.

Returns :

0 on success and a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyReqMatchKey ()

int                 xmlSecKeyReqMatchKey                (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq,
                                                         xmlSecKeyPtr key);

Checks whether key matches key requirements keyReq.

keyReq :

the pointer to key requirements object.

key :

the pointer to key.

Returns :

1 if key matches requirements, 0 if not and a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyReqMatchKeyValue ()

int                 xmlSecKeyReqMatchKeyValue           (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataPtr value);

Checks whether keyValue matches key requirements keyReq.

keyReq :

the pointer to key requirements.

value :

the pointer to key value.

Returns :

1 if key value matches requirements, 0 if not and a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyReqDebugDump ()

void                xmlSecKeyReqDebugDump               (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq,
                                                         FILE *output);

Prints debug information about keyReq into output.

keyReq :

the pointer to key requirements object.

output :

the pointer to output FILE.

xmlSecKeyReqDebugXmlDump ()

void                xmlSecKeyReqDebugXmlDump            (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq,
                                                         FILE *output);

Prints debug information about keyReq into output in XML format.

keyReq :

the pointer to key requirements object.

output :

the pointer to output FILE.

struct xmlSecKey

struct xmlSecKey {
    xmlChar*                            name;
    xmlSecKeyDataPtr                    value;
    xmlSecPtrListPtr                    dataList;
    xmlSecKeyUsage                      usage;
    time_t                              notValidBefore;
    time_t                              notValidAfter;

The key.

xmlChar *name;

the key name.

xmlSecKeyDataPtr value;

the key value.

xmlSecPtrListPtr dataList;

the key data list.

xmlSecKeyUsage usage;

the key usage.

time_t notValidBefore;

the start key validity interval.

time_t notValidAfter;

the end key validity interval.

xmlSecKeyCreate ()

xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeyCreate                     (void);

Allocates and initializes new key. Caller is responsible for freeing returned object with xmlSecKeyDestroy function.

Returns :

the pointer to newly allocated xmlSecKey structure or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyDestroy ()

void                xmlSecKeyDestroy                    (xmlSecKeyPtr key);

Destroys the key created using xmlSecKeyCreate function.

key :

the pointer to key.

xmlSecKeyEmpty ()

void                xmlSecKeyEmpty                      (xmlSecKeyPtr key);

Clears the key data.

key :

the pointer to key.

xmlSecKeyDuplicate ()

xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeyDuplicate                  (xmlSecKeyPtr key);

Creates a duplicate of the given key.

key :

the pointer to the xmlSecKey structure.

Returns :

the pointer to newly allocated xmlSecKey structure or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyCopy ()

int                 xmlSecKeyCopy                       (xmlSecKeyPtr keyDst,
                                                         xmlSecKeyPtr keySrc);

Copies key data from keySrc to keyDst.

keyDst :

the destination key.

keySrc :

the source key.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyGetName ()

const xmlChar*      xmlSecKeyGetName                    (xmlSecKeyPtr key);

Gets key name (see also xmlSecKeySetName function).

key :

the pointer to key.

Returns :

key name.

xmlSecKeySetName ()

int                 xmlSecKeySetName                    (xmlSecKeyPtr key,
                                                         const xmlChar *name);

Sets key name (see also xmlSecKeyGetName function).

key :

the pointer to key.

name :

the new key name.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyGetType ()

xmlSecKeyDataType   xmlSecKeyGetType                    (xmlSecKeyPtr key);

Gets key type.

key :

the pointer to key.

Returns :

key type.

xmlSecKeyGetValue ()

xmlSecKeyDataPtr    xmlSecKeyGetValue                   (xmlSecKeyPtr key);

Gets key value (see also xmlSecKeySetValue function).

key :

the pointer to key.

Returns :

key value (crypto material).

xmlSecKeySetValue ()

int                 xmlSecKeySetValue                   (xmlSecKeyPtr key,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataPtr value);

Sets key value (see also xmlSecKeyGetValue function).

key :

the pointer to key.

value :

the new value.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyGetData ()

xmlSecKeyDataPtr    xmlSecKeyGetData                    (xmlSecKeyPtr key,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataId dataId);

Gets key's data.

key :

the pointer to key.

dataId :

the requested data klass.

Returns :

additional data associated with the key (see also xmlSecKeyAdoptData function).

xmlSecKeyEnsureData ()

xmlSecKeyDataPtr    xmlSecKeyEnsureData                 (xmlSecKeyPtr key,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataId dataId);

If necessary, creates key data of dataId klass and adds to key.

key :

the pointer to key.

dataId :

the requested data klass.

Returns :

pointer to key data or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyAdoptData ()

int                 xmlSecKeyAdoptData                  (xmlSecKeyPtr key,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataPtr data);

Adds data to the key. The data object will be destroyed by key.

key :

the pointer to key.

data :

the pointer to key data.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value otherwise.

xmlSecKeyDebugDump ()

void                xmlSecKeyDebugDump                  (xmlSecKeyPtr key,
                                                         FILE *output);

Prints the information about the key to the output.

key :

the pointer to key.

output :

the pointer to output FILE.

xmlSecKeyDebugXmlDump ()

void                xmlSecKeyDebugXmlDump               (xmlSecKeyPtr key,
                                                         FILE *output);

Prints the information about the key to the output in XML format.

key :

the pointer to key.

output :

the pointer to output FILE.

xmlSecKeyGenerate ()

xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeyGenerate                   (xmlSecKeyDataId dataId,
                                                         xmlSecSize sizeBits,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataType type);

Generates new key of requested klass dataId and type.

dataId :

the requested key klass (rsa, dsa, aes, ...).

sizeBits :

the new key size (in bits!).

type :

the new key type (session, permanent, ...).

Returns :

pointer to newly created key or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyGenerateByName ()

xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeyGenerateByName             (const xmlChar *name,
                                                         xmlSecSize sizeBits,
                                                         xmlSecKeyDataType type);

Generates new key of requested klass and type.

name :

the requested key klass name (rsa, dsa, aes, ...).

sizeBits :

the new key size (in bits!).

type :

the new key type (session, permanent, ...).

Returns :

pointer to newly created key or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyMatch ()

int                 xmlSecKeyMatch                      (xmlSecKeyPtr key,
                                                         const xmlChar *name,
                                                         xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq);

Checks whether the key matches the given criteria.

key :

the pointer to key.

name :

the pointer to key name (may be NULL).

keyReq :

the pointer to key requirements.

Returns :

1 if the key satisfies the given criteria or 0 otherwise.

xmlSecKeyReadBuffer ()

xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeyReadBuffer                 (xmlSecKeyDataId dataId,
                                                         xmlSecBuffer *buffer);

Reads the key value of klass dataId from a buffer.

dataId :

the key value data klass.

buffer :

the buffer that contains the binary data.

Returns :

pointer to newly created key or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyReadBinaryFile ()

xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeyReadBinaryFile             (xmlSecKeyDataId dataId,
                                                         const char *filename);

Reads the key value of klass dataId from a binary file filename.

dataId :

the key value data klass.

filename :

the key binary filename.

Returns :

pointer to newly created key or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecKeyReadMemory ()

xmlSecKeyPtr        xmlSecKeyReadMemory                 (xmlSecKeyDataId dataId,
                                                         const xmlSecByte *data,
                                                         xmlSecSize dataSize);

Reads the key value of klass dataId from a memory block data.

dataId :

the key value data klass.

data :

the memory containing the key

dataSize :

the size of the memory block

Returns :

pointer to newly created key or NULL if an error occurs.


#define             xmlSecKeyIsValid(key)

Macro. Returns 1 if key is not NULL and key->id is not NULL or 0 otherwise.

key :

the pointer to key.


#define             xmlSecKeyCheckId(key, keyId)

Macro. Returns 1 if key is valid and key's id is equal to keyId.

key :

the pointer to key.

keyId :

the key Id.


#define xmlSecKeyPtrListId      xmlSecKeyPtrListGetKlass()

The keys list klass.

xmlSecKeyPtrListGetKlass ()

xmlSecPtrListId     xmlSecKeyPtrListGetKlass            (void);

The keys list klass.

Returns :

keys list id.