typedef unsigned int xmlSecKeyUsage;
The key usage.
#define xmlSecKeyUsageSign 0x00000001
Key can be used in any way.
#define xmlSecKeyUsageVerify 0x00000002
Key for signing.
#define xmlSecKeyUsageEncrypt 0x00000004
Key for signature verification.
#define xmlSecKeyUsageDecrypt 0x00000008
An encryption key.
#define xmlSecKeyUsageKeyExchange 0x00000010
The key is used for key exchange.
#define xmlSecKeyUsageAny 0xFFFFFFFF
A decryption key.
xmlSecKeyUseWithInitialize ()
int xmlSecKeyUseWithInitialize (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith
Initializes keyUseWith
keyUseWith : |
the pointer to information about key application/user. |
Returns : |
0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs. |
xmlSecKeyUseWithFinalize ()
void xmlSecKeyUseWithFinalize (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith
Finalizes keyUseWith
keyUseWith : |
the pointer to information about key application/user. |
xmlSecKeyUseWithReset ()
void xmlSecKeyUseWithReset (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith
Resets the keyUseWith
to its state after initialization.
keyUseWith : |
the pointer to information about key application/user. |
xmlSecKeyUseWithCreate ()
xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr xmlSecKeyUseWithCreate (const xmlChar *application
const xmlChar *identifier
Creates new xmlSecKeyUseWith object. The caller is responsible for destroying
returned object with xmlSecKeyUseWithDestroy
xmlSecKeyUseWithDuplicate ()
xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr xmlSecKeyUseWithDuplicate (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith
Duplicates keyUseWith
object. The caller is responsible for destroying
returned object with xmlSecKeyUseWithDestroy
keyUseWith : |
the pointer to information about key application/user. |
Returns : |
pointer to newly created object or NULL if an error occurs. |
xmlSecKeyUseWithDestroy ()
void xmlSecKeyUseWithDestroy (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith
Destroys keyUseWith
created with xmlSecKeyUseWithCreate
or xmlSecKeyUseWithDuplicate
keyUseWith : |
the pointer to information about key application/user. |
xmlSecKeyUseWithSet ()
int xmlSecKeyUseWithSet (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith
const xmlChar *application
const xmlChar *identifier
Sets application
and identifier
in the keyUseWith
xmlSecKeyUseWithDebugDump ()
void xmlSecKeyUseWithDebugDump (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith
FILE *output
Prints xmlSecKeyUseWith debug information to a file output
keyUseWith : |
the pointer to information about key application/user. |
output : |
the pointer to output FILE. |
xmlSecKeyUseWithDebugXmlDump ()
void xmlSecKeyUseWithDebugXmlDump (xmlSecKeyUseWithPtr keyUseWith
FILE *output
Prints xmlSecKeyUseWith debug information to a file output
in XML format.
keyUseWith : |
the pointer to information about key application/user. |
output : |
the pointer to output FILE. |
struct xmlSecKeyUseWith
struct xmlSecKeyUseWith {
xmlChar* application;
xmlChar* identifier;
void* reserved1;
void* reserved2;
Information about application and user of the key.
#define xmlSecKeyUseWithPtrListId xmlSecKeyUseWithPtrListGetKlass()
The keys list klass.
xmlSecKeyUseWithPtrListGetKlass ()
xmlSecPtrListId xmlSecKeyUseWithPtrListGetKlass (void
The key data list klass.
Returns : |
pointer to the key data list klass. |
struct xmlSecKeyReq
struct xmlSecKeyReq {
xmlSecKeyDataId keyId;
xmlSecKeyDataType keyType;
xmlSecKeyUsage keyUsage;
xmlSecSize keyBitsSize;
xmlSecPtrList keyUseWithList;
void* reserved1;
void* reserved2;
The key requirements information.
xmlSecKeyReqInitialize ()
int xmlSecKeyReqInitialize (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq
Initialize key requirements object. Caller is responsible for
cleaning it with xmlSecKeyReqFinalize function.
keyReq : |
the pointer to key requirements object. |
Returns : |
0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs. |
xmlSecKeyReqReset ()
void xmlSecKeyReqReset (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq
Resets key requirements object for new key search.
keyReq : |
the pointer to key requirements object. |
xmlSecKeyReqCopy ()
int xmlSecKeyReqCopy (xmlSecKeyReqPtr dst
xmlSecKeyReqPtr src
Copies key requirements from src
object to dst
dst : |
the pointer to destination object. |
src : |
the pointer to source object. |
Returns : |
0 on success and a negative value if an error occurs. |
xmlSecKeyReqMatchKey ()
int xmlSecKeyReqMatchKey (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq
xmlSecKeyPtr key
Checks whether key
matches key requirements keyReq
keyReq : |
the pointer to key requirements object. |
key : |
the pointer to key. |
Returns : |
1 if key matches requirements, 0 if not and a negative value
if an error occurs. |
xmlSecKeyReqMatchKeyValue ()
int xmlSecKeyReqMatchKeyValue (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq
xmlSecKeyDataPtr value
Checks whether keyValue
matches key requirements keyReq
keyReq : |
the pointer to key requirements. |
value : |
the pointer to key value. |
Returns : |
1 if key value matches requirements, 0 if not and a negative value
if an error occurs. |
xmlSecKeyReqDebugDump ()
void xmlSecKeyReqDebugDump (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq
FILE *output
Prints debug information about keyReq
into output
keyReq : |
the pointer to key requirements object. |
output : |
the pointer to output FILE. |
xmlSecKeyReqDebugXmlDump ()
void xmlSecKeyReqDebugXmlDump (xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq
FILE *output
Prints debug information about keyReq
into output
in XML format.
keyReq : |
the pointer to key requirements object. |
output : |
the pointer to output FILE. |
struct xmlSecKey
struct xmlSecKey {
xmlChar* name;
xmlSecKeyDataPtr value;
xmlSecPtrListPtr dataList;
xmlSecKeyUsage usage;
time_t notValidBefore;
time_t notValidAfter;
The key.
xmlSecKeyCreate ()
xmlSecKeyPtr xmlSecKeyCreate (void
Allocates and initializes new key. Caller is responsible for
freeing returned object with xmlSecKeyDestroy function.
Returns : |
the pointer to newly allocated xmlSecKey structure
or NULL if an error occurs. |
xmlSecKeyEmpty ()
void xmlSecKeyEmpty (xmlSecKeyPtr key
Clears the key
key : |
the pointer to key. |
xmlSecKeyDuplicate ()
xmlSecKeyPtr xmlSecKeyDuplicate (xmlSecKeyPtr key
Creates a duplicate of the given key
xmlSecKeySetName ()
int xmlSecKeySetName (xmlSecKeyPtr key
const xmlChar *name
Sets key name (see also xmlSecKeyGetName function).
key : |
the pointer to key. |
name : |
the new key name. |
Returns : |
0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs. |
xmlSecKeyGetData ()
xmlSecKeyDataPtr xmlSecKeyGetData (xmlSecKeyPtr key
xmlSecKeyDataId dataId
Gets key's data.
xmlSecKeyEnsureData ()
xmlSecKeyDataPtr xmlSecKeyEnsureData (xmlSecKeyPtr key
xmlSecKeyDataId dataId
If necessary, creates key data of dataId
klass and adds to key
key : |
the pointer to key. |
dataId : |
the requested data klass. |
Returns : |
pointer to key data or NULL if an error occurs. |
xmlSecKeyAdoptData ()
int xmlSecKeyAdoptData (xmlSecKeyPtr key
xmlSecKeyDataPtr data
Adds data
to the key
. The data
object will be destroyed
by key
key : |
the pointer to key. |
data : |
the pointer to key data. |
Returns : |
0 on success or a negative value otherwise. |
xmlSecKeyDebugDump ()
void xmlSecKeyDebugDump (xmlSecKeyPtr key
FILE *output
Prints the information about the key
to the output
xmlSecKeyDebugXmlDump ()
void xmlSecKeyDebugXmlDump (xmlSecKeyPtr key
FILE *output
Prints the information about the key
to the output
in XML format.
xmlSecKeyGenerate ()
xmlSecKeyPtr xmlSecKeyGenerate (xmlSecKeyDataId dataId
xmlSecSize sizeBits
xmlSecKeyDataType type
Generates new key of requested klass dataId
and type
dataId : |
the requested key klass (rsa, dsa, aes, ...). |
sizeBits : |
the new key size (in bits!). |
type : |
the new key type (session, permanent, ...). |
Returns : |
pointer to newly created key or NULL if an error occurs. |
xmlSecKeyGenerateByName ()
xmlSecKeyPtr xmlSecKeyGenerateByName (const xmlChar *name
xmlSecSize sizeBits
xmlSecKeyDataType type
Generates new key of requested klass
and type
name : |
the requested key klass name (rsa, dsa, aes, ...). |
sizeBits : |
the new key size (in bits!). |
type : |
the new key type (session, permanent, ...). |
Returns : |
pointer to newly created key or NULL if an error occurs. |
xmlSecKeyMatch ()
int xmlSecKeyMatch (xmlSecKeyPtr key
const xmlChar *name
xmlSecKeyReqPtr keyReq
Checks whether the key
matches the given criteria.
key : |
the pointer to key. |
name : |
the pointer to key name (may be NULL). |
keyReq : |
the pointer to key requirements. |
Returns : |
1 if the key satisfies the given criteria or 0 otherwise. |
xmlSecKeyReadBuffer ()
xmlSecKeyPtr xmlSecKeyReadBuffer (xmlSecKeyDataId dataId
xmlSecBuffer *buffer
Reads the key value of klass dataId
from a buffer.
dataId : |
the key value data klass. |
buffer : |
the buffer that contains the binary data. |
Returns : |
pointer to newly created key or NULL if an error occurs. |
xmlSecKeyReadBinaryFile ()
xmlSecKeyPtr xmlSecKeyReadBinaryFile (xmlSecKeyDataId dataId
const char *filename
Reads the key value of klass dataId
from a binary file filename
dataId : |
the key value data klass. |
filename : |
the key binary filename. |
Returns : |
pointer to newly created key or NULL if an error occurs. |
xmlSecKeyReadMemory ()
xmlSecKeyPtr xmlSecKeyReadMemory (xmlSecKeyDataId dataId
const xmlSecByte *data
xmlSecSize dataSize
Reads the key value of klass dataId
from a memory block data
dataId : |
the key value data klass. |
data : |
the memory containing the key |
dataSize : |
the size of the memory block |
Returns : |
pointer to newly created key or NULL if an error occurs. |
#define xmlSecKeyIsValid(key)
Macro. Returns 1 if key
is not NULL and key
->id is not NULL
or 0 otherwise.
key : |
the pointer to key. |
#define xmlSecKeyCheckId(key, keyId)
Macro. Returns 1 if key
is valid and key
's id is equal to keyId
#define xmlSecKeyPtrListId xmlSecKeyPtrListGetKlass()
The keys list klass.
xmlSecKeyPtrListGetKlass ()
xmlSecPtrListId xmlSecKeyPtrListGetKlass (void
The keys list klass.