# frozen-string-literal: true module Mobility =begin Generator to create translation tables or add translation columns to a model table, for either Table or Column backends. ==Usage To add translations for a string attribute +title+ to a model +Post+, call the generator with: rails generate mobility:translations post title:string Here, the backend is implicit in the value of +Mobility.default_backend+, but it can be explicitly set using the +backend+ option: rails generate mobility:translations post title:string --backend=table For the +table+ backend, the generator will either create a translation table (in this case, +post_translations+) or add columns to the table if it already exists. For the +column+ backend, the generator will add columns for all locales in +I18n.available_locales+. If some columns already exist, they will simply be skipped. Other backends are not supported, for obvious reasons: * the +key_value+ backend does not need any model-specific migrations, simply run the install generator. * +jsonb+, +hstore+ and +serialized+ backends simply require a single column on a model table, which can be added with the normal Rails migration generator. =end class TranslationsGenerator < ::Rails::Generators::NamedBase SUPPORTED_BACKENDS = %w[column table] BACKEND_OPTIONS = { type: :string, desc: "Backend to use for translations (defaults to Mobility.default_backend)" } argument :attributes, type: :array, default: [], banner: "field[:type][:index] field[:type][:index]" class_option(:backend, BACKEND_OPTIONS) invoke_from_option :backend def self.class_options(options = nil) super @class_options[:backend] = Thor::Option.new(:backend, BACKEND_OPTIONS.merge(default: Mobility.default_backend.to_s.freeze)) @class_options end def self.prepare_for_invocation(name, value) if name == :backend if SUPPORTED_BACKENDS.include?(value) require_relative "./backend_generators/#{value}_backend" Mobility::BackendGenerators.const_get("#{value}_backend".camelcase.freeze) else begin require "mobility/backends/#{value}" raise Thor::Error, "The #{value} backend does not have a translations generator." rescue LoadError => e raise unless e.message =~ /#{value}/ raise Thor::Error, "#{value} is not a Mobility backend." end end else super end end protected def say_status(status, message, *args) if status == :invoke && SUPPORTED_BACKENDS.include?(message) super(status, "#{message}_backend", *args) else super end end end end