require 'discordrb' module Cosgrove require 'cosgrove/snark_commands' cattr_accessor :latest_steemit_link, :latest_golos_link @@latest_steemit_link = {} @@latest_golosio_link = {} class Bot < Discordrb::Commands::CommandBot include Support include SnarkCommands def initialize(options = {}) options[:token] ||= cosgrove_token options[:client_id] ||= cosgrove_client_id super(options) @on_success_upvote_job = options[:on_success_upvote_job] @on_success_register_job = options[:on_success_register_job] self.bucket :voting, limit: 4, time_span: 8640, delay: 10 add_all_commands add_all_messages SnarkCommands::add_all_snark_commands(self) end def add_all_messages # A user typed a link to self.message(content: /http[s]*:\/\/steemit\.com\/.*/, ignore_bots: false) do |event| link = event.content.split(' ').first Cosgrove::latest_steemit_link[] = link append_link_details(event, link) end # A user typed a link to self.message(content: /http[s]*:\/\/golos\.io\/.*/, ignore_bots: false) do |event| link = event.content.split(' ').first Cosgrove::latest_golosio_link[] = link end end def add_all_commands self.command :help do |_event, *args| help = [] help << "`$slap [target]` - does a slap on the `target`" help << "`$verify <account> [chain]` - check `account` association with Discord users (`chain` default `steem`)" help << "`$register <account> [chain]` - associate `account` with your Discord user (`chain` default `steem`)" help << "`$upvote [url]` - upvote from #{steem_account}; empty or `^` to upvote last steemit link" help.join("\n") end self.command :version do |_| "cosgrove: #{Cosgrove::VERSION} ::" end self.command :verify do |event, key, chain = :steem| mongo_behind_warning(event) if key.nil? event.respond "To create an account:{steem_account}" return end account = find_account(key, event) if !!account && account.respond_to?(:name) cb_account =, chain) else discord_id = key.split('@').last.split('>').first.to_i cb_account = Cosgrove::Account.find_by_discord_id(discord_id, chain) account = if !!cb_account find_account(cb_account.account_name, event) end end if !!account && !!cb_account && cb_account.discord_ids.any? if cb_account.hidden? "#{chain.to_s.upcase} account `#{}` has been registered." else discord_ids = { |id| "<@#{id}>" } "#{chain.to_s.upcase} account `#{}` has been registered with #{discord_ids.to_sentence}." end elsif !!account "#{chain.to_s.upcase} account `#{}` has not been registered with any Discord account. To register:\n`$register #{}`" elsif discord_id.to_i > 0 "<@#{discord_id}> has not been associated with a #{chain.to_s.upcase} account. To register:\n`$register <account>`" else "No association found. To register:\n`$register <account>`" end end self.command :register do |event, account_name, chain = :steem| mongo_behind_warning(event) account = find_account(account_name, event) discord_id = return nil unless !!account cb_account =, chain) if cb_account.discord_ids.include? discord_id event.respond "Already registered `#{}` on `#{chain.upcase}` with <@#{discord_id}>" return end memo_key = cb_account.memo_key(discord_id) op = SteemData::AccountOperation.type('transfer'). where(account: steem_account, from:, to: steem_account, memo: {'$regex' => ".*#{memo_key}.*"}).last if op.nil? # Fall back to RPC. The transaction is so new, SteemData hasn't seen it # yet, SteemData is behind, or there is no such transfer. response = api(chain).get_account_history(steem_account, -1000, 1000) op = do |history| e = history.last.op type = e.first next unless type == 'transfer' o = e.last next unless o.from == next unless == steem_account next unless o.memo =~ /.*#{memo_key}.*/ o end.compact.last end if !!op cb_account.add_discord_id(discord_id) if !!@on_success_register_job begin, cb_account) rescue => e ap e ap e.backtrace end end "Ok. #{chain.to_s.upcase} account #{} has been registered with <@#{discord_id}>." else "To register `#{}` with <@#{discord_id}>, send `0.001 #{chain.upcase}` to `#{steem_account}` with memo: `#{memo_key}`\n\nThen type `$register #{}` again." end end self.command(:upvote, bucket: :voting, rate_limit_message: 'Sorry, you are in cool-down. Please wait %time% more seconds.') do |event, slug = nil| slug = Cosgrove::latest_steemit_link[] if slug.nil? || slug.empty? || slug == '^' options = { on_success: @on_success_upvote_job }, slug) end end def rebuild_accounts chain = :steem puts "Rebuilding #{Account::ACCOUNTS_FILE} ..." discord_users = self.users ops = SteemData::AccountOperation.where(account: steem_account, to: steem_account, memo: {'$regex' => /.*[a-z]*-[a-z]*-[a-z]*.*/}) memo_map = {} puts "Discord users: #{discord_users.size}; memos to search: #{ops.count}" ops.each do |op| memo_map[op.from] = op.memo end discord_users.each do |discord_id, discord_user| a = Account.find_by_discord_id(discord_id) next if !!a puts "Account not found: #{discord_user.username}" memo_map.each do |from, memo| a =, chain) if memo == a.memo_key(discord_id) puts "Found matching memo key: #{from}" end end end end end end