require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "..", "spec_helper") describe Pancake::Mixins::Render::ViewContext do before do $captures = [] class ::FooBar include Pancake::Mixins::Render attr_accessor :params, :data def _template_name_for(name, opts) "#{name}" end push_paths :views, "", "**/*" roots << File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)),"..","..", "fixtures", "render_templates", "view_context") end end after do clear_constants :FooBar, :BarFoo end it "should setup the spec correctly" do %w(helper_methods.erb context.erb).each do |f| File.exists?(File.join(FooBar.roots.first, f)).should be_true end end describe "view contexts" do it "should inherit from Pancake::Mixins::Render::ViewContext" do FooBar::ViewContext.should inherit_from(Pancake::Mixins::Render::ViewContext) end #it "should allow me to setup the view context before the view is run" do # FooBar.class_eval do # def view_context_before_render(context) # super # $captures << :here # end # end # $captures.should be_blank # # $captures.should include(:here) #end #it "should execute the before render block in the instance" do # FooBar.class_eval do # def view_context_before_render(context) # super # $captures << data # end # end # foobar = # = {:some => :data} # foobar.render(:context) # $captures.should include(:some => :data) # $captures.clear # # $captures.should_not include(:some => :data) #end end describe "inheriting classes" do before do FooBar::ViewContext.class_eval do def some_helper $captures << :some_helper end end class ::BarFoo < FooBar end end it "should inherit the view context when inheriting the outer class" do BarFoo::ViewContext.should inherit_from(FooBar::ViewContext) end end describe "delegation" do before do @renderer = mock("renderer", :null_object => true) end it "should provide access to the object the view context is rendering for" do context = context._view_context_for.should == @renderer end it "should grab the template from the view context when rendering" do context = @renderer.should_receive(:template).with(:foo).and_return(@renderer) context.render(:foo, :some => :opts) end end describe "capturing" do before do end it "should render the haml template with a capture" do result = result.should_not include("captured haml") context = $captures.first context.should_not be_nil context.instance_variable_get("@captured_haml").should include("captured haml") end it "should capture in erb" do result = result.should_not include("captured erb") context = $captures.first context.should_not be_nil context.instance_variable_get("@captured_erb").should include("captured erb") end it "should concat in haml" do result = result.should include("concatenated") end it "should concat in erb" do result = result.should include("concatenated") end end describe "content_block" do before do @foo = end it "should include the default text" do result = @foo.render(:inherited_haml_level_0) result.should include("inherited haml level 0") result.should include("default content block content") end it "should inherit the content block from a parent template" do result = @foo.render(:inherited_haml_level_1) result.should include("inherited haml level 0") result.should include("inherited haml level 1 content") end it "should inherit the default text in erb" do result = @foo.render(:inherited_erb_level_0) result.should include("inherited erb level 0") result.should include("default content block content") end it "should inherit the content block from a parent template in erb" do result = @foo.render(:inherited_erb_level_1) result.should include("inherited erb level 0") result.should include("inherited erb level 1 content") end it "should inherit erb from haml" do result = @foo.render(:inherited_erb_from_haml) result.should include("inherited haml level 0") result.should include("inherited erb content") end it "should inherit haml from erb" do result = @foo.render(:inherited_haml_from_erb) result.should include("inherited erb level 0") result.should include("inherited haml content") end end describe "super blocks" do before do @foo = end it "should render the super text" do result = @foo.render(:super_haml_from_haml_0) result.should include("default content block content") end it "should render the super text and the new text" do result = @foo.render(:super_haml_from_haml_1) result.should include("default content block content") result.should include("new content with super") end it "should render the super text in erb templates" do result = @foo.render(:super_erb_from_erb_0) result.should include("default content block content") end it "should render the super text and the new text in erb" do result = @foo.render(:super_erb_from_erb_1) result.should include("new content with super") result.should include("default content block content") end it "should inherit haml from erb" do result = @foo.render(:super_haml_from_erb_0) result.should include("default content block content") end it "should inherit haml from erb with with additional contnet" do result = @foo.render(:super_haml_from_erb_1) result.should include("new content from haml") result.should include("default content block content") end it "should inherit erb from haml" do result = @foo.render(:super_erb_from_haml_0) result.should include("default content block content") end it "should inherit erb from haml" do result = @foo.render(:super_erb_from_haml_1) result.should include("new content from erb") result.should include("default content block content") end end describe "multiple context blocks" do before do @foo = end it "should allow nested default captures" do result = @foo.render(:nested_content_level_0) result.should include("level 0 content") result.should include("nested foo content") result.should include("nested bar content") end it "should allow inherited nested content to overwrite a given block" do result = @foo.render(:nested_content_level_1) result.should include("level 0 content") result.should include("nested foo content") result.should include("nested new bar content") end end end