module ScheduledValue class Timespan include Comparable attr_accessor :start, :finish def initialize(start: nil, finish: nil) self.start = start self.finish = finish raise "Finish must be after start" if start && finish && start >= finish end def attributes { start: start, finish: finish } end def start=(value) @start = convert_time_value(value) end def finish=(value) @finish = convert_time_value(value) end def contains?(timestamp) return false if start && timestamp < start return false if finish && timestamp >= finish true end def overlaps?(other) return false if finish && other.start && other.start >= finish return false if start && other.finish && start >= other.finish true end def <=>(other) case other when Timespan then compare_timespan(other) when Date, Time, DateTime then compare_datetime(other) end end def inspect "#<#{}: #{self}>" end def to_s(format = nil) "#{start_description(format)} #{finish_description(format)}" end def start_description(format = nil) if start "from #{start.to_s(format)}" else 'anytime' end end def finish_description(format = nil) if finish "up to #{finish.to_s(format)}" elsif start "indefinitely" end end private def compare_timespan(other) return 0 if other.start == start && other.finish == finish return nil if other.overlaps?(self) return -1 if finish && other.start && other.start >= finish return 1 if start && other.finish && other.finish <= start end def compare_datetime(other) return nil if contains?(other) return -1 if finish && other >= finish return 1 if start && other < start 0 end def convert_time_value(value) case value when String then Time.iso8601(value) else value end end end end