require 'openssl' require 'date' require 'json' require 'base64' require 'gitlab/license/version' require 'gitlab/license/encryptor' require 'gitlab/license/boundary' module Gitlab class License class Error < StandardError; end class ImportError < Error; end class ValidationError < Error; end class << self attr_reader :encryption_key @encryption_key = nil def encryption_key=(key) raise ArgumentError, 'No RSA encryption key provided.' if key && !key.is_a?(OpenSSL::PKey::RSA) @encryption_key = key @encryptor = nil end def encryptor @encryptor ||= end def import(data) raise ImportError, 'No license data.' if data.nil? data = Boundary.remove_boundary(data) begin license_json = encryptor.decrypt(data) rescue Encryptor::Error raise ImportError, 'License data could not be decrypted.' end begin attributes = JSON.parse(license_json) rescue JSON::ParseError raise ImportError, 'License data is invalid JSON.' end new(attributes) end end attr_reader :version attr_accessor :licensee, :starts_at, :expires_at, :notify_admins_at, :notify_users_at, :block_changes_at, :last_synced_at, :next_sync_at, :activated_at, :restrictions, :cloud_licensing_enabled, :offline_cloud_licensing_enabled, :auto_renew_enabled, :seat_reconciliation_enabled, :operational_metrics_enabled, :generated_from_customers_dot alias_method :issued_at, :starts_at alias_method :issued_at=, :starts_at= def initialize(attributes = {}) load_attributes(attributes) end def valid? if !licensee || !licensee.is_a?(Hash) || licensee.empty? false elsif !starts_at || !starts_at.is_a?(Date) false elsif !expires_at && !gl_team_license? false elsif expires_at && !expires_at.is_a?(Date) false elsif notify_admins_at && !notify_admins_at.is_a?(Date) false elsif notify_users_at && !notify_users_at.is_a?(Date) false elsif block_changes_at && !block_changes_at.is_a?(Date) false elsif last_synced_at && !last_synced_at.is_a?(DateTime) false elsif next_sync_at && !next_sync_at.is_a?(DateTime) false elsif activated_at && !activated_at.is_a?(DateTime) false elsif restrictions && !restrictions.is_a?(Hash) false elsif !cloud_licensing? && offline_cloud_licensing? false else true end end def validate! raise ValidationError, 'License is invalid' unless valid? end def will_expire? expires_at end def will_notify_admins? notify_admins_at end def will_notify_users? notify_users_at end def will_block_changes? block_changes_at end def will_sync? next_sync_at end def activated? activated_at end def expired? will_expire? && >= expires_at end def notify_admins? will_notify_admins? && >= notify_admins_at end def notify_users? will_notify_users? && >= notify_users_at end def block_changes? will_block_changes? && >= block_changes_at end def cloud_licensing? cloud_licensing_enabled == true end def offline_cloud_licensing? offline_cloud_licensing_enabled == true end def auto_renew? auto_renew_enabled == true end def seat_reconciliation? seat_reconciliation_enabled == true end def operational_metrics? operational_metrics_enabled == true end def generated_from_customers_dot? generated_from_customers_dot == true end def gl_team_license? licensee['Company'].to_s.match?(/GitLab/i) && licensee['Email'].to_s.end_with?('') end def restricted?(key = nil) if key restricted? && restrictions.has_key?(key) else restrictions && restrictions.length >= 1 end end def attributes hash = {} hash['version'] = version hash['licensee'] = licensee # `issued_at` is the legacy name for starts_at. # TODO: Move to starts_at in a next version. hash['issued_at'] = starts_at hash['expires_at'] = expires_at if will_expire? hash['notify_admins_at'] = notify_admins_at if will_notify_admins? hash['notify_users_at'] = notify_users_at if will_notify_users? hash['block_changes_at'] = block_changes_at if will_block_changes? hash['next_sync_at'] = next_sync_at if will_sync? hash['last_synced_at'] = last_synced_at if will_sync? hash['activated_at'] = activated_at if activated? hash['cloud_licensing_enabled'] = cloud_licensing? hash['offline_cloud_licensing_enabled'] = offline_cloud_licensing? hash['auto_renew_enabled'] = auto_renew? hash['seat_reconciliation_enabled'] = seat_reconciliation? hash['operational_metrics_enabled'] = operational_metrics? hash['generated_from_customers_dot'] = generated_from_customers_dot? hash['restrictions'] = restrictions if restricted? hash end def to_json(*_args) JSON.dump(attributes) end def export(boundary: nil) validate! data = self.class.encryptor.encrypt(to_json) data = Boundary.add_boundary(data, boundary) if boundary data end private def load_attributes(attributes) attributes = attributes.transform_keys(&:to_s) version = attributes['version'] || 1 raise ArgumentError, 'Version is too new' unless version && version == 1 @version = version @licensee = attributes['licensee'] # `issued_at` is the legacy name for starts_at. # TODO: Move to starts_at in a next version. %w[issued_at expires_at notify_admins_at notify_users_at block_changes_at].each do |attr_name| set_date_attribute(attr_name, attributes[attr_name]) end %w[last_synced_at next_sync_at activated_at].each do |attr_name| set_datetime_attribute(attr_name, attributes[attr_name]) end %w[ cloud_licensing_enabled offline_cloud_licensing_enabled auto_renew_enabled seat_reconciliation_enabled operational_metrics_enabled generated_from_customers_dot ].each do |attr_name| public_send("#{attr_name}=", attributes[attr_name] == true) end restrictions = attributes['restrictions'] if restrictions&.is_a?(Hash) restrictions = restrictions.transform_keys(&:to_sym) @restrictions = restrictions end end def set_date_attribute(attr_name, value, date_class = Date) value = date_class.parse(value) rescue nil if value.is_a?(String) return unless value public_send("#{attr_name}=", value) end def set_datetime_attribute(attr_name, value) set_date_attribute(attr_name, value, DateTime) end end end