require 'destroyed_at/version' require 'destroyed_at/belongs_to_association' require 'destroyed_at/has_many_association' require 'destroyed_at/has_one_association' require 'destroyed_at/mapper' module DestroyedAt def self.included(klass) klass.instance_eval do default_scope { where(destroyed_at: nil) } after_initialize :_set_destruction_state define_model_callbacks :restore extend ClassMethods end end def self.destroy_target_of_association(owner, target) if target.respond_to?(:destroyed_at) && owner.respond_to?(:destroyed_at) target.destroy(owner.destroyed_at) elsif target.respond_to?(:destroyed_at) target.destroy end end def self.has_destroy_at?(object) object.class.included_modules.include?(DestroyedAt) end module ClassMethods def destroyed(time = nil) query = where.not(destroyed_at: nil) query.where_values.reject! do |node| Arel::Nodes::Equality === node && == 'destroyed_at' && node.right.nil? end time ? query.where(destroyed_at: time) : query.where.not(destroyed_at: nil) end end # Set an object's destroyed_at time. def destroy(timestamp = nil) timestamp ||= current_time_from_proper_timezone raw_write_attribute(:destroyed_at, timestamp) run_callbacks(:destroy) do destroy_associations self.class.unscoped.where(self.class.primary_key => id).update_all(destroyed_at: timestamp) @destroyed = true end end # Set an object's destroyed_at time to nil. def restore state = nil run_callbacks(:restore) do if state = (self.class.unscoped.where(self.class.primary_key => id).update_all(destroyed_at: nil) == 1) _restore_associations raw_write_attribute(:destroyed_at, nil) @destroyed = false true end end state end def persisted? !new_record? && destroyed_at.present? || super end def delete self.destroyed_at = nil super end private def _set_destruction_state @destroyed = destroyed_at.present? if has_attribute?(:destroyed_at) # Don't stop the other callbacks from running true end def _restore_associations { |key, value| value.options[:dependent] == :destroy }.keys.each do |key| assoc = association(key) reload_association = false if assoc.options[:through] && assoc.options[:dependent] == :destroy assoc = association(assoc.options[:through]) end assoc.association_scope.each do |r| if r.respond_to?(:restore) && r.destroyed_at == self.destroyed_at r.restore reload_association = true end end if reload_association assoc.reload end end end end