require 'td/helpers' require 'td/updater' require 'open3' require 'pathname' require 'time' require 'yaml' module TreasureData module Command include TreasureData::Helpers # The workflow entrypoint command. Invokes the digdag cli, passing on any command line arguments. def workflow(op, capture_output=false, check_prereqs=true) if Config.apikey.nil? raise ConfigError end check_digdag_cli if check_prereqs cmd = [ java_cmd, '-Dio.digdag.cli.programName=td workflow', '-XX:+TieredCompilation', '-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1', '-Xverify:none' ] FileUtils.mkdir_p digdag_tmp_dir Dir.mktmpdir(nil, digdag_tmp_dir) { |wd| env = {} digdag_config_path = File.join(wd, 'config') FileUtils.touch(digdag_config_path) workflow_endpoint = Config.workflow_endpoint # In the future passing config to digdag should use environment variables if Config.cl_apikey || workflow_endpoint != '' # If the user passes the apikey on the command line we cannot use the digdag td.conf plugin. # Instead, create a digdag configuration file with the endpoint and the specified apikey. apikey = TreasureData::Config.apikey env['TD_CONFIG_PATH'] = nil env['TREASURE_DATA_WORKFLOW_ENDPOINT'] = workflow_endpoint env['TD_API_KEY'] = apikey File.write(digdag_config_path, [ "client.http.endpoint = #{workflow_endpoint}", "client.http.headers.authorization = TD1 #{apikey}", " = #{apikey}" ].join($/) + $/) cmd << '' cmd << "{Config.endpoint_domain}" else # Use the digdag td.conf plugin to configure wf api and apikey. env['TREASURE_DATA_CONFIG_PATH'] = Config.path cmd << '' end cmd << '-jar' << digdag_cli_path unless op.argv.empty? cmd << '--config' << digdag_config_path end cmd.concat(op.argv) unless ENV['TD_TOOLBELT_DEBUG'].nil? $stderr.puts cmd.to_s end if capture_output # TODO: use popen3 instead? stdout_str, stderr_str, status = Open3.capture3(env, *cmd) $stdout.write(stdout_str) $stderr.write(stderr_str) return status.exitstatus else Kernel::system(env, *cmd) return $?.exitstatus end } end def workflow_update(op) version = op.cmd_parse $stdout << "Downloading workflow module #{version}..." download_digdag(version) $stdout.puts ' Done.' return 0 end # "Factory reset" def workflow_reset(op) op.cmd_parse # to show help $stdout << 'Removing workflow module...' FileUtils.rm_rf digdag_dir $stdout.puts ' Done.' return 0 end def workflow_version(op) op.cmd_parse # to show help unless File.exists?(digdag_cli_path) $stderr.puts('Workflow module not yet installed.') return 1 end $stdout.puts("Bundled Java: #{bundled_java?}") begin out, status = Open3.capture2e(java_cmd, '-version') raise unless status.success? rescue $stderr.puts('Failed to run java') return 1 end $stdout.puts(out) version_op ="workflow", [], [], nil, ['--version'], true) $stdout.write('Digdag version: ') workflow(version_op, capture_output=true, check_prereqs=false) end private def system_java_cmd if td_wf_java.nil? or td_wf_java.empty? 'java' else td_wf_java end end private def bundled_java? if not td_wf_java.empty? return false end return Helpers.on_64bit_os? end private def td_wf_java ENV.fetch('TD_WF_JAVA', '').strip end def digdag_base_url(version=nil) base = '' if version.to_s == '' base else "#{base}-#{version}" end end private def digdag_url(version=nil) url = ENV.fetch('TD_DIGDAG_URL', '').strip return url unless url.empty? user =['account.user'] if File.exist?(Config.path) if user.nil? or user.strip.empty? return digdag_base_url end query = URI.encode_www_form('user' => user) "#{digdag_base_url(version)}?#{query}" end private def digdag_dir File.join(home_directory, '.td', 'digdag') end private def digdag_tmp_dir File.join(home_directory, '.td', 'digdag', 'tmp') end private def digdag_cli_path File.join(digdag_dir, 'digdag') end private def digdag_jre_dir File.join(digdag_dir, 'jre') end private def digdag_jre_tmp_dir File.join(digdag_dir, 'jre.tmp') end private def java_cmd if bundled_java? digdag_java_path else system_java_cmd end end private def digdag_java_path File.join(digdag_jre_dir, 'bin', 'java') end private def digdag_cli_tmp_path File.join(digdag_dir, 'digdag.tmp') end private def jre_archive # XXX (dano): platform detection could be more robust if Helpers.on_64bit_os? if Helpers.on_windows? return 'win_x64' elsif Helpers.on_mac? return 'mac_x64' else # Assume linux return 'lin_x64' end end raise 'OS architecture not supported' end private def jre_url base_url = ENV.fetch('TD_WF_JRE_BASE_URL', '') "#{base_url}#{jre_archive}" end private def fail_system_java raise WorkflowError, <<EOF A suitable installed version of Java could not be found and and Java cannot be automatically installed for this OS. Please install at least Java 8u71. EOF end private def detect_system_java begin output, status = Open3.capture2e(system_java_cmd, '-version') rescue => e return false end unless status.success? return false end if output =~ /openjdk version/ or output =~ /java version/ m = output.match(/version "(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:_(\d+))"/) if not m or m.size < 4 return false end # Check for at least Java 8. Let digdag itself verify revision. major = m[1].to_i minor = m[2].to_i if major < 1 or minor < 8 return false end end return true end private def check_system_java # Trust the user if they've specified a jre to use if td_wf_java.empty? unless detect_system_java fail_system_java end end end # Follow all redirects and return the resulting url def resolve_url(url) require 'net/http' require 'openssl' uri = URI(url) http_class = Command.get_http_class http =, uri.port) if uri.scheme == 'https' http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end http.request_get(uri.path + (uri.query ? '?' + uri.query : '')) {|response| if response.class == Net::HTTPOK return url elsif response.is_a?(Net::HTTPRedirection) unless ENV['TD_TOOLBELT_DEBUG'].nil? $stdout.puts "redirect '#{url}' to '#{response['Location']}'... " end return resolve_url(response['Location']) else raise Command::UpdateError, "An error occurred when fetching from '#{uri}' " \ "(#{response.class.to_s}: #{response.message})." return false end } end private def download_java if File.exists?(digdag_jre_dir) return end require 'net/http' require 'openssl' Dir.mktmpdir do |download_dir| indicator = 'Downloading Java...',, 2) status = nil real_jre_uri = URI(resolve_url(jre_url)) jre_filename = download_path = File.join(download_dir, jre_filename), 'wb') do |file| status = Updater.stream_fetch(jre_url, file) { indicator.update } end indicator.finish $stdout.puts unless status raise WorkflowError, 'Failed to download Java.' end $stdout.print 'Installing Java... ' FileUtils.rm_rf digdag_jre_tmp_dir FileUtils.mkdir_p digdag_jre_tmp_dir extract_archive(download_path, digdag_jre_tmp_dir, 1) digdag_jre_tmp_dir, digdag_jre_dir $stdout.puts 'done' end end private def extract_archive(archive, destination, strip) if archive.end_with? '.tar.gz' extract_tarball(archive, destination, strip) elsif archive.end_with? '.zip' extract_zip(archive, destination, strip) end end private def extract_zip(zip_archive, destination, strip) require 'fileutils' require 'zip/zip' { |zip_file| zip_file.each { |f| stripped = strip_components(, strip) if stripped.empty? next end dest = File.join destination, stripped FileUtils.rm_rf dest if File.exist? dest FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(dest)) zip_file.extract(f, dest) } } end # TAR_LONGLINK = '././@LongLink' private def extract_tarball(tar_gz_archive, destination, strip) require 'fileutils' require 'rubygems/package' require 'zlib' tar_gz_archive do |gzip_reader| do |tar| filename = nil tar.each do |entry| # Handle LongLink if entry.full_name == TAR_LONGLINK filename = next end filename ||= entry.full_name # Strip path components stripped = strip_components(filename, strip) filename = nil if stripped.empty? next end dest = File.join destination, stripped if || (entry.header.typeflag == '' && entry.full_name.end_with?('/')) File.rm_rf dest if File.file? dest FileUtils.mkdir_p dest, :mode => entry.header.mode, :verbose => false elsif entry.file? || (entry.header.typeflag == '' && !entry.full_name.end_with?('/')) FileUtils.rm_rf dest if File.exist? dest FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname dest dest, "wb" do |f| f.print end FileUtils.chmod entry.header.mode, dest, :verbose => false elsif entry.header.typeflag == '2' #Symlink! File.symlink entry.header.linkname, dest else raise "Unkown tar entry: #{entry.full_name} type: #{entry.header.typeflag}." end end end end end def strip_components(filename, strip) File.join( end private def check_digdag_cli check_system_java unless bundled_java? unless File.exists?(digdag_cli_path) $stderr.puts 'Workflow module not yet installed, download now? [Y/n]' line = $stdin.gets line.strip! if (not line.empty?) and (line !~ /^y(?:es)?$/i) raise WorkflowError, 'Aborted' end download_digdag end end def download_digdag(version=nil) require 'net/http' require 'openssl' FileUtils.mkdir_p digdag_dir if bundled_java? download_java end Dir.mktmpdir do |download_dir| indicator = 'Downloading workflow module...',, 2) status = nil download_path = File.join(download_dir, 'digdag'), 'wb') do |file| status = Updater.stream_fetch(digdag_url(version), file) { indicator.update } end indicator.finish $stdout.puts unless status raise WorkflowError, 'Failed to download workflow module.' end $stdout.print 'Installing workflow module... ' FileUtils.rm_rf(digdag_cli_tmp_path) FileUtils.cp(download_path, digdag_cli_tmp_path) FileUtils.chmod('a=xr', digdag_cli_tmp_path), digdag_cli_path) $stdout.puts 'done' end end end end