require "<%= resource_require_path %>" module <%= resource_top_module %> module Api module Resources describe <%= resource_class_name %> do before do # Delete this when the route has been added to the API allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:application_context).and_return(PactBroker::ApplicationContext.default_application_context) allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:<%= service_instance_name %>).and_return(<%= service_instance_name %>) allow(<%= service_instance_name %>).to receive(:find_by_uuid).and_return(<%= model_instance_name %>) allow(<%= decorator_full_class_name %>).to receive(:new).and_return(decorator) end let(:<%= model_instance_name %>) { instance_double("<%= model_full_class_name %>") } let(:parsed_<%= model_instance_name %>) { double("parsed <%= model_instance_name %>") } let(:<%= service_instance_name %>) { class_double("<%= service_class_full_name %>").as_stubbed_const } let(:path) { "/<%= resource_url_path %>/#{uuid}" } let(:uuid) { "12345678" } let(:rack_headers) do { "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/hal+json" } end let(:decorator) do instance_double("<%= decorator_full_class_name %>", to_json: "response", from_json: parsed_<%= model_instance_name %> ) end # Delete this when the route has been added to the API - this is just here so that the generated # spec can be run to see if it works. let(:app) do pact_api = do |app| app.routes do add ["<%= resource_url_path %>", :<%= model_instance_name %>_uuid], <%= resource_class_full_name %>, { resource_name: "<%= model_instance_name %>" } end end pact_api.configure do |config| config.adapter = :RackMapped end pact_api.adapter end describe "GET" do subject { get(path, nil, rack_headers) } it "attempts to find the <%= model_class_name %>" do expect(<%= service_class_full_name %>).to receive(:find_by_uuid).with(uuid) subject end context "when the <%= model_instance_name %> does not exist" do let(:<%= model_instance_name %>) { nil } it { be_a_404_response } end context "when the <%= model_class_name %> exists" do it "generates a JSON representation of the <%= model_class_name %>" do expect(<%= decorator_full_class_name %>).to receive(:new).with(<%= model_instance_name %>) expect(decorator).to receive(:to_json).with(user_options: hash_including(base_url: "")) subject end it { be_a_hal_json_success_response } it "includes the JSON representation in the response body" do expect(subject.body).to eq "response" end end end end end end end