# coding: utf-8 module Engine2 class TypeInfo def initialize model @model = model @info = model.type_info end def define_field field, type info = @info[field] raise E2Error.new("Field '#{field}' already defined in model '#{@model}'") if info && info[:type] unless info @info[field] = info = {dummy: true} @model.dummies << field end info.merge!({ name: field, type: type, validations: {} }) yield info end def modify_field field info = @info[field] raise E2Error.new("No field '#{field}' defined for model '#{@model}'") unless info yield info end def depends_on what, *on modify_field what do |info| (info[:depends] ||= []).concat(on) end end def null_value field, value modify_field field do |info| info[:null_value] = value end end def any_field field define_field field, :any do |info| end end def string_field field, length define_field field, :string do |info| info[:length] = length info[:validations][:string_length] = true end end def blob_field field, length define_field field, :blob do |info| info[:length] = length end end def integer_field field define_field field, :integer do |info| info[:validations][:integer] = true end end def date_field field, format, model_format define_field field, :date do |info| info[:format] = format info[:model_format] = model_format info[:validations][:date] = true end end def time_field field, format, model_format define_field field, :time do |info| info[:format] = format info[:model_format] = model_format info[:validations][:time] = true end end def datetime_field field, date_format, time_format, date_model_format, time_model_format define_field field, :datetime do |info| info[:date_format] = date_format info[:time_format] = time_format info[:date_model_format] = date_model_format info[:time_model_format] = time_model_format info[:validations][:datetime] = true end end def decimal_field field, size, scale define_field field, :decimal do |info| info[:validations][:decimal] = { scale: scale, size: size, regexp: (scale && size) ? /^\d{,#{size - scale}}(?:\.\d{,#{scale}})?$/ : nil } end end def text_field field define_field field, :text do |info| end end def decimal_date field, format = LOCS[:default_date_format], model_format = "yyyyMMdd" modify_field field do |info| info[:type] = :decimal_date info[:format] = format info[:model_format] = model_format info[:validations][:decimal_date] = true end end def decimal_time field, format = LOCS[:default_time_format], model_format = "HHmmss", model_regexp = /^(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/ modify_field field do |info| info[:type] = :decimal_time info[:format] = format info[:model_format] = model_format info[:model_regexp] = model_regexp info[:validations][:decimal_time] = true end end def default field, value modify_field field do |info| info[:default] = value end end def required field, message = LOCS[:field_required], &blk modify_field field do |info| raise E2Error.new("Required condition already provided for field #{field} in model #{@model}") if blk && info[:required] && info[:required][:if] info[:required] = {message: message} info[:required][:if] = blk if blk end end def optional field modify_field field do |info| info.delete(:required) info[:optional] = true end end def optionals *fields fields.each{|f|optional f} end def dont_strip field modify_field field do |info| info[:dont_strip] = true end end def primary_key field modify_field field do |info| info[:primary_key] = true end end def fix_decimal field, size, scale modify_field field do |info| info[:validations][:decimal] = { scale: scale, size: size, regexp: /^\d{,#{size - scale}}(?:\.\d{,#{scale}})?$/ } end end # def validation field, name, opts = true # modify_field field do |info| # info[:validations][name] = opts # end # end def unique field, *with depends_on(field, *with) modify_field field do |info| info[:transaction] = true info[:validations][:unique] = {with: with} end end def email field, message = LOCS[:invalid_email_format] modify_field field do |info| info[:type] = :email end format field, /\w+\@\w+\.\w+/, message end def password field modify_field field do |info| info[:type] = :password end end def file_store_field field, multiple = true, table = :files, store = {} # string_field field, 1000 any_field field modify_field field do |info| info[:type] = :file_store info[:multiple] = multiple info[:table] = table info[:store] = store info[:store][:upload] ||= "#{APP_LOCATION}/store/upload" info[:store][:files] ||= "#{APP_LOCATION}/store/files" info[:transaction] = true end end def format field, pattern, message = LOCS[:invalid_format] modify_field field do |info| info[:validations][:format] = {pattern: pattern, message: message} end end def date_range from, to depends_on(from, to) modify_field from do |info| # info[:type] = :date_range info[:other_date] = to info[:validations][:date_range] = true end end def date_time date, time depends_on(date, time) modify_field date do |info| info[:other_time] = time info[:validations][:date_time] = true end end def boolean field, true_value = 1, false_value = 0 modify_field field do |info| info[:type] = :boolean info[:true_value] = true_value info[:false_value] = false_value info[:validations][:boolean] = true end end def currency field modify_field field do |info| info[:type] = :currency info[:validations][:currency] = true end end def blob_store_field name, name_field, mime_field optional name define_field :"#{name}_blob", :blob_store do |info| info[:bytes_field] = name info[:name_field] = name_field info[:mime_field] = mime_field info[:transaction] = true end end def foreign_blob_store_field assoc_name, name, name_field, mime_field assoc = @model.association_reflections[assoc_name] raise E2Error.new("Association '#{assoc_name}' not found for model '#{@model}'") unless assoc raise E2Error.new("Association '#{assoc_name}' in model '#{@mode}' is not of type many_to_one") unless assoc[:type] == :many_to_one define_field :"#{assoc[:key]}_blob", :foreign_blob_store do |info| info[:assoc_name] = assoc_name info[:bytes_field] = name info[:name_field] = name_field info[:mime_field] = mime_field info[:transaction] = true end end def many_to_one_field assoc_name assoc = @model.association_reflections[assoc_name] raise E2Error.new("Association '#{assoc_name}' not found for model '#{@model}'") unless assoc raise E2Error.new("Association '#{assoc_name}' in model '#{@mode}' is not of type many_to_one") unless assoc[:type] == :many_to_one keys = assoc[:keys] modify_field keys.first do |info| info[:type] = :many_to_one info[:keys] = keys info[:assoc_name] = assoc_name end end def star_to_many_field assoc_name assoc = @model.association_reflections[assoc_name] raise E2Error.new("Association '#{assoc_name}' not found for model '#{@model}'") unless assoc raise E2Error.new("Association '#{assoc_name}' in model '#{@model}' is not of type *_to_many") unless [:one_to_many, :many_to_many].include?(assoc[:type]) define_field assoc_name, :string do |info| info[:type] = :star_to_many_field info[:keys] = assoc[:keys] info[:assoc_name] = assoc_name info[:transaction] = true # ? end end def list_select name, list modify_field name do |info| info[:type] = :list_select info[:list] = case list when Hash # list.map{|k, v| {id: k, value: v}} list.to_a else raise E2Error.new("type not supported for list_select modifier for field #{name}") end info[:validations][:list_select] = true end end def decode name, dinfo = {form: {scaffold: true}, search: {scaffold: true}} modify_field name do |info| raise E2Error.new("Field type of #{name} needs to be :many_to_one") unless info[:type] == :many_to_one dec = info[:decode] ||= {} dec[:search].clear if dinfo[:search] && dec[:search] dec[:form].clear if dinfo[:form] && dec[:form] info[:decode].rmerge!(dinfo) end end def validate name, validation_name = nil, &blk raise E2Error.new("Local validation '#{validation_name}' in model '#{@model}' conflicts with builtin validation") if validation_name && Validations[validation_name] modify_field name do |info| info[:validations][validation_name || :"#{@model.table_name}_#{name}_#{info[:validations].size}"] = {lambda: blk} end end def sequence name, seq_name modify_field name do |info| info[:sequence] = seq_name end end end end