module Resource def self.install_helpers File.expand_path( end def self.install(content, name, software_dir = Path.setup('software'), &block) software_dir ||= Path.setup('software') software_dir = software_dir.find(:user) if Path === software_dir content = block if block_given? preamble = <<-EOF #!/bin/bash SOFTWARE_DIR="#{software_dir}" INSTALL_HELPER_FILE="#{install_helpers}" source "$INSTALL_HELPER_FILE" EOF content = if Proc === content name = content[:name] if Hash === content && content.include?(:name) content = if content =~ /git:|\.git$/ {:git => content} else {:src => content} end if String === content and Open.remote?(content) script_text = case content when nil raise "No way to install #{name}" when Path when String if Path.is_filename?(content) and Open.exists?(content) else content end when Hash name = content[:name] || name git = content[:git] src = content[:src] url = content[:url] jar = content[:jar] extra = content[:extra] commands = content[:commands] if git <<-EOF name='#{name}' url='#{git}' install_git "$name" "$url" #{extra} #{commands} EOF elsif src <<-EOF name='#{name}' url='#{src}' install_src "$name" "$url" #{extra} #{commands} EOF elsif jar <<-EOF name='#{name}' url='#{jar}' install_jar "$name" "$url" #{extra} #{commands} EOF else <<-EOF name='#{name}' url='#{url}' #{commands} EOF end end script = preamble + "\n" + script_text Log.debug "Installing software #{name} into #{software_dir} with script:\n" << script CMD.cmd_log('bash', :in => script) Resource.set_software_env(software_dir) end def self.set_software_env(software_dir = Path.setup('software')) software_dir.opt.find_all.collect{|d| d.annotate(File.dirname(d)) }.reverse.each do |software_dir| next unless software_dir.exists? Log.medium "Preparing software env at #{software_dir}" software_dir = File.expand_path(software_dir) opt_dir = File.join(software_dir, 'opt') bin_dir = File.join(opt_dir, 'bin') Misc.env_add 'PATH', bin_dir FileUtils.mkdir_p opt_dir unless File.exist? opt_dir %w(.ld-paths .c-paths .pkgconfig-paths .aclocal-paths .java-classpaths).each do |file| filename = File.join(opt_dir, file) begin FileUtils.touch filename unless File.exist? filename rescue Log.warn("Could not touch #{ filename }") end end opt_dir, '.c-paths').split(/\n/).each do |line| dir = line.chomp dir = File.join(opt_dir, dir) unless dir[0] == "/" Misc.env_add('CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH',dir) Misc.env_add('C_INCLUDE_PATH',dir) end if File.exist? File.join(opt_dir, '.c-paths') opt_dir, '.ld-paths').split(/\n/).each do |line| dir = line.chomp dir = File.join(opt_dir, dir) unless dir[0] == "/" Misc.env_add('LIBRARY_PATH',dir) Misc.env_add('LD_LIBRARY_PATH',dir) Misc.env_add('LD_RUN_PATH',dir) end if File.exist? File.join(opt_dir, '.ld-paths') opt_dir, '.pkgconfig-paths').split(/\n/).each do |line| dir = line.chomp dir = File.join(opt_dir, dir) unless dir[0] == "/" Misc.env_add('PKG_CONFIG_PATH',dir) end if File.exist? File.join(opt_dir, '.pkgconfig-paths') opt_dir, '.aclocal-paths').split(/\n/).each do |line| dir = line.chomp dir = File.join(opt_dir, dir) unless dir[0] == "/" Misc.env_add('ACLOCAL_FLAGS', "-I #{dir}", ' ') end if File.exist? File.join(opt_dir, '.aclocal-paths') opt_dir, '.java-classpaths').split(/\n/).each do |line| dir = line.chomp dir = File.join(opt_dir, dir) unless dir[0] == "/" Misc.env_add('CLASSPATH', "#{dir}") end if File.exist? File.join(opt_dir, '.java-classpaths') Dir.glob(File.join opt_dir, 'jars', '*.jar').each do |file| Misc.env_add('CLASSPATH', "#{file}") end if File.exist?(File.join(opt_dir, '.post_install')) and, '.post_install')) Dir.glob(File.join(opt_dir, '.post_install','*')).each do |file| # Load exports"\n").each do |line| next unless line =~ /^\s*export\s+([^=]+)=(.*)/ var = $1.strip value = $2.strip value.sub!(/^['"]/,'') value.sub!(/['"]$/,'') value.gsub!(/\$[a-z_0-9]+/i){|var| ENV[var[1..-1]] } Log.debug "Set variable export from .post_install: #{Log.fingerprint [var,value]*"="}" ENV[var] = value end end end end end self.set_software_env end