require "thor" require "zeusd" class ZeusdCLI < Thor class_option :verbose, :type => :boolean, :aliases => :v class_option :block, :type => :boolean, :aliases => :b class_option :cwd, :type => :string desc "start", "Start the daemon." def start daemon.start!(:block => options[:block]) end desc "restart", "Restart the daemon." def restart daemon.restart!(:block => options[:block]) end desc "stop", "Stop the daemon." def stop daemon.stop! end desc "tail", "Tail the daemon's log." method_option :follow, :type => :boolean, :aliases => :f def tail cmd = "tail#{options[:follow] ? ' -f' : ''} -n 25 #{daemon.log_file.to_path}" puts "\n\n[Zeusd] exec(#{cmd})\n\n" exec(cmd) end protected def daemon => options[:verbose], :cwd => options[:cwd]) end end ZeusdCLI.start(ARGV)