# encoding: utf-8 describe Attestor::Policy do let(:factory) { Attestor::Policy::Factory } let(:validator) { Attestor::Validations } let(:invalid) { Attestor::InvalidError.new subject, [] } let(:others) { 2.times { double } } let(:test_class) { Class.new.send(:include, described_class) } before { Test = test_class } after { Object.send :remove_const, :Test } subject { test_class.new } describe ".included" do it "is a factory" do expect(test_class).to be_kind_of factory end end # describe .included describe ".new" do subject { described_class.new(:foo) } it "builds the struct" do expect(subject.new(:baz)).to be_kind_of Struct end it "adds given attributes" do expect(subject.new(:baz).foo).to eq :baz end it "builds the policy" do expect(subject.new(:baz)).to be_kind_of described_class end it "yields the block in class scope" do subject = described_class.new(:foo) { attr_reader :bar } expect(subject.new(:baz)).to respond_to :bar end end # describe .new describe ".included" do it "creates a validator" do expect(subject).to be_kind_of validator end end # describe .new describe "#and" do it "calls .and class factory method with self" do expect(test_class).to receive(:and).with(subject, *others) subject.and(*others) end end # describe #and describe "#or" do it "calls .or class factory method with self" do expect(test_class).to receive(:or).with(subject, *others) subject.or(*others) end end # describe #or describe "#xor" do it "calls .xor class factory method with self" do expect(test_class).to receive(:xor).with(subject, *others) subject.xor(*others) end end # describe #xor describe "#not" do it "calls .not class factory method with self" do expect(test_class).to receive(:not).with(subject) subject.not end end # describe #not end # describe Attestor::Policy