# Portions of this code were copied and modified from Ruby on Rails, released # under the MIT license, copyright (c) 2005-2009 David Heinemeier Hansson module Braintree module Xml CONTENT_ROOT = "__content__" module Parser XML_PARSING = { "datetime" => Proc.new { |time| ::Time.parse(time).utc }, "integer" => Proc.new { |integer| integer.to_i }, "boolean" => Proc.new { |boolean| %w(1 true).include?(boolean.strip) }, } def self.hash_from_xml(xml, parser = _determine_parser) standardized_hash_structure = parser.parse(xml) transformed_xml = _transform_xml(standardized_hash_structure) Util.symbolize_keys(transformed_xml) end def self._determine_parser # If LibXML is not available, we fall back to REXML # This allows us to be compatible with JRuby, which LibXML does not support if defined?(::LibXML::XML) && ::LibXML::XML.respond_to?(:default_keep_blanks=) ::Braintree::Xml::Libxml else ::Braintree::Xml::Rexml end end # Transform into standard Ruby types and convert all keys to snake_case instead of dash-case def self._transform_xml(value) case value.class.to_s when "Hash" if value["type"] == "array" child_key, entries = value.detect { |k,_v| k != "type" } # child_key is throwaway if entries.nil? || ((c = value[CONTENT_ROOT]) && c.strip.empty?) [] else case entries.class.to_s # something weird with classes not matching here. maybe singleton methods breaking is_a? when "Array" entries.collect { |v| _transform_xml(v) } when "Hash" [_transform_xml(entries)] else raise "can't typecast #{entries.inspect}" end end elsif value.has_key?(CONTENT_ROOT) content = value[CONTENT_ROOT] if (parser = XML_PARSING[value["type"]]) XML_PARSING[value["type"]].call(content) else content end elsif value["type"] == "string" && value["nil"] != "true" "" elsif value == {} "" elsif value.nil? || value["nil"] == "true" nil # If the type is the only element which makes it then # this still makes the value nil, except if type is # a XML node(where type['value'] is a Hash) elsif value["type"] && value.size == 1 && !value["type"].is_a?(::Hash) raise "is this needed?" nil else xml_value = value.inject({}) do |h,(k,v)| h[k.to_s.tr("-", "_")] = _transform_xml(v) # convert dashes to underscores in keys h end xml_value end when "Array" value.map! { |i| _transform_xml(i) } case value.length when 0 then nil when 1 then value.first else value end when "String" value else raise "can't transform #{value.class.name} - #{value.inspect}" end end end end end