var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } (function ($, Vel) { 'use strict'; var _defaults = { displayLength: Infinity, inDuration: 300, outDuration: 375, className: undefined, completeCallback: undefined, activationPercent: 0.8 }; var Toast = function () { function Toast(message, displayLength, className, completeCallback) { _classCallCheck(this, Toast); if (!message) { return; } /** * Options for the toast * @member Toast#options */ this.options = { displayLength: displayLength, className: className, completeCallback: completeCallback }; this.options = $.extend({}, Toast.defaults, this.options); this.message = message; /** * Describes current pan state toast * @type {Boolean} */ this.panning = false; /** * Time remaining until toast is removed */ this.timeRemaining = this.options.displayLength; if (Toast._toasts.length === 0) { Toast._createContainer(); } // Create new toast Toast._toasts.push(this); var toastElement = this.createToast(); toastElement.M_Toast = this; this.el = toastElement; this._animateIn(); this.setTimer(); } _createClass(Toast, [{ key: 'createToast', /** * Create toast and append it to toast container */ value: function createToast() { var toast = document.createElement('div'); toast.classList.add('toast'); // Add custom classes onto toast if (this.options.className) { var classes = this.options.className.split(' '); var i = void 0, count = void 0; for (i = 0, count = classes.length; i < count; i++) { toast.classList.add(classes[i]); } } // Set content if (typeof HTMLElement === 'object' ? this.message instanceof HTMLElement : this.message && typeof this.message === 'object' && this.message !== null && this.message.nodeType === 1 && typeof this.message.nodeName === 'string') { toast.appendChild(this.message); // Check if it is jQuery object } else if (this.message instanceof jQuery) { $(toast).append(this.message); // Insert as text; } else { toast.innerHTML = this.message; } // Append toasft Toast._container.appendChild(toast); return toast; } /** * Animate in toast */ }, { key: '_animateIn', value: function _animateIn() { // Animate toast in Vel(this.el, { top: 0, opacity: 1 }, { duration: 300, easing: 'easeOutCubic', queue: false }); } /** * Create setInterval which automatically removes toast when timeRemaining >= 0 * has been reached */ }, { key: 'setTimer', value: function setTimer() { var _this = this; if (this.timeRemaining !== Infinity) { this.counterInterval = setInterval(function () { // If toast is not being dragged, decrease its time remaining if (!_this.panning) { _this.timeRemaining -= 20; } // Animate toast out if (_this.timeRemaining <= 0) { _this.remove(); } }, 20); } } /** * Dismiss toast with animation */ }, { key: 'remove', value: function remove() { var _this2 = this; window.clearInterval(this.counterInterval); var activationDistance = this.el.offsetWidth * this.options.activationPercent; if (this.wasSwiped) { = 'transform .05s, opacity .05s'; = 'translateX(' + activationDistance + 'px)'; = 0; } Vel(this.el, { opacity: 0, marginTop: '-40px' }, { duration: this.options.outDuration, easing: 'easeOutExpo', queue: false, complete: function () { // Call the optional callback if (typeof _this2.options.completeCallback === 'function') { _this2.options.completeCallback(); } // Remove toast from DOM _this2.el.parentNode.removeChild(_this2.el); Toast._toasts.splice(Toast._toasts.indexOf(_this2), 1); if (Toast._toasts.length === 0) { Toast._removeContainer(); } } }); } }], [{ key: '_createContainer', /** * Append toast container and add event handlers */ value: function _createContainer() { var container = document.createElement('div'); container.setAttribute('id', 'toast-container'); // Add event handler container.addEventListener('touchstart', Toast._onDragStart); container.addEventListener('touchmove', Toast._onDragMove); container.addEventListener('touchend', Toast._onDragEnd); container.addEventListener('mousedown', Toast._onDragStart); document.addEventListener('mousemove', Toast._onDragMove); document.addEventListener('mouseup', Toast._onDragEnd); document.body.appendChild(container); Toast._container = container; } /** * Remove toast container and event handlers */ }, { key: '_removeContainer', value: function _removeContainer() { // Add event handler document.removeEventListener('mousemove', Toast._onDragMove); document.removeEventListener('mouseup', Toast._onDragEnd); Toast._container.parentNode.removeChild(Toast._container); Toast._container = null; } /** * Begin drag handler * @param {Event} e */ }, { key: '_onDragStart', value: function _onDragStart(e) { if ( && $('.toast').length) { var $toast = $('.toast'); var toast = $toast[0].M_Toast; toast.panning = true; Toast._draggedToast = toast; toast.el.classList.add('panning'); = null; toast.startingXPos = Toast._xPos(e); toast.time =; toast.xPos = Toast._xPos(e); } } /** * Drag move handler * @param {Event} e */ }, { key: '_onDragMove', value: function _onDragMove(e) { if (!!Toast._draggedToast) { e.preventDefault(); var toast = Toast._draggedToast; toast.deltaX = Math.abs(toast.xPos - Toast._xPos(e)); toast.xPos = Toast._xPos(e); toast.velocityX = toast.deltaX / ( - toast.time); toast.time =; var totalDeltaX = toast.xPos - toast.startingXPos; var activationDistance = toast.el.offsetWidth * toast.options.activationPercent; = 'translateX(' + totalDeltaX + 'px)'; = 1 - Math.abs(totalDeltaX / activationDistance); } } /** * End drag handler * @param {Event} e */ }, { key: '_onDragEnd', value: function _onDragEnd(e) { if (!!Toast._draggedToast) { var toast = Toast._draggedToast; toast.panning = false; toast.el.classList.remove('panning'); var totalDeltaX = toast.xPos - toast.startingXPos; var activationDistance = toast.el.offsetWidth * toast.options.activationPercent; var shouldBeDismissed = Math.abs(totalDeltaX) > activationDistance || toast.velocityX > 1; // Remove toast if (shouldBeDismissed) { toast.wasSwiped = true; toast.remove(); // Animate toast back to original position } else { = 'transform .2s, opacity .2s'; = null; = null; } Toast._draggedToast = null; } } /** * Get x position of mouse or touch event * @param {Event} e */ }, { key: '_xPos', value: function _xPos(e) { if (e.targetTouches && e.targetTouches.length >= 1) { return e.targetTouches[0].clientX; } // mouse event return e.clientX; } /** * Remove all toasts */ }, { key: 'removeAll', value: function removeAll() { for (var toastIndex in Toast._toasts) { Toast._toasts[toastIndex].remove(); } } }, { key: 'defaults', get: function () { return _defaults; } }]); return Toast; }(); /** * @static * @memberof Toast * @type {Array.} */ Toast._toasts = []; /** * @static * @memberof Toast */ Toast._container = null; /** * @static * @memberof Toast * @type {Toast} */ Toast._draggedToast = null; window.Materialize.Toast = Toast; window.Materialize.toast = function (message, displayLength, className, completeCallback) { return new Toast(message, displayLength, className, completeCallback); }; })(jQuery, Materialize.Vel);